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1、 RR365.COM 为您提供初中英语教学资源星沙英语网 www.RR1清大学堂新目标英语七年级下单元试题清大学堂新目标英语七年级下单元试题范围范围unit1-6unit1-6一一.单词拼写(单词拼写(10分)分) 1. .It is .(有风的)2.Look, the boys are (看)TV now.3.The girl is a little (害羞).4 Her mother is a .(护士) 5.There are many (动物)in the zoo.6.The is very ugly. (老虎) 7.Jane comes from .(伦敦)8.My father w

2、orks in a .(图书馆) 9.Who is (跳舞)on the grass.0.Look!There is a big (动物园)over there. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。每空一词。(10分分)1. 银行靠近学校。The bank is _ _ the school.2 她最喜欢什么学科? _ her _ subject?3. 桥街是一个很好的娱乐场所.Bridge Street is a good place to _ _ 4. 我喜欢和人们交谈, 写故事. I like _ _ people and writing stories.5. 感

3、谢你的来信。_ _ your letter. I选择(20) ( )1. you like something to eat ? Yes, please . A. WouldB. CanC. Are ( )2. There are many people and buses in the street . Its a street . 1 A. empty B. lateC. busy ( )3. Its a big box . Let me you . A. help B. helpsC. helping ( )4 I cant ride my bike, Whats wrong it ?

4、A.withB. aboutC. on ( )5. Do you like ? Yes, I like music very much . I can sing many English songs. A. drinkingB. singingC. dancing ( )6. I often watch TV, this evening Im doing my homework .A. andB. butC. or ( )7. I can see only one shoe. Where is one ? A.anyB.otherC.the other ( )8.Class is over ,

5、 Lets . A. go to schoolB. go to bedC. go home ( )9 Can you teach _ to play football?A. they B. them C. their ( )10. I usually to work . I like .RR365.COM 为您提供初中英语教学资源星沙英语网 www.RR2A.walk, walkB.walking, walking C. walk , walking ( )11.Whats under the book? Let me , oh, an eraser .A. thinkB. seeC. loo

6、k at ( )12.Yang Liwei is great! He is the first_to fly round the earth.A.Chinese B. Japanese C.American ( )13 How _ is the T-shirt? -80 yuan.A. much . B. old . C. many. ( )14. What is Jim doing over there? He is his friends.A.talkingB.talking withC. talks ( ) 15-Its a place to get money. What is it?

7、-Its a . A. hotel B. bank C. home ( )16 pandas from China?A. Are B. Is C. Do ( ) 17 Hows the weather ? It _.Ais rain Bdoes rain C is raining ( )18 Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?AYes,it is B Yes,there is C No,there is ( )19We can him Jim GreenIs Jim his family name?_.A Yes,he is B No,he is

8、nt C No,it isnt ( )20. Alice is a shop assistant. She works in a . A. bank B. store or mall C. hospital II完型填空(10)There is a new Kentuckys(肯德鸡) in the city of Luan. My classmates(同班同学) 1_ that the hamburgers and the chicken legs are very delicious.(可口的)._ 2 my mother takes me to the new Kentuckys 3

9、Sunday. The restaurant is between the South Street _ 4 Luan Gao Chen Road. There 5 so many children and _ 6 parents in it. And small children can play _7_ in it, too. We 8 much delicious food and drink two cups of coke . And the _9 in the restaurant are very friendly. They help us clean the table. H

10、ow happy I am! I 10 the new Kentuckys very much .( )1. A. sayB. saysC. talk( )2. A. BecauseB. SoC. and ( )3. A. atB. inC. on( )4. A. ofB. andC. behindRR365.COM 为您提供初中英语教学资源星沙英语网 www.RR3( )5. A. isB. amC. are( )6. A. theyB. theirC. theirs( )7. A. basketballB. footballC. games ( )8. A. eatB. eatsC. ar

11、e eating( )9. A. farmersB. teachersC. waiters ( )10.A. dont likeB. likeC. likesIII阅读(16) A Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a food shop. The food shop is next to the supermarket. Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank a

12、nd a post office. The bank is next to the post office. Mary usually goes to work by bike. She rides a bike past a police office, a library and a swimming pool. 1. How many people are there in this passage? A. FiveB. ThreeC. Four 2. Where is the bank? A. Its next to a swimming pool.B. Its on the righ

13、t C. Its next to a post office. 3. How does Linda go to school? A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By car. 4. Where does Sue drive past? A. A cinema. B. A post office. C. A park. 5. How does Michael go to school? A. On footB. By busC. By bikeB读短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 Today is SundayIts my birthday,and all my fami

14、ly and friends are hereEveryone is having a good timeMy mother is standing in the middle and she is helping me get ready for the birthday partyMy father is taking photosMy uncle is helping himMy friends, brothers and sisters are sitting around the tableThey are eating cake and drinking juice. They are talking


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