2017牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 6《Sunshine for all》word导学案2

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1、SunshineSunshine forfor allall教学目标教学目标1.To understand the differences between “Its + adj. +to-infini tive“, “Its + adj.+ for.+to-infinitive“ 2.and “Its + adj. +of.+to-infinitive“ . 3.To use these sentence structures to make sentences.重点重点To understand the differences between “Its + adj. +to-infiniti

2、ve“, “Its + adj.+ for.+to-infinitive“ and “Its + adj. +of.+to-infinitive“ .难点To understand the differences between“Its + adj. +to-infinitive“, “Its + adj.+ for.+ to-infinitive“ and “Its + adj. +of.+to- infinitive“ . 教教 学学 内内 容容个案调整个案调整教师主导活动教师主导活动学生主学生主 体活动体活动教学过程StepStep 1 1 PresentationPresentatio

3、nIts kind of you to do something for people who need help.你能为需要帮助的人做些事情真的很善良。We can use It is + adjective + of. + to-infinitive to express what we think of someones actions. It is adjectiveofsomeoneto-infinitivekindthese volunteersto work in their spare time.It isbraveofhimto take part in the compet

4、ition.该句型中的形容词描述的是人的特征、品质等。如:brave, careless, clever, foolish, generous, good, helpful, honest, kind, nice, polite, silly, stupid, wrong。Present the table on Page 86.Check the answers.It is careless of the boy to leave the tap running.It is bad of the girl to pick flowers in the park.It is wrong of

5、the people to drop litter everywhere.It is kind of the young man to donate blood to people in need.It is not right of the man to smoke in public places.StepStep 2 2 LanguageLanguage pointspoints教教 学学 内内 容容个案调整个案调整教师主导活动教师主导活动学生主体活动学生主体活动教学过程1. donate . to . 捐给donate money to charities给慈善机构捐钱donate b

6、lood to people in need给有需要的人献血2. experience 经验,经历表示经验时是不可数名词,表示经历时是可数名词。e.g. The greatest teacher is experience. 经验是最好的老师。Please tell us your experiences in America.请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。3. have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦e.g. Do you have trouble in learning English? 你在英语上有困难吗? Step3Step3 SummarySummary1

7、. We use It is + adjective + to-infinitive to express what we think about something.2. We can add for someone to specify who we are talking about.3. We can use It is + adjective + of. + to-infinitive to express what we think of someones actions.StepStep 4 4 H HomeworkomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook.板书设计教学札记



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