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1、1第六次周练英语试题第卷第一部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项填空(共 30 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 30 分) 1. Mr. Wangs daughter doesnt want to go to Thailand this summer because she went there _ the last trip. A. in B. on C. around D. to 2. We came to a house, in front of which sat a small boy, who _ a branch.A. has cutB. had cut C. has been cutt

2、ing D. had been cutting 3. The law requires equal treatment for all, _ race, religion or sex. A. regardless ofB. apart from C. in spite of D. according to 4. The scientist _ at the medical conference comes from Zhejiang University. A. spoke B. speaking C. spoken D. speaks 5. It was the drivers carel

3、essness that _ the terrible car accident. A. resulted from B. led C. resulted inD. happened 6. Some comedians are good at _ different peoples voices. A. putting onB. putting up C. putting down D. putting off 7. You cant imagine what trouble I had _ this English article into Chinese. A. to translate

4、B. translated C. translating D. been translating 8. Some leaders long and boring speech really turn the listeners _. A. on B. off C. down D. over 9. He opened the door only to find many teachers _ at the back of the classroom.A. seatingB. seated C. were seating D. seat 10. I know nothing about him _

5、 he has been abroad for several years. A. except when B. except that C. exceptD. besides 11. He _ an attempt to climb the tower but failed. A. made B. took C. did D. tried 12. His stepmother is kind to him, _ whom she has a deep love. A. with B. at C. of D. about 13. His intelligence more than _ his

6、 lack of experience. A. passes through B. gets rid of C. does withD. compensates for 14. Lets take _ ten-minute break and have _ drink of water. A. a; a B. the; 不填 C. 不填; a D. 不填; the 15. What _ you to come to the party? An unexpected accident _ me going. A. prevented; forbade B. protected; forbade

7、C. forbade; prevented D. stopped; kept216. Everyone in this country has the right to live where he wants to, _ his color. A. regardless of B. because of C. in terms of D. in need of 17. If Tony doesnt work harder for the coming test, he _ a lot of disappointment. A. goes in for B. catches up with C.

8、 comes up with D. is in for 18. He _ himself with video games, so he had no time. A. enjoyed B. hurt C. busied D. bought 19. You will never _ anything if you do not work hard. A. imitate B. preserve C. end D. accomplish 20. She always _ shes the only one who does any work. A. bursts out B. makes out

9、 C. works out D. carries out 21. The new reform has not met with _ approval within the government. A. universal B. common C. normal D. formal 22. I can tell you now; Im doing it _ and simply for the money. A. partly B. rarely C. purely D. truly 23. Some of the students were _ that subject by the new

10、 teacher. A. switched off B. got off C. taken off D. turned off 24. Well _ you for the damage done to your house. A. clarify B. contribute C. concentrate D. compensate 25. That little talk with the boss certainly _ him the world of good. A. did B. had C. made D. paid 26. Oxygen is the major _ of the

11、 atmosphere. A. part B. content C. aspectD. component 27. Many young people _ becoming adults because they havent learned how to take responsibility for themselves. A. are fond of B. are scared of C. are proud of D. are tired of 28. At that time, none of us _ the danger we were in. A. realize B. rea

12、lized C. were realizing D. has been realizing 29. He _ a smile which makes other people feel that they can trust him. A. puts on B. dresses up C. feels down D. believes in 30. So badly _ in the traffic accident that he had to stay in bed for a few months.A. he was injured B. did he injure C. injured

13、 him D. was he injured第二节: 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)3阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 31-50 各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 One of Canadas most famous physicians was Dr. William Osler. His friends remember the day when he was working in one of Britains 31 during the war. He was 32 to be given an unexpected mes

14、sage his own son had been 33 on the field of battle. Very34 as he was at the news, he still came back to his work. Afterwards he was noticeably different. Those who 35 him best said that he had changed as a 36 since that day. The 37 tone was gone from his voice and never again did his friends hear the songs which he often sang as he went from ward (病房) to ward. Though these things 38 returned, something finally came to 39 their place. Everyone noticed new compassion (同情) in his care of the soldiers who each da


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