裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第60课

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《裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第60课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第60课(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 60:The future 卜算未来Does what Madam Bellinsky said come true?At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: A relation of yours is coming

2、to see you. She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. A woman you know well will rush towards you. She will speak to you and then she will lead you away from this place. That is all.As soon as I went outside, I

3、forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. Where have you been hiding? she asked impatiently. Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. We are late already. As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.New words and expre

4、ssions 生词和短语1. future fju:t n. 未来,前途 2. fair f n. 集市 3. fortune-teller f:tn,tel n. 算命人 4. crystal kristl n. 水晶 5. relation rilein n. 亲属 6. impatiently impeinli adv. 不耐烦地参考译文在一个乡村集市上,我决定去拜访一位称作别林斯夫人的算命人。我走进她的帐篷,她叫我坐下。我给了她 一些钱后,她便查看着一个水晶球说道:“您的一个亲戚就要来看您了。她将于今天傍晚到达,并准备住上几天。 您一走出这个帐篷,就会大吃一惊。一位您很熟悉的女人将向您

5、冲来。她会对您说点什么,然后带您离开这个地 方。就是这些。 ”我一走出帐篷,就把别林斯基夫人给算卦的事忘得一干二净了,因为我的妻子正匆匆向我跑来。 “你躲到哪儿 去了?”她不耐烦地问, “再有不到一个小时你姐姐就要到这儿了,我们得去车站接她。现在就已经晚了。 ”当她 走开时,我也跟着她出了集市。【生词讲解】1. future fju:t n. 未来,前途 1)n. 未来,将来,前途 eg. The future is always unknown to us.未来对我们都是不可知的 eg. What will be the future of our planet?我们星球的未来是什么样子的?

6、 provide for the future 为将来做准备 a young man with a future 有前途的年轻人 in future 今后,以后 in the future 在未来,在将来 2)adj. 未来的,将来的 ones future husband 未来的丈夫 a future generation 后代的人们2. fair f n. 集市1)n. 博览会,商展,展览会 a book fair 书展 an international trade fair 国际商展 2)集市(类似中国的庙会)=bazzar temple fair 庙会 a day after the

7、fair (口语)过迟,太晚 3)adj. 公平的,公正的(反义词 unfair) fair and square 光明正大地 eg. She is fair with her students.她对学生们一视同仁。 a fair price 公正的价格 4) adj. (头发)金发的,皮肤白皙的(反义词 dark) a blond 白肤金发碧眼的人 a fair complexion 白皙的肤色 eg. Scandinavian people are often fair.北欧人多是白肤金发。3. fortune-teller f:tn,tel n. 算命人fortune 1) n. 运气,

8、命运 by good fortune 幸好 by bad fortune 不幸 eg. Dont leave that to fortune!那件事不要光靠运气 Fortune 命运女神 have Fortune on ones side 福星高照 seek ones fortune 找出路,碰运气 2)财产,财富 come into a fortune 得到财产 make a fortune 发财 eg. That car must cost a fortune.那辆车一定花了大笔钱。 fortune hunter 以财产为目的而结婚的人,找富有的结婚对象的人 fortune-teller

9、(常指女性的)占卜者 fortunate adj. 幸运的 反:unfortunate adj. 不幸的 a fortunate man 一个幸运的人 eg. She is fortunate in having a good husband. 她有幸有个好丈夫。 eg. I am fortunate to have good health.我有幸有副好身板。 eg. It was fortunate that the passing ship saved him.幸运的是过往的船只救了他。4. crystal kristl n. 水晶as clear as crystal 如水晶般清澈透明的

10、a necklace of crystals 水晶项链 crystal clear 清晰的 crystal gazing 水晶球占卜术5. relation rilein n. 亲属1)关系,关联 the relation between crime and poverty 犯罪和贫穷的关系 the relation of religion to politics 宗教和政治的关系 break off relations with sb. 与绝交 create a relation with 与建立关系 further relations with/ promote relations wit

11、h 促进与的关系 normalize the relations with 使关系正常化 strengthen the relations with 加强与的关系 2)亲戚,亲属(=relative) ;血缘关系 eg. He is a near relation of mine.他是我的近亲。 eg. He is a distant relation of mine.他是我的远亲。 eg. Is he any relation to you?他是你的亲戚吗? relationship 关系,联系,人际关系 eg. There is a relationship between the moo

12、n and tides.月亮和海水的涨退有关系。 eg. She has a very good relationship with her students.她和学生们的关系很好。 the relationship between teachers and students. 师生关系6. impatiently impeinli adv. 不耐烦地patient 1) adj. 有耐心的,能忍受的;(反义词:impatient) eg. You should be more patient with others.你应该对他人多些耐心。 eg. He was patient of hard

13、ships.他能承受苦难。 be impatient with sb. 对人不耐烦 be impatient of sth. 对某事不耐烦 2)n. 病人 eg. The hospital has a lot of patients.这家医院有很多病人。 patiently adv. 有耐心地,能忍受地 反义词:impatiently【课文讲解】 1. At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. at a village fair(名词修饰名词)/ at a fair in the

14、 village 乡村集市(名词修饰名词) eg. We went to the fair in the village/ We went to the village fair.我们去了乡村集市。 eg. The dining room in our school is very large./Our school dining room is very large.我们学校的食堂非常大。eg. We stopped at a pub in the village/ We stopped at a village pub.我们在村里的酒馆停了下来。 eg. He told us a stor

15、y about ghost./ He told us a ghost story.他跟我们讲了个鬼故事。 eg. The leader of the party made a speech. /The party leader made a speech.这一党派的领导作了讲话。 eg. He sent me a card for Christmas. / He sent me a Christmas card.他送给我一张圣诞卡片。 eg. We are painting the gate in our garden./ We are painting the garden gate.我们在

16、刷花园的大门。 called Madam Bellinsky 过去分词作定语 call sb. + 名字 eg. They call me Henry. eg. My friends call me Jeff. call sb. (up) 给打电话2. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: A relation of yours is coming to see you. give her some money = give some money to her look into 注视的内部 look into a room 往房间里窥视 2)调查,检查=survey eg.


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