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1、考研英语核心词汇速成胜经考研英语核心词汇速成胜经 Unit 37一、一、 真题文章(真题文章(1996年年 Text 2)With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporations news coverage, as well as listen to it.And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tunein to two BBC television c

2、hannels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of local radio station. They are brought sport , comedy, drama, music, news and current affairs , education , religion , parliamentary coverage, children s programs and films for an annual license fee of83 pounds per household.It is a remarkable r

3、ecord, stretchingback over 70 years-yet the BBC s future is now in doubt. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a nation-wide debatein Britain.The debate was launchedby

4、the Government , which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC-including ordinary listeners and viewers-to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the BBC s royal charterruns out in 1996 and it must deci

5、de whether to keep the organization as it is, or to make changes.Defenders of the Corporation-of whom there are many-are fond of quoting the American slogan “If it aint broke, dont fix it. “ The BBC “ain t broke“ , they say, by which they mean it is not broken (as distinctfrom the word broke , meani

6、ng having no money) , so why bother to change it?Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting world around it is changing. The commercialTV channels-ITV and Channel 4-were required by the Thatcher Governments Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for adve

7、rtisers, and cutting costs and jobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels-funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers subscriptions-which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term .二、二、 译文译文随着 BBC 全球电视网的开通,数以百万计的亚洲和美洲人现在可以收看和收听到 BBC 的新闻节目了。当然,英国的观众和听众可以收到两个 BBC 电视频道,五个

8、BBC 全国广播电台和几十个地方电台,每户每年交83英镑的收视费便可收看体育、喜剧、戏剧、音乐、新闻时事、教育、宗教、议会报道、儿童节目及电影。在过去的70年里,这是一项相当了不起的成绩,但是 BBC 的未来却前景不明。目前,BBC 公司还是由政府资助的,但是现在它的职能、它的规模和它的节目内容在英国上下引起了广泛的争议。这场争论是由政府引起的,政府邀请任何人包括普通的听众和观众对 BBC 发表意见,评论它的长处和短处,甚至人们是否认为 BBC 值得保留。政府之所以这麽做,是因为 BBC 和女皇签定的协约在1996年就要到期了,所以国家必须决定是否要对它做出调整,还是最好维持原状。公司的捍卫者

9、们这样的人有很多喜欢引用美国的广告口号:“如果没坏,就不要修。 ”而他们认为 BBC 还没有坏,那干吗这麽麻烦去改变它呢?但由于广播领域正在发生变化,BBC 也应改变自己,以适应新形势。撒切尔政府制定的广播法要求电视频道进一步商业化、搞广告竞争并削减开支与劳务。新卫星电视频道的开播将带来长远的巨变,这些频道部分资金来自广告收入,部分来自用户收视费。三、三、 考研核心词汇考研核心词汇corporation / / 7kC:pE5reiFEn7kC:pE5reiFEn / / n. 1律社团,法人,公司,企业, 有限公司, 2(市,镇的)自治机关例例 John works for a large

10、American chemical corporation.约翰为一家美国大化学公司工作。同义同义 business,company,enterprise,firm,industrycoverage / / 5kQvEridV5kQvEridV / / n. 覆盖例例 The coverageof the subject in his botany text is inadequate.他的植物学教科书中对那题目的叙述不充分。派生派生 cover / / 5kQvE5kQvE / / n. 盖子,封面,藉口 vt. 覆盖,铺,掩饰,保护,掩护,包括,包含,适用 vi. 覆盖,涂,代替tune

11、/ / tju:ntju:n / / n. 1曲调,调子2和谐,合调 vt. 1调音2调整3拨收,收听,知道或察觉他人所说的话或表现的情绪例例 When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake.当他开始吹奏曲调时,我们才第一次看到那条蛇。同义同义 harmony,melody,music,songdozen / / 5dQzn5dQzn / / n. 一打,十二个例例 There were dozensof people there. 那里有许多人。固定搭配固定搭配 sell by the dozendoze

12、n 整打出售;dozens of 许多的comedy / / 5kCmidi5kCmidi / / n. 喜剧,喜剧性的事情例例 The candidates campaign turned out to be a political comedy of errors.候选人的运动变成一场行为不正的政治喜剧反义反义 tragedy / / 5trAdVidi5trAdVidi / / n. 悲剧,惨案,悲惨,灾难religion / / ri5lidVEnri5lidVEn / / n. 宗教,信仰例例 Almost every country has some form of religio

13、n.几乎每个国家都有某种宗教信仰形式。派生派生 religionary / / ri5lidVEnEriri5lidVEnEri / / adj. 宗教的,涉及宗教的religionist / / rIlIdVEnIstrIlIdVEnIst / / n. 宗教家,宗教狂热者annual / / 5AnjuEl5AnjuEl / / n. 1一年生植物2年刊,年鉴 adj. 一年一次的,每年的,例例 Corn and beans are annuals . 玉米和豆类都是一年生植物。fee / / fi:fi: / / n. 费(会费、学费等),酬金例例 The doctors fee is

14、$100 per visit . 那医生的出诊费每次一百元。同义同义 charge, fare , tollhousehold / / 5haushEuld5haushEuld / / n.1一家人,家庭,家族2王室 adj.1家庭的,家族的,家属的2普通的,平常的例例 The whole household was / were up early. 全家人都起得很早。同义同义 brood , familystretch / / stretFstretF / / v. 伸展,伸长 n. 一段时间,一段路程,伸展例例 she stretchedherself out on the couch a

15、nd fell asleep.她伸躺在沙发椅上睡着了同义同义 distend,extend,spread,strain反义反义 shrink/ / FriNkFriNk / / v. 收缩, (使)皱缩,缩短fund / / fQndfQnd / / n. 资金,基金 v. 支助,投资例例 The work is funded by the government. 这项工程由政府提供基金。同义同义 assets,stock,supplydebate / / di5beitdi5beit / / v. 争论,辩论 n. 争论,辩论例例 The government is debating the education laws.政府正在就教育法进行辩论。同义同义 argue,discuss,dispute派生派生 debatable / / di5beitEbldi5beitEbl / / adj. 可争议的launch / / lC:ntF,lC:ntF, lB:ntFlB:ntF / / n. 1下水,汽艇,发射2发行,投放市场 vt.



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