2017人教新目标版英语七上Unit 5《Do you have a soccer ball》Period 4(Section B 2a-SelfCheck)word教案

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《2017人教新目标版英语七上Unit 5《Do you have a soccer ball》Period 4(Section B 2a-SelfCheck)word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017人教新目标版英语七上Unit 5《Do you have a soccer ball》Period 4(Section B 2a-SelfCheck)word教案(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、PeriodPeriod 4 4 SectionSection B B 2a2aSelfSelf CheckCheck.教学准备教学准备1教师:制作表格、多媒体课件。2学生:准备好自编的对话,对课文进行预习,找出不懂的地方。.教学目标教学目标1让学生学会运用所学语言项目谈论自己的日常娱乐活动。2通过合作学习,启发学生的思维,培养其合作意识。培养同学之间和睦相处、互相帮助、团结友爱的精神,让学生更加热爱体育活动并培养一种适合自己的体育爱好。3学习本课的知识点:(1)词汇:same,love,with,sport,them,only,like,easy,after,class,classmate(

2、2)句型:I dont have a soccer ball,but my brother Alan does.We go to the same school and we love soccer.I dont play themI only watch them on TV!Its easy for me.After class,I play pingpong with my classmates.4学会使用所学目标语言描述自己及同伴的体育收藏及爱好。.教学重点教学重点(1)词汇:same,love,with,sport,them,only,like,easy,after,class,cl

3、assmate(2)句型:I dont have a soccer ball,but my brother Alan does.We go to the same school and we love soccer.I dont play themI only watch them on TV!Its easy for me.After class,I play pingpong with my classmates.教学难点教学难点1养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握适当的阅读策略。2运用所学内容写出自己及同伴的体育爱好及收藏,适当的使用连词表示顺序和逻辑关系。.教学步骤教学步骤StepStep 1

4、1:GreetingsGreetings andand talkingtalking1师生问好。2自由交际:建议 1:教师与学生交际训练。教师可以创设一个情景与学生讨论活动方式,运用所学语言进行问答练习。建议 2:学生之间进行交际训练。让学生利用所学过的语言项目来谈论活动安排。StepStep 2 2:RevisionRevision建议 1:通过师生问答,复习上一课时所学的语言项目:建议教师利用多媒体呈现一个任务表格,然后向学生询问一些与上一课时所学语言项目有关的问题。play pingpong ballboringplay baseballdifficultplay computer ga

5、mesinterestingplay soccer ballrelaxingplay tennisfunwatch TVboring建议 2:通过分角色互读家庭作业复习上一课时所学的语言项目。让学生两人一组读上一课时的家庭作业,这样既可以检查学生家庭作业的完成情况,又可以训练学生读的能力。StepStep 3 3:LeadinLeadin建议 1:教师通过交谈了解学生体育用品的拥有情况,然后让学生从本单元找出有关运动的词汇,并填在 2a 中对应的栏目里。For example:T:Do you like playing sports?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you

6、 have a soccer ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:.建议 2:教师可以先谈论一下自己对体育活动的爱好,自己拥有哪些体育用品,然后再询问学生的情况。For example:T:I like playing sports.Do you like playing sports?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:I often run in the morning.I often play tennis.Do you have a tennis ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you have a soccer bal

7、l?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.StepStep 4 4:ReadRead thethe surveysurvey resultsresults andand answeranswer thethe questionquestion教师让学生速读问题,然后让学生带着这个问题来阅读 2b 中校刊的调查结果,并回答问题。For example:T:Do you like playing sports?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you have a soccer ball?S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Here are the surve

8、y results in a school magazine.Read and answer the question:Who has a soccer ball?(学生快速阅读文章并回答问题,培养学生速读的习惯,纠正阅读时心里一个字一个字地默读,阅读时小声地读出来,阅读时脑袋随着视线左右摆动,或用手或笔尖逐行指着所读的字,阅读时常常返回去重读等坏习惯。)S:Alan and Gina.学生再读文章,回答问题。建议 1:教师让学生先读 2c 部分的六个问题,然后让学生带着这六个问题来阅读调查结果,并回答这六个问题。(因为必须在短时间内完成大量的阅读,因而很可能没有时间对每一篇文章都细读。因此,

9、可以采取以下策略:首先,略读文章后的问题,弄清每个问题的要求;然后,带着问题略读全文,读到涉及问题的相关信息,做下记号。读完一遍后,对文章的主旨就有所把握,有些简单的问题就能直接选出正确答案,而对那些不能迅速得出答案的问题,可以再回到文中的相关区域进行细读,通过推理分析,作出判断。)T:Alan and Gina have soccer balls,right?Who do you think says these sentences?Please read the six sentences before you read.(The students read the following s

10、ix sentences.)1I play pingpong with my classmates after class.2I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.3My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.4I only watch sports on TV.5Soccer is not easy for me.6My brother and I are in the same school.(After about 5 minutes the teacher asks the

11、 students to answer.)T:I play pingpong with my classmates after class.Ss:Wang Wei.T:I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.Ss:Gina.T:My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.Ss:Frank.T:I only watch sports on TV.Ss:Gina.T:Soccer is not easy for me.Ss:Wang Wei.T:My brother and I are

12、in the same school.Ss:Frank.建议 2:把 2c 部分设计成听短文回答问题。先把 2c 部分的六个句子以课件的形式呈现给学生,让学生合上课本听 2b 部分的材料,然后回答问题,目的是训练和提高学生的听力能力。1.I play pingpong with my classmates after class. 2.I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs. 3.My brother has a soccer ball but I dont. 4.I only watch sports on TV.

13、5.Soccer is not easy for me. 6.My brother and I are in the same school.For example:T:Look at the flash card.There are six sentences.Please listen to the recording.Who do you think says these sentences?(After listening to the recording.)T:Let check the answers.I play pingpong with my classmates after

14、 class.S:Wang Wei.T:I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseballs.S:Gina.T:My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.S:Frank.T:I only watch sports on TV.S:Gina.T:Soccer is not easy for me.S:Wang Wei.T:My brother and I are in the same school.S:Frank.StepStep 5 5:MakeMake informationinformat

15、ion cardscards建议让学生阅读 2b 部分的材料,然后制作相关的信息卡片。Name:Frank Brown Soccer ball:dont have Love:soccer Activity:We play it at school with our friends. Description:relaxingName:Gina Smith Soccer ball:have Collection:two soccer balls,three volleyballs,four basketballs,five baseballs and bats Love:sports Activi

16、ty:I dont play themI only watch them on TV!Name:Wang Wei Soccer ball:dont have Collection:three pingpong balls and two pingpong bats Like:pingpong Activity:After class,I play pingpong with my classmates.StepStep 6 6:TaskTask建议教师让学生先总结文章中出现了哪些体育用品,然后让学生再写出几个询问体育用品的问题。T:How many pieces of sports equipment have we talked about in 2b?Ss:Seven.Soccerball,volleyball,basketball,baseball,baseball bat,ping


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