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2、电式音乐门铃为一体,可以随意放置在室内有 220V交流电源的地方,还可变换门铃各种音乐,使声音悦耳动听,满足不同人的生活需要,具有广阔的发展前景.随着微电子技术、无线技术的发展,由开始的按钮门铃到现在的可视对讲门铃、智能数码门铃,发展速度不断飚升。针对目前世界范围内经济严峻形式和我国经济运行面临新的不确定性因素,如何根据急剧变化的外部经济环境调整企业发展规划和经营方针,成为摆在我国无线音乐门铃企业面前亟待解决的问题。在全球金融危机形势下,无线遥控门铃企业的发展需要我们不断研究、不断创新,向着产品智能化、数字化、信息化方向发展。该无线音乐门铃用 TC4069 集成块来作发射和接收主电路,该电路用

3、先进的脉码调制发射及石英晶振稳频技术,接收由解调、放大、整形、声响电路组成,性能稳定,遥控距离远,功耗低等特点。关键词 无线遥控 TC4069 TQ33G TitleAbstractWith the rapid development of micro-electron technology, wireless technical and network technology as well as the large scale enhancement of people living standard , the people set out the more and more high r

4、equest about environment security, particularly in intellectualized house-building, the people urgently need one kind of intelligent doorbell, which is not only safe reliable, but also the picture is clear .therefore the design of system of wireless visible speaking doorbell becomes the research goa

5、l of this paper .This paper introduces a kind of new doorbell system based on the Single-Chip computer AT89C2051, which is wireless visible speaking system .In this system, the systems total structure and the principle of work was elaborated, and have introduced the essential technology of the desig

6、n and the realization in detail, and consisted of full duplex pronunciation correspondence and picture information processing. The wireless transmission and intelligent module was designed and realized .etc. The system of Wireless visible speaking doorbell combines with microcomputer technology, the

7、 wireless communication and the digital signal processing technology, using in the high frequency band translation receive. Through the system digitization, the picture signal quality was the enhanced and the interference immunity was greatly strengthened. Simultaneously the overall system volume co

8、mparing with other transmission modes will reduce a lot , extraordinarily it dose not need the wiring , wireless installation, and not destroying the repair effect. This design meets current effective demand and haves a possibility on the technique. It will have the widespread commercial value and t

9、he prospects for development.Key Words: reliable TC4069 TQ33G目录第一章 绪论 .- 1 -1.1 我国发展智能住宅小区的前景.- 1 -1.2 开发研究无线遥控音乐门铃的意义.- 1 -第二章 设计任务.- 2 -第三章 系统硬件电路设计 .- 2 -3.1 单元电路的选择 .- 2 -3.1.1 发射机单元电路的选择.- 2 -3.1.2 接收机单元电路的选择.- 3 -3.1.3 单元电路设计的其他方案.- 5 -3.2 硬件可靠性及抗干扰设计.- 7 -第四章 系统概述.- 8 -4.1 方案选择及其论证.- 8 -4.2 系统的工作原理 .- 8 -421 反相器原理.- 9 -422 发射板原理.- 9 -423 接收板原理 .- 11 -4.3 系统设计原则与结构.- 13 -4.3.1 系统的设计原则及指导思想.- 13 -4.3.2 系统结构 .- 1



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