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1、 - 本套试题共分 17 页,当前页是第 1 页- 2011 年年 1 月月 57.这一解决方式的弊端在于它已不再广泛适用。 58.当这个富足的国家没有孩子饿着肚子上床时,我可能会乐于回去教书。 59.美国人做的比看电视更多的事情只有工作和睡觉。 60.那种认为艺术应该与政治脱钩的观点本身就是一种政治态度。 61.鱼露出水面,闪动着身子在线的另一端挣扎。他紧紧地将鱼攥在手里,把鱼钩从嘴里取出来。 62.瓦茨那里有抱负又有远见的年轻人谈论的是走出去创业。他们正是那样做的。有才能的年轻人成 群结队地离开瓦茨。他们共同拥有的一个本领就是逃离这个贫民窟。 57. The drawback of suc

2、h solution is that its not widely applied any more. 58. When therere no children going to bed while being hungry in this rich country, I may be willing to go back to teach school. 59. What the Americans do more than watch TV are only work and sleep. 60. The kind of opinion which thinks that art shou

3、ld separate from politics is a kind of political attitude itself. 61. The fish came out of the water, flashing and struggling on the end of the line, and he grasped it firmly in his hand to take the hook from its mouth. 62. The talk among the ambitious and future-minded youth in Watts was on getting

4、 out so that careers could begin . And they did just that . The talented young people left Watts in droves . The one skill they had in common was the ability to escape the ghetto . 2010 年年 10 月月 57心情好时,我可以谱写出恢弘的交响乐,绘制出壮丽的画卷。 58这家事务所还强烈反对离婚、追求女色以及酗酒。 59五个月前她得到杰利在战场上失踪的消息。 60如果你一辈子都拒绝吊在眼前的诱饵,那就根本算不上活着

5、了。 61大概 17 岁到 24 岁期间,我试图摈弃这个念头,但这样做的同时我清楚这违背了我的本性,我知 道自己迟早都要安定下来写作。 62我认为,这几十年里报纸已经成为一种习惯,而不是一种功能。报纸已享有太长时间的特权,任 何变化都会让人们难以接受。实际上,我不知道近 20 年里还有哪种媒体的变化像日报那样小。反对 变化就是停止发展,进而使报纸失去作用。 - 本套试题共分 17 页,当前页是第 2 页- - 本套试题共分 17 页,当前页是第 3 页- 2010 年年 1 月月 71一些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答,很能说明你在想什么,社会在想什么,换句话说,可以 说明你和社会的态度。 7

6、230 年代的大难题刚刚得到初步控制,新的问题又出现了前所未有的富裕社会和种族平等问 题。 73丈大让她独自来到墨西哥就证明了这一点,此次墨西哥之行的目的就是让她找回自己,重新站起 来,医治好创伤回到他的身边。 74我们的调查表明没有一家公司能够靠试图面面俱到、满足所有人的需求而成功。 75 这些事实使美国任何一家餐馆或者是距离蔬菜供应地几小时路程以外的城市居民都不可 能有像样的新鲜蔬菜。 76美国梦给老人这样的期望,只要他们一生努力工作,一切终会好的。今天的老人在成长过程中受 到的教育是信奉自尊、自立、自主。很多都是能在逆境中生存下来的坚强而果断的人。但即使是 坚强的人也会有需要得到帮助的时

7、候。 71.Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinkingin other words, about where you and your society are. 72.As the big problem of the thirties were brought under some kind of rough control, new rolems took thei

8、r placethe unprecedented problems of an affluent society and of racial justice. 73.Evidence of that was her husbands letting her come down alone;the trip to Mexico was for her to find herself, get back on her feet, retum to him healed. 74.Our research shows that no company can succeed today by tying

9、 to be all things to all people. 75.That set of facts makes it impossible, of course, for any American restaurantor,indeed, any city dweller separated from supply by more than a few hoursto have decent fresh vegetables. 76.The American dream promisd older people that if they worked hard enough all t

10、heir lives;things would tum out well for them.Todays elderly were brought up to believe in pride,self -reliance and independence.Many are tough,determined individuals who manage to survive against adversity.But even the tough ones reach a point where help should be available to them. 2009,10 VII. Tr

11、anslate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (18 points, 2 points each for 71-75, 8 points for 76) 71不幸的是,我们地球上高尚的野蛮人和未被玷污的地方越来越少,除了北极和南极,边疆地区已无处可觅。 72美国唯一没有受到经济萧条影响的产业就是美容业。 73在消费者中有组织的浪费是我们工业繁荣的先决条件。消费者将买来的东西越快扔 掉并购买新的,对生产者就越好。 - 本套试题共分 17 页,当前页是第 4

12、页- 74这一切至关重要且相互关联的因素共同决定一个人晚年生活的质量。 75对于这些产品领导者,竞争的不是价格或顾客服务(尽管那些不容忽视),而是产品的性能。 76读写能力可能算不上一项不可剥夺的人权,但我们极有学问的开国元勋们并不觉得 它不合理,甚至达不到。从统计数字看,我们不仅没有在全国范围内达到人人都能读写的目标,而目离达到这个目标越来越远。尽管我不会简单到认为电视是造成这一局面的直接原因,我却相信它起了一定作用,是一个影响因素。 65、Suggested points:(1)your view;there is(not)innate ability;(2)your reason(s);

13、(3)a natural conclusion. 66、Our planet, unfortunately, is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes ;except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. 67、The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beauty industry. 68、Organized waste among consumers

14、 is the first condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer. 69、All of these are crucial and interconnected elements which together determine the quality of late life. 70、For these in, product leaders company, often is not price or customer service though those cant be ignored),its about product performance, 71、Literacy may not be an inalienable human right,


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