2017春冀教版英语九下Unit 9《Lesson 51 What Could Be Wrong》word教学设计

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1、Lesson 51: What Could Be Wrong? 保定第十七中学保定第十七中学 贾顺红贾顺红 TitleLesson 51: What Could Be Wrong? Knowledge 1. To learn words and expressions about giving suggestions.Ability 1. To learn about how to solve the problems between friends.Teaching aimsEmotion To realize the importance of friendship and the way

2、s of solving the problems between friends. Project Content Aims Step1: Lead-in and warm up Brainstorming: 1. Do you have any problems between you and your friends?2. If you have a problem with a friend, what do you usually do?Motivate the Ss and learn about some new words and expressions.Teaching pr

3、oceduresStep2: Reading 1. Fast-reading (1). What has happened to the Lost Girl? (2). What are Sues suggestions if a friend wants to end the friendship?2.Read the lesson again and tick the advice Sue gave to the Lost Girl. (1)Say sorry if you hurt your friend.(2)Give your friend some time to cool dow

4、n.(3)Clearly express how you feel.(4)Write to your friend and ask whats wrong.(5)Talk to your friend directly as soon as possible.(6)You can still be friendly even if you are not friends. (7) Be aware of your body language.Get to know more about the content and key information about the lesson. Stud

5、ents can understand better through reading.Step3: Practice1. Discussion. If you were Sue, what are your suggestions to the lost girl?Encourage the students to show their own ideas.2. Team work. (1)Say sorry if you hurt your friend.(2)Give your friend some time to cool down. (3)Write to your friend a

6、nd ask whats wrong.(4)Talk to your friend directly as soon as possible.(5)You can still be friendly even if you are not friends. 3. Guess. After receiving Sues e-mail, what would the lost girl do?4. Listen to the reply from the Lost Girl and fill in the blanks. Dear Sue, Thanks for your advice. I ha

7、ve _ all those things. I wrote her a letter and told her I wouldnt want to Summarize the expressions about how to give suggestions.Practice talking about how to solve the problems between friends.Listening will make the students know the lost girls solutions to lose her as a friend. I asked her what

8、 was wrong. She wrote back to me after she _. There was a _. She was hurt because I didnt go back home with her on Wednesday as we had planned. She _ me, but I didnt answer her. I had forgotten that! After I _ it was all my fault, I went to her and said sorry. We are now friends again. Im very happy

9、.the problem.Step4:Progress DOCTOR SUE SAYS! Work in groups. Write about a problem between two friends on a piece of paper. Collect all the papers in the class. Shuffle the papers. Each group draws a piece of paper.Read the problem in your group and write some advice to that person.Emotion promotion

10、.Make students learn to help others solve the problem between friends.Home- work1)Write an e-mail to the person who has something wrong with his/her friend to give him/her some good suggestions. 2)Write a story about how you make up with your friend. (Choose one between the two.)Board Design Lesson 51: What Could Be Wrong? Solutions to solve the problems between friends: (1)Say sorry if you hurt your friend.(2)Give your friend some time to cool down. (3)Write to your friend and ask whats wrong.


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