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1、Having maneuvered机动,调动 them away from the boring subject of war, she went back with interest to their immediate目前的, 当前的 sit-uation.“What did your mother say about you two being expelled again?”The boys looked uncomfortable感到难受的, recalling回忆起, 回想 their mothers conduct教导 three months ago when they had

2、 come home, by request应的请求, from the University of Virginia.把他们从讨厌战争的话题支使开以后,她便饶有兴趣地回到他们当前的环境上来。 “对于你俩再一次开除的事你母亲说了些什么呀?“小伙子显得有点不自在,想起三个月前他们从弗吉尼亚大学被请回家时母亲的那番表现。“Well,” said Stuart, “she hasnt had a chance to say anything yet. Tom and us left home early this morning before she got up, and Toms laying

3、out设计,安排 over at the Fontaines 方丹家 while we came over here.”“Didnt she say anything when you got home last night?”“We were in luck好运, 幸运 last night. Just before we got home that new stallion种马Ma got in Kentucky肯塔基州(美国) last month was brought in带进来, and the place was in a stew烦恼. The big brute畜生hes a

4、 grand显赫的; 高傲的 horse, Scarlett; you must tell your pa to come over顺便来访 and see him right away立刻, 马上hed already bitten bite 的过去分词,咬伤 a hunk大块 out of his groom马夫 on the way down here and hed trampled踩, 踏 two of Mas darkies黑奴 who met meet 的过去式和过去分词,遇见 the train火车,行进中的一长列人动物, 车辆 at Jonesboro琼斯伯勒. And ju

5、st before we got home, hed about kicked踢,踹 the stable马厩 down and half-killed Strawberry草莓(一匹公马的名字), Mas old stallion种马. When we got home, Ma was out in the stable马厩 with a sackful满袋 of sugar糖 smoothing使平和;使安详 him down and doing it mighty非常 well, too. The darkies黑奴们 were hanging from吊 the rafters椽 ,

6、popeyed张大眼睛的, they were so scared吓坏的, but Ma was talking to the horse like he was folks亲人, 家属 and he was eating out of从吃 her hand. There aint(are not的缩写) nobody like Ma with a horse. And when she saw us she said: In Heavens name, what are you four doing home again? Youre worse than the plagues瘟疫 of

7、Egypt埃及! And then the horse began snorting喷鼻息 and rearing抬起,直立起来 and she said: Get out of here! Cant you see hes nervous惶恐的,生气地, the big darling? Ill tend to照看,此处为收拾他们的意思 you four in the morning! So we went to bed, and this morning we got away before she could catch逮住 us. and left Boyd博伊德 to handle处

8、理,应付 her.”“唔,她还没有机会说呢,”斯图尔特答道。“今天一清早她还没起床,汤姆和我俩便出门了。汤姆半路上去方丹家了,我们便径直到这儿来了。”“昨天晚上你们到家时难道她什么话也没说吗?”“昨晚我们可有运气了。在我们快要到家的时候,上个月我妈在肯塔基买下的那匹公马给送来了,家里正热闹着呢。原来那畜生-它长得可真威武,思嘉,你一定得告诉你爸,叫他赶快去看看,那畜生一路上已经把马夫咬了两大口,而且踏坏了我妈的两个黑小子,他们是在琼斯博罗遇上的。而且,就在我们刚要到家的时候,它差点儿把我们的马棚给踢倒了,还捎带把我妈的那匹老公马也踢了个半死。我们到家时,妈正在妈棚里拿着一口袋糖哄它,让它慢慢平

9、静下来,还真起作用了。黑奴们躲得远远的,瞪着眼睛简直给吓坏了,可妈还在跟那畜生亲切说话,仿佛跟它是一家人似的,它正在吃她手里的东西呢。世界上谁也比不上我妈那样会跟马打交道,那时她看见了我们,便说:天哪,你们四个又回来干什么呀?你们简直比埃及的瘟疫还让人讨厌!这时那匹公马开始喷鼻子直立起来,她赶紧说:从这里滚开罢,难道你们没看见这个大宝贝在生气了吗?等明天早晨我再来服侍你们四个!于是,我们便上床睡觉了。今天一早,趁她还来不及抓住我们,我们便溜了出来,只留下博伊德一个人去对付她。”“Do you suppose猜想; 以为 shell hit Boyd?” Scarlett, like the r

10、est其他人 of the County, could never get used to习惯于 the way small瘦小的 Mrs. Tarleton塔尔顿太太 bullied恐吓, 威逼 her grown长大的;成年的 sons and laid(lay 的过去式和过去分词,致使) her riding扔 crop马鞭 on their backs if the occasion机会, 时机 seemed to warrant许可 it.“你们认为她会打博伊德吗?”思嘉知道,瘦小的塔尔顿太太对她那几个已长大成人的儿子还是很粗暴的,她认为必要的时候还会用鞭子抽他们的脊背,对于这种情形,思嘉和县里的其他人都有点不大习惯。



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