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1、学号芽?0如009分-号i BQ35密磁Z Z: :旰 W W: , ,1 1蔽迎川师范大学 释.士:岸:难截,文,.“李.慕yy、”:嘛游鄉tyftyf措导_. -iMMMm 职絲救:輕 专业名称:為克思至义哲fC .紐究方向:行政tfM与哲学: 授于学t t日期“六月分析阐述了在网络经济时代,政府在面对危机的时候如何对媒体和公众进行危 机公关。网络经济时代取代工业经济时代的过程,也正是工业时代的政府(即传统 政府)向信息时代的政府(即现代政府)演变的时期。现代意义上的政府面临 着职能上的转变,即由管制型转向服务型,从政府规模上来讲,进一步缩小政 府规模是大势所趋。然而网络经济条件下的各种突

2、发事件导致的各种类型的危 机又进一步加大了政府的压力。因此,合理利用网络经济的便利条件改变政府 应对危机的传统模式才更加具有现实意义。关键词:网络经济危机政府危机公关The Research On The Government Crisis RR. Under The Internet Economy CircumstanceMjor: Marxist philosophy Postgraduate: U LeiTbtor: Cheng SijinAfter coming into the 21st century, China entered a new economic era -Inte

3、rnet Economy. Internet Economy, the most modem economic form, a new ;phenomenon in the mformation-internetized time, is by the special carrier of internet, which is now playing a more and more important role for the human-beings everyday-life. It is quite different from the traditional forms, i.e. a

4、gricultural or industrial economy; it is new sustainable development type of economy, based on digital-lech, kemeled by innovation, driven by new technique. It is a newly-developed, digitalized and direct economy. By the structure shift from the traditional economy, the traditional social structure

5、is and will continue to be, transforming sharply, which is accompanied by the interest and power re-distribute. It is forming several precarious factors, which leads to increase the possibility of happening of gusty public issues. Therefore, in the background of Internet Economy, how to undeistand t

6、he social crisis and how to deal with the common-relation coming with these gusty public issues, is becoming an important subject facing China. Transformation of The government crisis PR from an abnormal to a normal state.In the first part of this paper, it discusses the definition of the co-relativ

7、e notions in the Govenunent Public Relations under Internet Economy, through the theoretic research, elucidates the philosophy origination of the government crisis PR, gives the explanation of the forming of crisis for the govenunent in terms ofRisk-society. It concludes that the key point is govern

8、ment public image; accordingly, the ultimate aim is to re-build the image. Then the paper focuses on positive and negative impacts on government manipulation posed by Internet Economy, it points out that on the one band, the Internet Economy is a transfonnation for the traditional economy, the comin

9、g of which brings some new opportunities for the government functional re-building, accelerates process of modernization of The government management; On the other hand, it also brings some new challenge for the government, ie. the possibility of rapid replication and limitless extension of all vari

10、ety of crises. In the third section of the paper, it argues how to manipulate the crisis common relation technically for the government in Internet Economy. Via some case study, it analyzes some improper methods in manipulating the crisis, and puts forwards principals and key points. In the end, it

11、is concentrated manipulating common relations on media and public. The process of Internet Economy replacing the Industrial Economy is also the evolving process from government in the Industrial Economy (i.e. traditional government) to government in the Internet Economy (i.e. modern government). As

12、the modem government is under function transformation, namely, from controlling-type into service-type, to scale of government is inevitable. However, under the Internet Economy condition, crises of all variety leading by various gusty public issues add more pressure on goveimnent. Hence, Taking mos

13、t advantage of the IE so as to transform the traditional mode of manipulating crisis of the government, is more valuable.Keywords: Internet Economy Crisis The Government Crisis P.R. 四川师范大学学位论文独创性及使用授权声明本人声明:所呈交学位论文,是本人在导师程思进指导下,独立进行 研究I作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他 个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献

14、的个 人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承诺:已提交的学位论文电子版与论文纸本的内容一致。如因不符而 引起的学术声誉上的损失由本人自负。本人同意所撰写学位论文的使用授权遵照学校的管理规定:学校作为申请学位的条件之一,学位论文著作权拥有者须授权所在大学拥 有学位论文的部分使用权,即:1)己获学位的研究生必须按学校规定提交印刷 版和电子版学位论文,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行 检索;2)为教学和科研目的,学校可以将公开的学位论文或解密后的学位论文 作为资料在图书馆、资料室等场所或在校园网上供校内师生阅读、浏览。论文作者签名知)年V月曰前 言无可否认的是,如今我们已经进入了

15、一个薪新的时代一网络经济时代。 作为历史上最有力量、最全球化、最具革命性的沟通媒介,互联网永久地改变 了包括公共关系在内的各个领域。在网络经济时代,人们通过纵横交错的互动 式信息网络来实现信息的交流和共享,不管是生活方式还是交往方式都发生了 革命性的变化。随着网络技术的提高,互联网亦成为政府公共关系活动的新舞 台。发达国家以及港澳台地E的政府早已把公共关系作为必不可少的行政管理 职能,将之视为政府与公民和其它组织进行双向沟通和理解的重要渠道,高度 重视互联网在政府解决公共危机和树立形象方面的作用,而在我国,相关的工 作才刚刚起步-由于我国政府正处于职能转型过程之中,行政范围过宽,导致 政府承担

16、了更多的危机风险,如工业污染等因企业行为不当造成的社会问题发 生,如因经营不善造成企业破产导致社会问题,如因车祸海损甚至医疗事故导 致社会问题。这些在国外是由保险等社会保障体系支撑的问题,或是由法律诉 讼解决的问题,在我国却很可能由政府承担,这大大增加了我国各级政府危机 发生的机率。而高科技构筑的现代网络平台,使得信息的传播速度异常迅速, 公众对突发事件的反应和互动亦非常及时。这又使得在网络经济环境下,危机 的表现形式及政府的危机公关模式亦与传统经济环境下有差异。网络经济条件 下的政府危机公关成功与否很大程度上取决于对信息沟通传递工作处理得是否 得当,面对变化了的环境,针对网络经济时代的特点,政府唯有灵活应对才能 顺利地处理危机,重塑政府在危机中受损的形象。进入 21 世纪以后,由于突发性公共事件频繁发生,政府如何借助危机公关 与公众相互沟通,相互支持处理好危机已经成为整个国际社会关注的议题。2002 年 10 月,中国国际公关协会学术工作委员会发布中国首批公关学术研究课题 时,将“突发事件处理与政府危机公关”排在了前列。综合国内外研


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