2017秋人教版高中英语选修7《Unit5 Traveling abroad》word单元检测

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1、BookBook 7 7 UnitUnit 5 5 TravellingTravelling abroadabroad第二部分:第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 4545 分)分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Are you going to attend the academic lecture to-morrow? _. I might have to pick my uncle up at the airport.A. No problem B. It

2、 all depends C. No way D. It sounds great22. I think if you want Sara to make _ apology to your brother, it is out of _ question she is so stubborn. A. an; 不填 B. an; the C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填23. The doctor strongly recommended that Mr. Bush _ on at once.A. operated B. was operated C. be operated D. o

3、perate 24. It is more than 200 years _ the draft of the Declaration of Independence was made in 1776.A. since B. before C. when D. while25. It was the first time Mary _ such a big opening ceremony.A. has attended B. attended C. had attended D. should attend26. Larry cannot escape from bein g punishe

4、d, because we have _ proof of his guilt.A. absurd B. academic C. awful D. abundant27. Today Bob contradicted Ms. Li, our math teacher, in class, _ made her angry with him.A. that B. which C. what D. who28. Julia, why did you leave halfway last night? Because I had little to share with the other weal

5、thy guests; I didnt _ them.A. fit in with B. put up withC. agree with D. meet with29. A study found keeping the mind _ with tasks, no matter how meaningless, prevents negative emotions.A. having occupied B. having been occupiedC. occupied D. being occupied30. Jim will do a great job since he has got

6、 all the right _.A. routines B. qualifications C. donations D. targets31. Our family moved again last year, not long after my body _ to changes in temperature.A. had adjusted B. had been adjusted C. has adjusted D. has been adjusted32. Young George refused to acknowledge _ he had done hurt his paren

7、ts feelings. A. which B. what C. that D. who 33. Linda _ her tired mother by putting her feet in hot water.A. governed B. abandoned C. required D. comforted34. Are you tired of doing the same work day in and day out? Yes. I must say that never before _ that way.A. I felt B. I have felt C. did I feel

8、 D. have I felt35. Please be seated, young lady. _, what did you work as? Well, in fact I just graduated from Northwest University last month.A. Above all B. First of all C. After all D. All in all第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day a crane stoo

9、d on the bank of a pool with a sad look on his face. A crab (蟹) noticed the bird and asked: “The pool is full of 36 . Why do you stand there as if you have 37 the thought of eating?” “I am 38 ,” said the crane. “Because I heard the fishermen say they will pick up every fish in the pool tomorrow. I s

10、hall have nothing to 39 when that happens. I am now prepared to die of 40 .”The fishes in the pool heard what the crane said, and they said to each other in 41 , “Since he and we have a 42 enemy, perhaps the wise crane can advise us what to do.” So they asked the crane how they may 43 themselves. “T

11、here is only one 44 ,” said the crane. “You must get to another pool 45 it is too late. I know a pool nearby. Let me carry you there.”The fishes 46 among themselves and said: “Since we cant save ourselves, we must 47 with the crane.” They agreed to let the crane 48 them to the pool. The 49 crane too

12、k the fishes to a spot nearby, where he ate them. He returned for more, 50 that all the others were safe in another pool.Finally all the fishes were 51 , and the crab said: “Sir, take me also to that pool, for I 52 to be with the fishes.” The crane carried him to the spot where he had eaten the fish

13、es. When the crab saw the 53 on the ground, he thought to himself: “I am cheated! Yet when the wise are 54 , they will die fighting instead of giving up, even if there is no 55 of saving them-selves.” Then the crab fastened his claws upon the cranes throat and tore at it until the crane died.36. A.

14、weed B. shells C. sand D. fishes37. A. learned about B. spoken outC. brought back D. given up38. A. confusedB. carelessC. sad D. surprised39. A. deal withB. live on C. take up D. find out40. A. violence B. coldnessC. hungerD. illness41. A. sorrow B. order C. relief D. return42. A. common B. new C. s

15、pecial D. smart43. A. enjoy B. save C. improve D. change44. A. fisherman B. way C. friend D. problem45. A. before B. if C. unless D. though46. A. complainedB. arguedC. explainedD. discussed47. A. play B. compareC. meet D. cooperate48. A. transportB. invite C. followD. introduce49. A. helpful B. greedy C. curious


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