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1、 编号:第 号云南大学滇池学院云南大学滇池学院 毕业论文论文题目:论无过错责任原则的适用论文题目:论无过错责任原则的适用学生姓名:学生姓名: 谢硕谢硕 指导老师:苏蓉指导老师:苏蓉学学 号:号: 20072105023 参考文献:参考文献:专专 业:业: 法学法学 论文字数:论文字数:11508成绩评定:成绩评定:年 月 日目 录中文摘要、关键词1 Abstract、Keywords 2 一、无过错责任原则的概述3 (一) 无过错责任原则的产生和发展 3 (二) 无过错责任原则的涵义 3 (三) 无过错责任的构成 3 (四) 无过错责任的特征 3 1.适用对象特定3 2.不以加害人的过错为责任

2、构成要件4 3.以合理补偿损失为目的4 4.存在最高赔偿限额4 5.并非绝对责任5 二、无过错责任原则的适用5 (一) 无过错责任原则的适用范围 5 (二) 无过错责任原则的适用方法 6 (三) 无过错责任原则的责任限制与惩戒条款 6 1.责任限制6 2.惩戒条款7 (四) 适用无过错责任原则的免责条件 7 (五) 无过错责任原则的侵权责任形态 8 (六) 适用无过错责任原则的侵权人过错问题 8 三、适用无过错责任原则的法律实务操作8 (一) 案例情形 8 (二) 案例解析 9 四、结语9 五、参考文献 11摘要摘要2009 年 12 月 26 日,对于我国的法制建设又是一个重要的日子,也是我

3、国民事法律取 得重大进步的一天。在这一天,我国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议 表决通过了中华人民共和国侵权责任法 ,该法旨在保障公民、法人的生命健康、人身自 由、名誉权、隐私权、物权、知识产权等合法民事权益,明确侵权责任,预防并制裁侵权 行为,以此来达到社会的和谐稳定。该法自 2010 年 7 月 1 日实施至今已逾半年,其不仅使 我国的法律体系得到完善,对于保护被侵权人,减少侵权行为的发生也起到了很好的作用。 在这部法律中,我们必须要关注的一项原则就是无过错责任原则。无过错责任原则作为侵 权责任重要的归责原则之一,其重要性不言而喻,在我国颁布的颁布的这部侵权责任法中, 对无过

4、错责任原则在第二章的责任构成和责任方式中作出了明确的规定,其内容表述为 “行为人损害他人民事权益,不论行为人有无过错,法律规定应当承担侵权责任的,依照 其规定” 。自十九世纪以来,伴随着人类生产力的飞速发展,我们生存的人类社会在不断发 生着翻天覆地的变化,科学技术被广泛应用到生产和生活领域,但科学技术作为一把双刃 剑,其在使得我们生活日益便利的同时,也带来了大量的工业事故,公害事故的发生。因 这些事故产生的纠纷中,让受害人来举证证明加害人主观上存在过错讲十分困难,甚至几 乎不可能,有别于传统过错责任主义的无过错责任原则应运而生。这一原则在经过百余年 发展之后,在现代“以人为本”和“保护弱者”的

5、法治理念指引之下,更能够体现其存在 的价值和意义。无过错责任原则在当前我国的立法和司法实践中仍存在不少的争议,其中 对于无过错责任原则的适用便是争论的焦点之一,本文论述的重点便集中在无过错责任原 则的适用上,随着我国经济生活的向前迈进,无过错责任原则在我国未来的民事法律中的 地位必然得到强化,其也应该对稳定我们的社会秩序发挥其应有的作用。关键字:无过错责任原则;适用范围;适用方法;责任限制;免责条件 AbstractDecember 26, 2009, for our countrys legal system construction is an important day, China i

6、s the civil laws of made significant progress day. On this day, our country of the 11th National Peoples Congress standing committee vote to pass the second session of the tenth of the Peoples Republic of China, the law of tort liability law designed to protect citizens, legal persons health, person

7、al freedom, reputation, privacy, property right, intellectual property and civil rights and legally, clearly tort liability, prevention and sanctions, in order to achieve infringement of social harmony and stability. The law since July 1, 2010 so far has over half year, implementation of the legal s

8、ystem of our country not only perfected by the infringer to protect, reduce the occurrence of infringement has also played a very good effect. Under this law, we must concern a principle is no-fault liability principle. No-fault liability principle as tort liability important imputation principle, i

9、ts importance is self-evident, one in China promulgated the issued in tort liability law of no-fault liability principle, in the second chapter of responsibility constitute and responsibility made clear way provisions, for “statement Civil Rights Act hurt others, no matter whether fault, law contrav

10、ener shall assume tort liability in accordance with the provisions of the“. Since the 19th century, with the rapid development of human productivity, we live in the human society earth-shaking changes take place continuously, science and technology have been widely applied to production and life dom

11、ain, but science and technology as a double-edged sword, its make life more convenient, but also bring a lot of industrial accident, pollution accidents. For these accidents arise, let the victim in the dispute to produce evidence to prove injures subjective exists, even speak very difficult fault i

12、s almost impossible, unlike traditional fault liability socialist no- fault liability principle arises at the historic moment. This principle after more than 100 years of development in modern, after “people-oriented“ and “protect the weak“ under the guidance idea of rule, the more can reflect the v

13、alue and significance of its existence. No-fault liability principle in present Chinas legislation and judicial practice, there is still controversy for no-fault liability of the application of the principle is one of the centre of controversy, this paper elucidates the key will focus on no-fault liability on the application of the principle of life, along with our country economy forward, no-fault liability principle in our future civil legal status of inevitable strengthened, its also should be to stabilize our social order play their due role.Key words: No-fault lia



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