2017春冀教版英语七下Unit 1《Lesson 3 A Visit to Xi’an》word导学案

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1、 LessonLesson 3 3 A A VisitVisit toto XianXian第一阶段预学案 目标导航 学习目标 掌握本课单词 hit, ancient, drum, ring, bell,enjoy,dish,tour,guide,pit, move, sign 及短语 climb up, No photos!的意思及用法。 【重点难点】 1).重点:学习介绍名胜古迹的单词、短语和句型。 2).难点:介绍名胜古迹的准确表达。 自主预习检测找出短语和重点句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。1.短语 climb up_ have a lot of fun_ take photos_ loo

2、k at._ 2.句子(1) They are over 2000 years old!_ _(2) Xian has a long history._ (3) Look at the sign,“No photos!”_ 第二阶段教学案预习反馈用所给词填空Hit enjoy ring move ancient1. Who will go and the bell frist?2. Please you desk beside the window,Tom.3. Jeff ran too fast and his head on the tree.4. Its a nice day today

3、.Lets go to the beach and the sun there.5. Some cities have walls around them. 精讲点拨 1.hit v.击;击中(1) You can hit the ancient drum in the Drum Tower. 你可以在鼓楼击打古代的鼓。(2) Danny hit him on the nose. 丹尼打了他的鼻子。 (3) She was so angry that she hit him in the face. 她很生气,所以她打了他的脸。思考:1)由以上例句可知 hit 的过去式同原形一样,仍为_。尝试

4、写出它的过去分词_。2)由例句(2)和例句(3)可知“打某人某一部位”应用_。3)由例句(2) (3)可知比较硬的部位用介词_,比较软的部位用介词_。2.look at 看 (1)Look at the sign,“No photos!”看这个牌子, “禁止拍照!” (2)What can you see in the tree?你在树上能看见什么?思考:1)look 是不及物动词,如后面接宾语时,需用_,强调_。 2)关于 look 你还知道那些短语,请写在下面的横线上。_ 3) see 是及物动词,后面直接加_,强调_;常用于下列短语中, 如:看电影_,看医生_。重难点句子1.You wi

5、ll have a lot of fun here in this ancient city! =You will have a good time here in this ancient city!=You will enjoy yourselves here in this ancient city! 思考:1)以上例句使用了什么时态?构成形式是什么?_2) 你能尝试翻译上面的例句吗?请写在下面:_3) 观察例句可以看出 have(a lot of)fun 的两个同义短语分别是_和 enjoy_。 2.(1)No photos!禁止拍照!(2)No noise!禁止大声喧哗! (3)No

6、 smoking!禁止吸烟!(4)No parking!禁止停车! 思考:1)以上例句属于什么句式?_2) 哪些例句使用了“no+名词”形式?_3) 例句(3)和例句(4)使用了什么形式?_4) 以上例句通常是用于_场所的提示语,表示_之意。 达标测评 一用所给词的适当形式填空1.Many people dont enjoy _(live) in big cities. 2.I want to sit on one of the _(horse)! 3. The drum is over 1,300_(year) old. 4.Beijing _(have) a long history. 5

7、.We can have a lot of_(fun) in Beijing.第三阶段检测案 一用方框中的单词或短语填空。1. Please_your desk between Li Leis and Wang Hongs. 2. Ill go to Xian and _ the drum in the Drum Tower this summer. 3. They _ reading storybooks. 4. You cant take photos here.Please look at the sign,“_!” 5. Xian is an _ city. 6. Dont _ the tree.Its dangerous.hit, ancient, ring, bell,enjoy,dish, guide, move, climb up, no photos


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