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1、外贸企业汇率风险控制与防范机制研究,国际贸易论文外贸企业汇率风险控制与防范机制研究摘要 2005 年外汇形成机制改革以来,我国开始实行以市场供求为基础,有管理的 浮动汇率制度。同时随着世界经济一体化的发展,我国企业海外投融资规模稳 定快速增长,国际外汇市场起伏不定、变化莫测,人民币汇率浮动范围也趋于 增大,我国涉外企业面临着前所未有的外汇风险压力。鉴于汇率风险对于相关 企业曾经造成的严重损失以及我国企业的汇率风险控制能力、经验不足,如何 通过有效的技术与工具进行非金融类企业汇率风险的控制,成为具有重要的理 论价值和实用意义的课题。从是否利用金融衍生工具的角度,可将汇率风险的 管理方法归纳为两种

2、类型。一种为传统的避险方法即不利用金融衍生工具的汇 率风险管理方法,相关的理论研究已相当成熟,而且我国有关主体为数不多的 汇率风险管理操作也往往采用这类方法,另一种为利用金融衍生工具的汇率风 险管理方法,因其在实践应用中卓有成效而成为理论研究的重点领域。 本文试图借鉴国内外外汇分析的理论与方法,结合人民币汇率的风险特征和我 国外汇市场的发展,通过对外汇风险的种类、特征等方面的分析,揭示企业经 营管理过程中的外汇风险问题,分析研究外汇风险在企业会计处理中确认、计 量、信息披露的原则与方法,并从财务方面探析外汇风险的管理策略与方法。 文章为我国企业衡量外汇风险水平、制订管理策略、选择规避途径等分析

3、过程 提供方法和安全的参考,并提出若干建设性的管理思路。 本文包括四部分: 本文围绕涉外经贸企业(特别是进出口企业)如何运用金融衍生工具管理汇率风 险这一主题,分为 4 个部分 首先分析了我国外贸企业汇率风险的现状及利用衍生工具管理企业汇率风险的 意义,进一步分析了我国外贸企业汇率风险的影响因素,主要包括防范意识、 相关制度、汇率市场发展情况、人才发展情况介绍了金融衍生工具的产生与发 展、金融衍生工具的功能和核心以及在在风险管理中相对传统风险管理方式的 优势。同时阐述了风险管理与金融衍生工具的本质及其内在联系,论证了金融 衍生工具在风险管理中具有比较优势。 接着系统地研究了汇率风险的内涵与具体

4、形态, 在我国研究利用金融工具管理 汇率风险的现实意义和几种最重要金融工具的应用条件、作用原理,具体分析 了远期结售汇、货币互换、外汇期货、外汇期权等衍生金融工具是如何控制外 贸企业汇率风险的。 企业在利用外汇衍生工具进行汇率风险控制的同时,金融衍生工具交易本身的 风险不可避免,由于衍生工具交易中滥用、误用金融衍生品而最终导致企业破 产的惨剧不断上演,警示我们在利用衍生工具套期保值时,必须对外汇衍生品 交易采取谨慎有效的防范,鉴于此,在本文第二部分同时介绍了衍生工具交易 风险的类型、评估方法和防范措施。 同时为了说明问题,在文章第三部分进一步通过案例分析,针对我国企业在进 出口贸易中的实际情况

5、,提供一些具体的、操作性比较强的方法和技术,包括 目前已经实行的人民币远期结售汇业务以及货币互换,使企业不论是在经常项目下人民币可兑换阶段,还是在以后的人民币完全自由兑换阶段,都能够根据 自己的实际选择合适的管理策略和手段,以规避外汇交易风险,或者使外汇交 易风险对企业的经营影响最小化。 最后,立足于中国现实状况,分析了我国涉外企业管理汇率风险的必要性并以 具体案例介绍了在当今中国市场上,企业如何运用金融衍生工具进行汇率风险 管理;针对目前中国企业管理汇率风险的现状与不足,提出了防范汇率风险的 对策构想。关键词:汇率风险 衍生工具 货币互换 Abstract China has impleme

6、nted floating exchange rate mechanism on the basis of the market supply and demand since the innovation in 2005. Both the changeable international foreign exchange market and the increase of RMB exchange rate change will definitely impose unprecedented foreign exchange exposure on large and medium s

7、cale firms involving international trade and economic cooperation. In view of the great loss incurred by firms due to unsuitable management of the foreign exchange exposure,study on how to control firms exchanger at exposure based on application of effective technology and instrument,will be highly

8、valuable in the academic sense and be of practical meaning. The thesis focuses on the controlling firms exchange rate risk by means of financial derivatives trade,discussed why and how to determine the financial tool . Methods of exchange rate risk management could be divided into two categories acc

9、ording to the utilization of derivatives. One is the traditional method that does not use derivatives, and the other is the opposite. Comparatively, the former has been thoroughly investigated theoretically, and is usually adopted in exchange rate risk management in China, though the management prac

10、tice itsel 支付后,我们将在支付后,我们将在 24 小时内发到您的邮箱,请支付后通知我们发送论文,谢小时内发到您的邮箱,请支付后通知我们发送论文,谢 谢。谢。 购买论文,汇款确认信邮箱。购买论文,汇款确认信邮箱。f is rear; the later has been becoming the focus of researchers because of its performance risk control. This essay analyses the Characteristics of foreign exchange risk, together with pec

11、uliarity of RMB exchange market. It also discloses corporate rulingProblems of foreign exchange risk, studies accounting principles and procedures of confirmation, measurement, disclosure, as well as financial management strategies and methods. The aim of this essay is to provide domestic enterprise

12、s with some reference of measuring risk magnitude, making strategy and choosing hedging methods. It also suggests some ideas of risk management The thesis, whose objective is to address the issue of exchange rate risk management with derivatives, it consists of four parts: First it analyzes the pres

13、ent exchange exposure of our enterprises and the value of financial derivatives trade, and then further discusses the impact element of our exchange exposures including the awareness, relevant rules and the exchange market. And then introduces the origin, development, function and essence of the der

14、ivatives, analysis its advantage of risk management compared with the traditional methods. In the meantime, explains the essence and internal connection of risk management and derivatives, and argues that derivatives have comparative advantages in risk management. Then it systematically introduces t

15、he connotation and concrete forms of exchange rate risk. Then we discuss the importance of application of financial instruments in China. Upon discussing of the financial instrument using condition, working theory, we then give an idea of their application in China and the hedging efficiencies and f

16、urther discuss the tools such as exchange settlement and sales in future,currency swap,futures exchange,exchange option in details. In view of the potential and great risks accompanying financial derivatives trade and horrible catastrophes resulted from abuse of derivatives trade, identification, measurement of the related risks and their appurtenant precautionary measures are discussed in the meanwhile Case


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