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1、非计件员工月度绩效工资发放实施细则(试行)非计件员工月度绩效工资发放实施细则(试行) 为充分调动员工的工作积极性,鼓励员工追求优异业绩,根据调整后的员工工资结构,特制定本实施细则。 一、享受月绩效奖金的范围:一、享受月绩效奖金的范围: 烟台来福士海洋工程有限公司、 烟台莱佛士船业有限公司、 海阳来福士海洋工程装备制造有限公司的在册在岗员工,有以下情形之一的除外: 1 员工劳动合同或劳动协议中约定其他工资形式的,无绩效工资; 2 员工在实习期间、待岗期间、内退期间按规定无绩效工资; 3 员工在考核月度有因违纪受到行政处分的,取消当月绩效工资; 4 员工在考核月度内离职,视为放弃业绩考核,无当月绩

2、效工资; 5 员工在缺勤期间不享受月绩效奖金。 二、 考核期:考核期:自然月 三、 员工月度绩效评估等级及奖金系数三、 员工月度绩效评估等级及奖金系数 各部门按照员工月绩效强行排序,按 A、B、C、D 四档对员工进行分类,在本实施细则试行期间绩效工资系数为: 员工分类 A 类 B 类 C 类 D 类 业绩情况 业绩佳 业绩基本达标不理想、业绩待改进 人员比例 10% =65% 25% 绩效工资系数 1 且1.3 =1 0.8 且1 0.8 个别员工当月绩效工资系数大于 1.3 以上或者小于 0.5 及以下的,需要报批人力资源总监同意,书面材料说明报人力资源部备案。 (说明:各部门在评定奖金系数

3、时,各系数间的差距为 5%) 四、计算分配四、计算分配 人力资源部根据执委会对各部门的月绩效评估结果(部门绩效工资系数)和各部门对员工的绩效评估结果(个人绩效工资系数),按照员工工作日的出勤小时统一计算员工月绩效工资并发放。 其中: 1员工有部门变动的(含借调员工) ,由出勤时间超过 1/2 工作日的部门考核并按其部门绩效工资系数计发; 2部门经理的绩效工资按照所管辖部门的绩效工资系数计发,管理两个或以上部门的经理,其个人绩效工资系数按照管辖部门的孰高原则确定绩效工资系数计发。 3培训期间的月绩效工资发放参照培训期间参训学员工资计发办法 。 4退休人员退休当月按实际出勤计发绩效工资。 五、月绩

4、效工资发放:五、月绩效工资发放:按月发放。 六、实施日期:六、实施日期:本细则自 2010 年 1 月 1 日正式实施。 七、七、本实施细则解释权归人力资源部。 人力资源部 2009 年 12 月 4 日 Implementation Measures of Performance Salary Distribution for Employees on Non Piece-Rate (Trial) To motivate the employees, encourage good attendance and performance, this implementation measure

5、is formulated according to the revised salary structure. A. Applicability This measure is applicable to all eligible employees in Yantai Raffles Offshore Ltd, Yantai Raffles Shipyard Co., Ltd and Haiyang Raffles Offshore Equipment Co., Ltd. Employees shall not paid monthly performance salary under a

6、ny of the following circumstances, a. Employees with no performance salary stipulated in contract or agreement; b. Employees during the internship, period of waiting for job or internal retirement; c. Employees given administrative punishments due to violation of disciplines during the assessment pe

7、riod; d. Resignation Employees during the assessment period; e. Employees during the absence from work. B. Assessment Period Natural month C. Performance Assessment Grade and Coefficient All departments shall divide their employees into 4 grades A, B, C, D, and the coefficients shall be following du

8、ring the trial period for this implementation measure, Grade A B C D Performance Status Good performanceMeet the requirementsNeed improvement Proportion 10% =65% 25% Coefficient 1and1.3=1 0.8 and1 0.8 The performance coefficient for employees exceeded 1.3 and above or lower than 0.5 and below in the

9、 current month shall be submitted to HR Director for approval and documents in writing shall be submitted to Human Resource Department for records. (Remarks: When coefficients assessment, the discrepancy among the coefficients shall be 5%.) D. Calculation and Distribution Human Resource Department s

10、hall calculate and distribute employee performance salary according to the department monthly performance assessment results (department coefficient) by the Executive Committee, employees performance grades and salary coefficient, as well as normal attendance hours in working days, among which, a. T

11、ransferred employees (including temporarily transferred employees) shall be assessed and distributed performance salary by the department served for exceeding half of the working days according to its department coefficient; b. The performance salary for the department manager shall be distributed a

12、ccording to its department coefficient, and for the department manager, supervising two and above departments, shall be distributed according to the department with higher coefficient; c. The performance salary for employees during training shall be distributed referring to the Measures of Salary Di

13、stribution for Trainees during Training. d. The performance salary for retired employee shall be distributed according to the attendance record. E. Payment: Monthly F. Effective Date: This implementation measure is effective form January 1st, 2010. G. The final explanation rights belong to Human Resource Department. Human Resource Department 4 December, 2009



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