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《英文推荐信怎么写精选 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文推荐信怎么写精选 (7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 7英文推荐信怎么写英文推荐信怎么写Salutation如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如 Dear Dr. Smith, Dear Mr. Jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常 general,你在称呼的地方写 To whom it May Concern 或者不写称呼也可以。Paragraph 1推荐信的第一段应该说明你和被推荐人的关系,包括你是怎么认识他/她的,还有你写这封推荐信的资格。Paragraph 2推荐信的第二段应该包括被推荐人的个人信息,说明他/她的资格、能力,还有你为什么要为他/她

2、写推荐信。如果必要的话,可以分几段来描述细节。Paragraph 3如果是推荐被推荐人应聘某个职位,推荐信应该描述这个人的能力能适合他/她所要求的职位。可以参考招聘广告上对职位的要求和被推荐人的简历一起来写。Summary主要内容叙述清楚后,还应该加一个简短的总结。总结部分应该再简述一下你为什么要推荐这个人。可以写上 I highly recommend the person,I recommend the person without reservation 或者其他类似的话。精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 7Conclusion推荐信的结尾部分

3、应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,联系方式和 email address。最后,还要写上下面这一段:Sincerely,writers Name Title【第 1 篇】英文推荐信To whom It May Concern:Cheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman. As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic.

4、 I understand that Cheri is applying to the undergraduate program at your school. I would like to recommend her for admission.Cheri has outstanding organizational skills. She is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. As part of a semester proje

5、ct, she developed an 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 7innovative collaborative novel with her classmates. This book is now being considered for publication. Cheri not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and re

6、spected.I must also make note of Cheris exceptional academic performance. out of a class of 150 students, Cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. Her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus.If your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a

7、record of achievement, Cheri is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face.To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Cheri Jackson. If you have any further questions regarding Cheris ability or this recommenda

8、tion, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this letterhead.Sincerely,Professor william Dot精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 7【译文】敬启者:谢里杰克逊是一个非凡的年轻女子。由于她的 AP英语教授,我已经看到了她的才华许多例子和早已打动她的勤奋和职业道德。据我了解,谢里正在申请在学校的本科课程。我想建议她入院。谢里拥有优秀的组织能力。她能够成功地完成多个任务使用效果良好,尽管最后期限的压力。作为一个学期的项目的一

9、部分,她开发了一种创新的协作小说与她的同班同学。这本书现在正在考虑出版。谢里不仅是项目领导,她通过展示领导才能保证它的成功,她的同学们既钦佩和尊重。我还必须使谢里的卓越学术表现音符。列一类的 150名学生中,谢里以优异成绩毕业的前 10 名,她的高于平均水平的表现是她辛勤工作和强烈关注的直接结果。如果你的本科课程正在寻求卓越的候选人成功的记录,谢里是一个很好的选择。她一直表现上升到,她必须面对任何挑战的能力。最后,我想重申我对谢里杰克逊强烈推荐。如果您有任何关于谢里的能力或这一建议进一步的问题,请不要犹豫,使用这个信头中的信息与我联系。真诚的,精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程

10、指导写作 独家原创 5 / 7威廉教授点【第 2 篇】英文工作推荐信Dear Brown,It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four yearsstudy he has done a good job. Every year he got t

11、he first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excellent Graduate.He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if h

12、e can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company.Yours,wang Lin【译文】亲爱的布朗:我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 7明毕业于北京工业大学。他的专业是计算机软件。在四年的学习中,他的功课非常优秀。每年他都获得一等奖学金,而且他已经获得了优秀毕业生的称号。他是一个热情、积极上进、具有很大潜力的年轻人。他不仅学习快而且善于用逻辑解决难题。我相信如果他能进入你们公司工作,会给你们公司带来很多好处。我强力推荐他

13、到你们公司。您的朋友王林To whom It May Concern:John Smith has worked under my guidance and supervision as an accounting assistant from December 17, 2003, until November 22, 2006. His responsibilities include setting up new clients for review, writing brief summaries of their financial condition, and managing th

14、e secretarial staff. During his employment, John exemplified a hard worker and a talented asset to the staff.I was impressed by Johns efficiency, time management and writing skills. His quick understanding of the various tasks presented was comprehensive. Moreover, his concise and thought 精品文档2016 全

15、新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 7 / 7provoking writing skills allowed insightful views of clients and clear financial outlines.Your program of study sounds ideally suited to Johns academic goals. He will be coming to you with the proven groundwork necessary for success in pursuing an MBA. He will also bring his interest in accounting and healthcare. It is exciting to think of the many ways John will be able to contribute to other students and th



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