2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(第1课时)word教案

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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(第1课时)word教案_第1页
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《2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(第1课时)word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 2《Let’s play sports》(第1课时)word教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UnitUnit 2 2 LetsLets playplay sports!sports!WelcomeWelcome toto thethe unit2. talk about their favourite sports;3. know the importance of sports.II.II. TeachingTeaching contentscontents1. New words and phrases: walking, really, bowl, time, tennis, volleyball, enjoy, go swimming2. New structures: Do

2、 you often play football?I often play football after school.What about you?I walk to my bowl many times a day.III.III. FocusFocus ofof thethe lessonlesson andand predictedpredicted areaarea ofof difficultydifficulty1. Talk about their favourite sports with their partners;2. Give a report on their gr

3、oupmates favourite sports.IV.IV. TeachingTeaching proceduresproceduresWelcome to the unitStep 1 Lead-inStep 2 Presentation1. Show the names of the sports. 2. Finish Part A.T: Friendlies love sports, so do the students at Sunshine Middle School. Lets look at the pictures in Part A on Page 19. Do you

4、know what sports they like? (Ask four students to check answers and then read together.) 3. Pair work.4. Learn the dialogue. Step 3 ActivityGroup work: a report on your groupmates favourite sports.T: Everyone has his or her favourite sports. Would you please work in groups of four and talk about you

5、r favourite sports. There should be a reporter in each group to give us a report at the end of the discussion. Here is a sample for you. Ask three groups to give their report.My groupmates are A likes He/She plays/goes every week/twice a week. Bs favourite sports is He/She likes/loves C enjoys He/Sh

6、e I love We all love sports. 【设计意图:由于前面已经做了大量的语言铺垫,包括运动名称和时间频率的表达,学生可以在这一环节有话可说,流畅地进行语言输出,锻炼他们的口语表达能力,并展现人人爱运动的情感价值。 】Comic stripStep 1 Presentation1. Watch and answer.T: So we all love sports. What about our friends Eddie and Hobo? Do they love sports? Look, whats in Hobos hand? He has a football i

7、n his hand. I think he likes football very much. Do you think so? Then what about Eddie? What is his favourite sports? Now lets watch the video and answer the questions.(1) A: What is Eddies favourite sports?B: He likes walking.(2) A: Does Eddie really like walking? B: No, he doesnt. He likes eating

8、. So he walks to his bowl many times a day.2. Read after the tapes.3. Listen, read and answer.T: Now lets read after the tape sentence by sentence, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. While reading, please think about the questions.4. Read in roles and act it out.5. Fill in the blanks

9、.Eddie says he l_ sports because he likes w_. He tells Hobo that he walks to his b_ many times a day. In fact, he doesnt r_ like sports at all. He just likes e_ food.【设计意图:用 Hobo 拿足球的图片作为导入,让学生猜测 Hobo 和 Eddie 最喜爱的运动,引发学生兴趣。接下来通过观看视频和跟读录音分别回答一个问题的形式,帮助学生充分理解漫画内容,第一题的答案在前两幅漫画中,后一题的答案在后两幅漫画中。然后通过分角色朗读,

10、为表演做铺垫。最后设计了一个由漫画改编的短文,帮助学生巩固重点词汇。】Step 2 ConclusionT: Boys and girls, sports are good for our health. We should love sports and we will be healthy and happy. I hope you can enjoy sports and enjoy life. Thank you.【设计意图:从书本学习延伸到学生的生活,对他们的生活态度进行一定的引领。 】V.V. HomeworkHomework1. Recite Comic strip and Welcome to the unit part B;2. Write a report on your favourite sports.【教学反思教学反思】


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