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1、1垃圾处理汉英专业词汇垃圾处理汉英专业词汇A A安装工程Installing engineering按照According toB:B:布料皮带机Distributing B.C.变压设备Voltage regulator equipment 变电室 Voltage regulator room备注Remark 保证、使确信Assure保护Protection .保险Insurance inurans保险单Policy polisi n. (方针、策略)包括 Include 包装Pack pk板式运输机Slat conveyor slt n. 板条 . 帮助、援助Assistance n.表示

2、、显示Representation reprizentein n.C:C:处理Disposal dispozl n. ; dispose vt. (处理Treatment handle臭气Smell n. v. smel (bad smell); odor n.(气味)臭气度Odor intensity index intensiti n. 强度、激烈臭气浓度Odor concentration除臭Get ridding of bad smell除去Remove ; eliminate vt. 消除除尘器Dusts clearer dst dust remover除氧器Deaerator di

3、:eireit n.2抽引Draught dra:ft n.牵引、拉 ; vt. 起草、设计叉车Fork truck 厂内道路Road in yard 车间Workshop 仓库Storehouse ;warehouse n. ; vt. 入库 ; ware n.货物 (汽)车库Garage gra:z成套设备Complete sets of equipment 出现Appear pi vt.出现、外貌Appearance pirns n.出口Export 出口商品Exports 初步设计Preliminary design 扩大初步设计Expend P.D.磁选Magnetic separa

4、tion磁选机Magnetic separator粗料Coarse material储液罐Store liquid tank称重Weighting n.; weight n. 重量、荷载 ;gross毛重、net净重; vt. 称的重量称分量、过秤Weigh wei n. ; vt. 称的重量车间经费Workshop expense沉淀Precipitate prisipiteit v.沉降Sedimentation sedimentein n.澄清Clarification 橱余Garbage厂址选择Site selection产量Output n.铲式装载机Shovel loader vl

5、 n. 铲;铁锨除尘器、避雷器Arrestor rest(电)城镇环境卫生Cities and towns environmental sanitation槽Trough tro:f n. oil ; feed 进给槽(使)除去Rid rid vt. ; get (be) of 除去成就Achievement n.朝向、对于Toward prep.催化(作用)Catalysis ktlisis n ;. 3催化剂Catalyst ktlist n.衬里Lining lainig n.擦洗Scrub skrb vt. ; 使(气体)净化充分的Sufficient sfint a.除以外In ad

6、dition to ; addition n. 加、加法、附加常规的、传统的Conventional a.D定量给料机Smooth feeder定量 使定量Quantification n.; quantitative a.(定量的);fixed quantity;Quantity vt. 定额、定量Ration rn n.定额Quota kwout n.定量包装机Quantitative packing scale代式除尘器Bagtype collector电容、电容量Capacitance kpsitns n.电耗 消耗、消费Power consumption knsmpn n. Cons

7、ume knsju:m vt.大肠杆菌Colititer, colititre 单位成本Unit cost单独处理Treatment alone loun ad. a.斗提机Bucket elevator bkit elivit n. 升降机打包机Baler beil n. 大包 Baling press堆肥Compost n. (混合肥料)点燃Ignite ignait v. 吊车、起重机Crane krein n. ; bridge 桥式起重机导致Lead to毒性Toxicity toksisiti n. ;toxin. n. 毒素;toxic a. 有毒的F粉碎机Pulverizer

8、plvraiz 喷雾器;磨煤机 风选机Winnower 肥料生产系统Fertilizer production system辅助工程 Auxiliary work o:gzilj ri a. aux.封闭料仓Closed pit翻斗车Tip lorry tip n. v.翻倒; lorry lori n.卡车(英)推料车 4负责的、可靠的Responsible a.; befor 担负、对负责附加、缚、系Attach tt vt. ; attached附加的Additive ditiv a. ; n. 加法、添加剂附件Attachment n.附图Attached drawing附着水Adhe

9、sive福利Welfare welf费用Fee fi: n.粉Powder n. ; vt. 研磨 分解Decompose di:kmpouz ; Decomposition n.分选机Separator ;Sorting 分汽缸Steam tank 焚烧Incinerate 焚烧残渣Incineration 焚烧排气Exhaust gas from incinerator igzo:st vt. n. (排气、耗尽)辅助燃料Auxiliary fuel 粉尘Dust浮选flotation飞灰Fly ash呋喃Furan fjurn n.废热回收Waste heat recovery废物箱Li

10、tter bin (litter 废物、担架)废气Waste gas 废油Slop ; slop oil ; waste oil废纸塑料回收Paper and plastic recycling腐败Putrefaction pju:trifkn腐殖质Humus范围scope方框图Frame sheet freim n. 框架、结构;vt. 构造、设计放射、放射物Emission Imin n. ; emit vt. 放射、发射、放出辐射的Radiant redjnt a.服从、可塑性Compliance kmplains n.;with 按照、依从防止、预防Prevent v.否定的、负的Ne

11、gative a.复杂性Complexity n.5G固定磁选机Fixed magnetic selector ;fix vt, n, 固定、安装锅炉Boiler 供热系统Heat providing system 供水系统Water supply system 公用工程Public work 工程项目Project n.设计、方案、工程(项目);vt.设计、规划工程进度表Construction schedule估算、评价Assessment sesmn t ;Assess vt.估价单Quotation 估价评价鉴定Appraise preizvt.;appraisal preizl n.

12、 n. appraisement工资Salary slri功能、作用Function n. 工艺Technology干燥机Dryer 构成Composition 根据According to 国内的Domestic (家庭的)高峰负荷Peak load给料机Feeder 工业废弃物Industrial solid waste故障Malfunction mlfgkn n.固定格筛Static grizzly st tik a.静止的 ; grizli n. 格筛滚筒筛Trommel troml n. 滚筒过滤Filtration汞(Hg)Mercury m:kjuri n.镉 (Cd)Cadmi

13、um kdmim贡献、有助于Contribute v.隔离Isolate aisleit vt.个别的、分别的Individually a.拱Arching a:tig n.管理、控制Govern gvn vt.H河内Hanoi 6合同、契约Contract Compact kompkt n. ; vt. 压实 a. 紧密的灰尘收集器Dirts collecting tank d:ts灰渣输送机灰坑Ash pit回转筛Gyratory screen dzartri a.回转的回转窑Rotary kiln (窑)回收Recovery(静态)回收期P.P.Static sttik a. 静止的、静

14、态的蛔虫卵死亡率The death efficiency of ascarid ovum vm n. ascarid 烘干炉Drying stove环境卫生Environmental sanitation环境噪声Ambient noise mbint a.周围的、大气的 n.周围环境活性污泥Activated sludge(转包)合同Subcontract n.黄腐酸Fulvic acid黄褐色的Fulvous flvs a. 混合Mixing 缓冲器Damper dmp n.宏伟的、极好的Superb sju:p:b a.J集料器及出料螺旋Material collector and dis

15、charge screw集灰箱Dusts collect bin集水坑Sump smp n. 池、坑均质器Homogenizer n.均匀Homogenize homodzinaiz vt. 使均匀; homogenization n. 均匀均匀性Uniformity 较多的、主要的Major meidz a.搅拌Agitate dziteit vt.计量站Measuring station计量设备Measurement equipment建筑面积Area of buildings建设周期Construction period建材Construction material建立、确立Establish vt.7交叉进行Do alternately ; alternate o:lt;nit a.交错的;vt.(使)交替 ; n



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