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1、Description of ClassJunior high school :17 students . The class is 13 minutes in duration .AimsVocabulary :talk show , sports show , sitcom , game show , soap opera . Structural :What do you think of game shows ?I love them .I like them .I dont mind them .I dont like them . I cant stand them .Proced

2、ure1. Show the students a picture of talk show and let them guess what it is . Teach them how to say it in English. 2. Show the students frow the picture of sports show to soap opera and ask them what it is. Teach them how to say them in English. 3. Read the vocabulary after teacher two times. 4. Ex

3、ercise one :Match the vocabulary with the picture . 5. Exercise two :Show students a picture of talk show and let them say the English name of it . 6. Teach the sentence pattern and Chiness meaning . 7. Listen the tape and number the sentences you hear . 8. Pair work:let students make a dialogue use

4、 the sentence pattern and new vocabulary . 9. Ask two pairs to show it to all of students . 10. Review the vocabulary and sentence pattern . Read after teacher again.反思反思这次是第二次讲课,总体上感觉比第一次好很多。但是还是有很多地方需要改进。首先,板书比第一次工整了,但是字母与字母之间的距离有些进,同学们看的不是很舒服。其次,课堂用语用的还是少,英语说得也少,每个部分之间的衔接不是很好,几乎没什么过渡,应该在这些方面加强一下。

5、某些单词的重音还是读的不准。这方面应该引起足够的重视,基本功不够扎实,还需要再练习。然后,还是与第一次一样,讲课的速度比预想中的快。还是有点紧张,但是表情没有第一次那么僵硬了。讲课时虽然也看同学们了,但是大多数时间还是看 PPT 了,总觉得不看 PPT 就不知道下一步该讲什么了,过度依赖于 PPT 了,应该让 PPT 是我的辅助工具,现在却成了我跟着 PPT 讲了。应该课背的再熟些。用 PPT 和新颖的图片能更好的抓住同学们的注意力。还有,做过练习题以后,虽然同学们都做对了,还是应该做一些相应的讲解可以再次强化记忆,这方面忽略了。最后,对课堂的掌握还是不够好。每个部分讲的速度都一样快,感觉整个堂课是按着一个频率下来的。应该再给同学们更多的时间做练习。


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