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1、New words and Expressions1. get by 过得去 尚可 e.g. She cant get by on such a small income. 2. frustrate vt. 挫败 阻挠 使无效 e.g. Bad weather frustrated his attack. 3. content n. 容量,含量;内容;目录 n. 满足,满意 (文语) vt.使满足,使满意 a.满足的,满意 的 不放在名词前, 因为它不像 satisfied 表示欲望获得满足的状态,而是表示没有什么特别 值得一提的牢骚和不满的事情.e.g. He is quite conten

2、t with his life at present. (满足于) e.g. I am content to do so. (愿意做) e.g. The school being over, the children were allowed to watch television to their hearts content. (尽情地) 4. make it (口语) 做成 成功;达到目的;赶上;设法安排e.g. Can we catch the train? I hope we can make it.e.g. Could I see your manager? Ill make it

3、.e.g. We cut enough wood to make it through the heating season. 安然过冬5. hawk 鹰 勇猛 激进的象征 主战派 dove 鸽子 和平的象征 主和派6. haul vt. (主要借助于工具) 搬运; 拉, 拽 e.g.The truck hauled the garbage away. e.g.The fishermen were hauling up the nets. 7. supplyment vt. 补充 增补 e.g. He supplymented his explanation with some example

4、s. 8. spray vt. 喷洒spray A on/in B e.g. She sprayed water on the shirt before ironing it.spray B with A e.g. She sprayed the shirt with water before ironing it.9. freelance n. lance n. 骑士用的长枪 freelance 原指中世纪欧洲不属于君主,无特别合同限制而受雇于各公侯的自由骑士。10. pursue vt.努力去获得 追求 (pleasure/fame) 追赶 追踪 e.g.What are the poli

5、ce pursuing?11.household 户(整体) home 居住地 house 居住处(具体) family 家庭成员 家人 课后练习 P17 12. over- 前缀过度的 太多 overeat v.吃的过多 overanxious a.过于担忧的 overactive a.过于活跃的在上面 overhead n./a./ad. 天花板/在头顶上的全面地 overshoes n. 套鞋 (穿在皮鞋外面的橡皮套鞋)超 越 overrun n./v. (古)跑的比快 (现)泛滥 蔓延推 翻 overturn n./v. 推翻 倾覆 打翻13.stack vt.将堆起来 e.g. Th

6、e room is stacked with books. n.一堆 pile a stack of (love letters/ hey/ people)14.wicked a. e.g.It is wicked of you to let your dog die of hunger. e.g. I have such a wicked toothache. 15. swamp vt. 淹没 压倒 e.g. Many houses were swamped because of the flood.16.squash n. 南瓜易被压坏的东西 vt. 压坏 镇压 e.g.She sat o

7、n my flowers and squashed them flat.22.cut back 减少 消减 e.g. The factory cuts back production by/to ten percent. 产量减少了 /到百分之十23.suspect 意为”猜测,猜疑”,表示揣摩某事可能存在,但缺乏有力证据.侧重表示肯定意义, 即”怀疑是”常用于表示猜疑某人犯了某种罪行。doubt 表示对事物的真伪表示怀疑,侧重表示否定意义,即”怀疑不是” 课后练习 P1824.requirement n. 要求 必备条件 e.g. I cant meet your requirements.

8、25.scale n. 规模 e.g. These cars are being produced on a large/small scale. 大规模 / 小规模Words:1. get by: 过得去 尚可e.g. 我父母亲靠很少的一些钱凑合着过下去。 My parents managed to get by on a small amount of money.e.g. She never works but somehow(不知何故) she gets by.Para.2Words:1. dozen(s) 与数词或 many,several 连用时, 复数不加 s;如其后有名词, 名

9、词用复数. (3 dozen eggs)2. make ite.g. Im afraid I wont be able to make it to your party next week. 恐怕我无法参加你下周举 办的晚会了. Para.41. haul: vt. 1) transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. 搬运e.g. 救援队把药品和食物运到被淹的村庄。The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the flooded villages.2) pull or drag sth. with e

10、ffort or force (用力的,费力的)拉 拖 拽e.g. Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the crashed train.CF: haul, drag right then; at the exact timee.g. The train was now only a couple of yards from the kids on the track. At that point, Anthony threw himself forward and pulled them clear.火车现在就离孩子几码了。就在那时,安东尼向前一

11、跃把孩子们救了出来。Para.9Words:1. on balance: with all things considered 总的来说 all in all in general e.g. On balance, its probably not advisable to change the companys name.总的说来,换公司名字或许不太明智。NB: balance 的反义词是 imbalance。此外,与 balance 有关的其他搭配有:keep ones balance 保持平衡 lose ones balance 失去平衡strike a balance 力求折中 in

12、the balance 不确定,成败或安危未定2. illustrate: vt. 加插图于 举例说明e.g. The editor has illustrated the book with blank-and-white photographs.编辑已用黑白照片给这本书加了插图.CF: illustrate, exemplify produce 产生 形成e.g. The widespread use of Spanish in some American cities has generated a public debate over language used in the coun

13、try.美国许多城市中西班牙语的广泛应用产生了关于语言使用的争论。2. insurance: n. 保险e.g. People regularly buy insurance to protect themselves from future disasters.人们定期购买保险以便在未来有灾难时保护自己。3. pick up 1) be ready to pay 准备付账 2) take hold of and lift up 握住并提起来3) gain; get 获得 4) improve 改进 5) gather together; collect 聚集 收集6) collect som

14、eone or something from a place 从某处收集Click the sentence to match the definition1. Where did you pick up your excellent English? 32. Please pick up all your toys when youve finished playing. 53. If he loses the case, Michael will have to pick up the bill for legal costs. 14. Ill pick you up at your ho

15、tel. 65. She picked up a stone and threw it at the window. 26. Mary has been ill, but shes picking up now. 44. premium: n. 保险费 奖金e.g. The employers make the employees pay for a large portion of their health insurance premium. 老板让员工付他们健康保险费的大部分。e.g. Some people are complaining that car insurance prem

16、iums have increased too much this year. 许多人抱怨今年汽车保险费用增长太多。5. aside from: except for; in addition to (more usual in American English; same as apart from) 除了 除之外还有e.g. This composition is good aside from a couple of spelling mistakes。e.g. 万籁俱寂,只有从远处偶尔传来汽车喇叭声。Everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance.Para.11Sentences:Line 60 61What



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