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1、重点单词1.permit _ me to lead the way,sir.(回归课本P18) Dogs are not permitted in the building. 不得携狗进入楼内。 We do not permit smoking in the office. 我们不允许在办公室里吸烟。 You should apply for a permit. 你应该申请许可证。,Permit,归纳总结permit _ 认可,允许;准许;批准;通行证;许可证;执照。permit后可接双宾语、动词-ing形式,也可接动词不定式的复合结构,即_;作“_”解时,用作不及物动词。permit sb.

2、sth.permit sb.to do sth. permit doing sth.允许做某事,v. & n.,permit sb.to do sth.,容许;许可;使某事物有可能性,permit of(常用于否定句)容许permission n.U允许,许可with/without ones permission获取某人同意/没有获得某人许可ask for permission请求允许即学即用(1)允许他同犯人谈话。 He _ talk to the prisoner.(2)如果天气好,我们将在树林里野餐。 Well have a picnic in the woods,_ _.,was p

3、ermitted to,weather,permitting,2.account The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,which _ for my appearance.(回归课本P18)观察思考 Give us an account of what happened. 告诉我们发生了什么事情。 I account myself not so well-paid as you said. 我自认为我的工资并没有你说的那么高。 The imported goods account forty perc

4、ent. 进口产品总共占40%。 I dont have a bank account.我没有银行账户。,accounts,归纳总结account _ _。balance accounts with与结清账目by/from all accounts根据大家所说in account with与有账务往来leave out of account不考虑make much/little account of重/轻视on account of因为,由于on all accounts无论如何on no account绝不;切莫take into account考虑;重视account for导致;做出解释

5、;(数量上,比例上)占,n.说明;理由;计算;账户;vt. & vi.认为;,说明;总计有,即学即用(1)北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。 North Sea oil _ a high part of our export earnings.(2)他的考试成绩不是很好,但我们必须考虑到他曾 长期生病。 His exam results were not very good,but we must _ his long illness.,accounts for,take into account,3.spot The next morning Id just about given mys

6、elf up for lost when I was _ by a ship.(回归课本P18)观察思考 They spotted a ship sailing on the sea. 他们发现一艘轮船在海上航行。 She spotted her friend in the crowd. 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。 She had spots on her face when she was ill. 当她生病的时候,她脸上有斑点。 There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city. 这座古城有许多可供参观的名胜。,spotted,归纳总结 s

7、pot _。on/upon the spot当场,立即;在现场put ones finger on sb.s weak spot指出某人(性格上)的弱点put sb.on the spot(故意)使某人处于难堪地位be spotted with sth.满是的斑点be in the spotlight受(媒体等的)关注,瞩目 即学即用(1)夜晚的天空繁星点点。 The night sky _ stars.(2)事故发生时我在场。 I was _ when the accident happened.,v.发现;认出;n.污点;斑点;地点,is spotted with,on the spot,

8、4.scene Act I,_ 3(回归课本P17)观察思考 Its a happy scene of children playing in the garden. 孩子们在花园里玩是快乐的场面。 Firefighters were on the scene immediately. 消防队员立刻赶到现场。 Act ,Scene 2 of “Macbeth”. 麦克佩斯第1幕第2场。,Scene,归纳总结scene _。on the scene在现场come on the scene出现;登场make the scene露面;到场易混辨异scene,scenery,sight,view(1)

9、scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。 (2)scenery指某地总的自然风光或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。,n.场面;现场;情景;布景;(戏剧)一场,(3)sight既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也可以指 名胜、风景,在表示“名胜、风景”时,用复数形式。(4)view常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色。还可表示“观点”。即学即用(1)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common _ in many parts of the city. A.look B.sign C

10、.sight D.appearance 解析 sight风景;look表情;sign迹象,现象; appearance出现,显露。,C,(2)The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle._ it was! A.What a dangerous scene B.What dangerous a scene C.How a dangerous scene D.How dangerous the scene 解析 本题考查感叹句的用法。scene场景;What a dangerous scene it

11、was!=How dangerous the scene was!,A,5.patience _,Mr.Adams.(回归课本P18)观察思考 She has no patience with her noisy neighbours. 她不能忍受吵闹的邻居们。 Im beginning to lose my patience with you. 我对你渐渐失去耐心了。 After 3 hours of waiting for the train,our patience was finally exhausted. 我们等了3个小时的火车后,再也没有耐心了。,Patience,归纳总结 pa

12、tience _。be out of patience with对耐不住have no/little patience with不能容忍with patience耐心地have patience with sb./sth.对某人/某事有耐心have patience for sth./to do sth.有做某事的毅力lose ones patience with sb./sth.失去对某人或某事的耐心,n.耐性,忍耐力;耐心,patient adj.耐心的patiently adv.(=with patience)耐心地be patient with sb./sth.对某人/某事有耐心be

13、patient of sth.能忍受某事;容许有某事 即学即用(1)我再也不能忍受你那些幼稚的问题了。 I cant _ your childish questions any more.(2)我已经完全失去了耐心。 I have _ completely.,be patient of,run out of patience,重点短语与句型6.bring up He was _ in Hannibal,Missouri, along the Mississippi River.(回归课本P17)观察思考 He left her to bring up three young children

14、on her own. 他留下她独自抚养3个年幼的孩子。 I shall bring up this question at the next meeting. 我将在下次会议上提出这个问题。 He was so sick that he brought up everything. 他病得很厉害,把所有的东西都吐出来了。,brought up,归纳总结bring up意为:_。bring about引起bring along把带来bring back归还bring down使倒下;降低;减少bring in带进来;赚得,有收入bring on使前进;使出现bring out取出;说出;阐明;出版,



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