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2、证言,不得故意作伪证或者隐匿证据,但对于本案无关的问题有拒绝回答的权利。4、有使用本民族语言文字接受询问的权利。Notification of Rights and Obligations for Administrative Case In conformity to The Law of Peoples Republic of China on Administrative Punishments、The Law of Peoples Republic of China on Administrative Punishments of Public Security、and The Reg

3、ulations for Public Security Organs Procedures of Handling Administrative Cases, the suspects (the punished) have the following rights and obligations: 1、to apply for challenge against the policeman who handles administrative cases in any of following circumstances: (1) being one party of the case o

4、r a close relative of one party of the case; (2) being interested party of the case or his or her close relatives are the interested party of the case; (3) having other relations with one party of the case, which may pervert the justice of handling the case.2、being interrogated and investigated by p

5、ublic security organs not exceeding 8 hours; Under complicated circumstances, the period of interrogating and investigating shall not exceed 24 hours when the illegal acts of the suspect may apply to the punishment of administrative detention in accordance with law.3、to provide true and correct evid

6、ence and testimony, but not intentionally commit perjury or conceal evidence; to refuse answering any questions unrelated to the case.4、to receive interrogation by using the language of his or her nation.5、有核对询问笔录的权利;没有阅读能力的被询问人有要求人民警察向其宣读的权利;询问笔录记载有遗漏或者差错的,有提出补充或者更正的权利。6、有自行提供书面材料的权利。7、不满十六周岁的违法嫌疑人

7、有要求通知其父母或者其他监护人参加询问的权利8、聋哑的违法嫌疑人在询问时有要求通晓手语的人提供帮助的权利。9、不通晓当地通用的语言文字的违法嫌疑人在询问时有要求配备翻译人员的权利。10、对鉴定意见有异议的,有申请重新鉴定的权利。11、有陈述和申辩的权利。12、人民警察当场收缴罚款,不出具省级或者国家财政部门统一制发的罚款收据的,有拒绝缴纳罚款的权利。13、被处罚人不服行政拘留处罚决定,申请行政复议、提起行政诉讼的,有向公安机关申请暂缓执行行政拘留的权利。5、to check interrogation record; to demand the record should be read ou

8、t by policeman when the suspect does not have reading ability; to demand supplementation or correction of the interrogation record in case of omission or mistakes.6、to provide written documents by himself or herself.7、 to inform his or her parents or other guardians to join the interrogation when th

9、e suspect does not reach the age of 16.8、 to demand being assisted by the person who knows sign language when the interrogated suspect is the mute and deaf.9、to demand being assisted by interpreter when the suspect does not understand local language. 10、to apply for reappraising in case the appraisa

10、l is contentious.11、to present statements and pleadings.12、to refuse paying fine if policeman do not issue the uniform receipts of fine printed by provincial or state financial department. 13、to apply for suspending execution of administrative detention from Public Security organs if the punished re

11、fuses to accept the penalty of administrative detention, applies for administrative review and brings administrative lawsuit.14、对公安机关及其人民警察办理行政案件时,不严格执法或者有违法违纪行为的,由控告、检举的权利。15、违反治安管理的行为对他人造成损害的,行为人或者其监护人有依法承担民事责任的义务。16、协助公安机关调查或者检查的义务。17、履行处罚决定的义务。被处罚人逾期不履行行政处罚决定的,作出行政处罚决定的公安机关可以采取下列措施:()将依法查封、扣押的被处

12、罚人的财物拍卖或者变卖抵缴贷款。拍卖或者变卖的价款超过罚款数额的,余额部分应当及时退还被处罚人;()不能采取第一项措施的,每日按罚款数额的百分之三加处罚款;()法律没有规定由公安机关强制执行的,申请人民法院强制执行。此告知书在第一次询问时交违法嫌疑人,并 在第一次询问笔录中记明。14、to accuse and impeach public security organs and policemen who do not strictly enforce the laws or violate the laws and regulations.15、 (the actors and their

13、 guardians) to bear civil liabilities in accordance with laws if their actions of violating public security administration cause damages to other people.16、to assist investigation or inspection of public security organs.17、to comply with the decisions on punishments. If the punished do not comply wi

14、th the decisions on administrative punishments upon the expiration of this period, the public security organs that make the decisions can take the following measures: (1) Auctioning off or selling the attached and distrained property of the punished for paying off the fines and returning the part of

15、 the proceeds exceeding the amount of fines promptly to the punished. (2) Imposing on the punished an extra of 3% of the amount of fine each day when the first measure cannot be taken. (3) Applying to Peoples Court for arbitrary enforcement of the decisions of public security organs that have no rights of enforcement in accordance with laws.The notification must be handed to the suspect during the first interrogation. The matter of handing the notification to the suspect must be kept in the first interrogation record.


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