2017人教新目标英语八下unit3《Could you please clean your room》学案

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1、Unit3Unit3 CouldCould youyou pleaseplease cleanclean youryour room?room?PartPart one.one. NewNew phrasesphrases inin unit3unit3 一、必记单词rubbish n.垃圾;废弃物rb sweep v. 扫;打扫swip throw v.扔;掷r neither adv.也不ni pass v.给;递;走过;通过ps borrow v.借;借用 br lend v.借给;借出lend while conj.在期间;当时候wal waste n.浪费;滥用west provid

2、e v.提供;供应prvad depend v.依靠;信赖dpend develop v.发展;壮大dvelp二、常考短语take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 all the time 频繁;反复 in order to 目的是;为了 depend on 依靠;信赖 take care of 照料;爱护 come over 过来;顺便来访 in surprise 惊讶地 hang out 闲逛;溜达三、经典句型-Could you please sweep the floor? 请你扫一下地好吗?-Yes, sure.好的,当然可以。-Could I use your comput

3、er? 我能用一下你的电脑吗?-Sorry. Im going to work it now. 对不起。我现在要用它工作。PartPart two.two. GrammarGrammar focus.focus. 情态动词 could 的用法 语法全解: 在本单元中,情态动词 could 用于有礼貌地提出要求或请求准许,用于疑问句,代替 can,在时间上与 can 没有区别,但语气要比 can 委婉、有礼貌。回答时要用 can,不能用 could。除此以外,肯定回答还可以用 Sure./Certainly./Yes, sure./No problem./With pleasure.等;否定回答

4、还可以用 Im afraid not.等。 -Could you please lend me your dictionary?你把你的词典借给我,好吗? -Yes, sure. 好的,当然可以。-Could I have your driving license? -Yes, here you are.-Could you please water the flowers? -No problem. -Could I use your phone? -No, you cant. Im waiting for an important call. 拓展:could 的其它用法 1. could

5、 为 can 的过去式,表示能力Could the girl read before she went to school? 这个女孩上学前能识字吗? He said that he couldnt come. 他说他不能来了。 She could swim at the age of seven. 她七岁时就会游泳。 2. 表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度,主要用于否定句和疑问句,此时 could 与 can 无时 间上区别,但语气比 can 缓和,情绪要弱。He couldnt/cant be over fifty. 他不可能超过五十岁。 Who could/can have taken it

6、? 谁会把它拿走了呢? 3. 表示可能性,指对将来、现在或过去某种可能的推测。My wife is in hospitalour baby could arrive at any time.我妻子住院了我们 的宝宝随时都可能出生。 This book could be Mikes. He likes reading science books.这本书可能是迈克 的,他喜欢看科学书籍。 The windows are open. He could have come back.窗户是开着的。他可能回来过。 4. 用于虚拟语气句。How I wish I could go with you! 我多

7、么希望能和你一起去呀! 语法专练:1. -Could you please sweep the floor?-_. I am busy babysitting my sister. A. Sorry, you cant B. Yes, sure C. Yes, I can D. Sorry, I cant 2. -My recorder is broken. Could I use yours?-_, but you have to return it tomorrow. A. Im not sure B. No problem C. Im sorry D. I hope so 3. - Co

8、uld you please pass me the book? - _. A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldnt C. Sure. Here you are D. No, thats no problem 4. The talented boy _ write lyrics(歌词) when he was at the age of ten.A. may B. could C. must 5. -Could I borrow your camera?- _ , but please give it back by Saturday. A. I am sorry B.

9、 Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks 6. -_ I try on those shoes in the window?- _. They are just on show. A. Could; Yes, you can B. Can; Sorry, you couldnt C. Could; Sorry, you cant D. Can; Yes, you could PartPart three.three. PracticePractice 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. - Sandy, could you please take out the r_ ?- No problem. 2. I like to sweep the floor but I h_ to do the dishes. 3. Dont trouble me w_ Im working. 4. I get up at six oclock in o_ to get to school on time. 5. May I b_ your pen? Mine is broken.



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