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1、GALL STONE CLEANSE: Remove gall stones! Remove gall stones without cost! Remove gall stones naturally in 24 hours! by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney) 彻底清除胆结石 除去胆结石! 不花一分钱除去胆结石! 24 小时内自然地除去胆结石! DISCLAIMER:The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. This information is not

2、 backed up by scientific evidence. This is just for your information. This information and these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental cond

3、ition. Results are not typical. Individual results may vary. Please do not do the cleanse or buy the book based on the stories below. 免责声明:这个网站上的信息不是医药科学也不是医学忠告,它没有科学证据证明。对你 来讲它只是一个信息,这个信息和这些产品没有经过(美国)食品及药物管理局的评估。这 个信息和这些产品无意诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病、失调、疼痛、损伤、畸形或身 心疾病。结果因人而异。请不要根据下面的例子使用此清除法或购买书你有结石病吗? (Are y

4、ou Stoned?) 。 BOOK SUMMARY: The following information on gall stones and the gall bladder is from the excellent book “Are you Stoned?“ by chiropractor Claude M. Lewis, Edith Hiett and Leon Hiett. Most people are likely to have hundreds of gall stones. They are soft and dont show up on an x- ray unle

5、ss they calcify. However, they cause problems such as gall bladder attack by blocking the bile ducts even when they are not calcified. Many people have experienced the non-surgical removal of gall stones. One gall stone cleanse is detailed in Hulda Clarks book “The Cure for all Diseases“. I did her

6、gall bladder flush, and sure enough - next morning the toilet was filled with gall stones. However, her program required the ingestion of a lot of Epsom salts which I found very difficult (I vomited when I had my third lot the next morning, and so I took only half of what she recommended). I figured

7、 that there had to be an easier and healthier way. I found it in an excellent book “Are you being stoned?“. The only ingredients to this method are olive oil and lemon juice. This article is a summary of that book: 书摘:以下关于胆结石和胆囊的相关知识摘自你有结石病吗? 。 你有结石病吗?是 一本优秀的书,作者是 chiropractor Claude M. Lewis, Edith

8、 Hiett and Leon Hiett. 多数人可能有数百个胆结石,这些结石很软,只有它们钙化后才能在 X-光下显现出来。不 过这些结石即使不钙化也能引起诸如由于胆管被堵而引发的胆囊病症等问题。 很多人有非手术除去胆结石的经历。Hulda Clark在他的书所有疾病的疗法 (The Cure for all Diseases)详细地给出了一个彻底清除胆结石的法子。我用了书中提供的胆囊冲洗法, 千真万确,第二天早上的马桶有很多结石。不过,她的法子用到泻盐,这使我我很难坚持 (当我喝到第三份时就呕吐,因而我只用了她推荐量的一半) 。我认为一定有更容易、更健 康的法子。 我在一本名叫你在患结石病

9、吗(Are you being stoned?)这本优秀的书里找到了更容易、 更健康的法子。这个法子只需要橄榄油和柠檬汁。这篇文章是那本书的概要。 The authors personally experienced the non-surgical removal of gall stones. Not only did they dispose of any possible future gall bladder problems, they also received more energy and stamina than they had in quite a while. 作者亲

10、自经历了梅手术除去胆结石。他们不仅解决了所有可能的胆囊问题,他们的精神头 也比以前好多了。 The pain of a gall bladder attack can be excruciating. I had one once. The pain came and went in bouts. For the first and only time in my life I realized why people get desperate enough to consider surgery - the pain was excruciating. However, after a wh

11、ile I remembered the big pile of deep- fried potato wedges that I had eaten - and the pain disappeared instantly. I gathered that it was my bodys way of telling me to NOT eat food that is deep-fried. 胆囊病发作引起的疼痛很折磨人。我有这样的一次经历,疼痛来来去去多个回合。那疼痛 让我第一次也是我生命中唯一的一次理解了人们为什么不顾一切地考虑手术-那痛苦太难 奈了。不过,不久我想起了一大堆我吃过的油

12、炸薯片,疼痛立即消失。我据此推断这是我 的身体在告诉我不要吃油炸食品。 Start to think of pain as your friend. Pain is your bodys way of telling you that something is wrong. Once you figure out what is wrong and what to do about it, the pain will go away. 开始把疼痛当作你的朋友吧。你的身体通过疼痛这种方式告诉你出问题了。一旦你明了哪 里错了并采取措施,疼痛就会消失。 The book describes one

13、man who had a gall bladder attack. It came on suddenly with no warning. He was very fit, looked healthy and had no symptoms. But when the pain came on it was so severe he almost had a car accident. So, he got had his gall bladder taken out with gall bladder surgery as so many people do. Presumably t

14、he doctors didnt warn him about the likely subsequent effects of a gall bladder surgery. Now, many food cause him real digestive troubles, even simple foods like lettuce, that didnt affect him before. 书中描述了一位男士,他的胆囊病发作地很突然,毫无征兆。他很健康,也没有任何病症。 但是那痛苦如此的剧烈,差点使他出了车祸。因此,他像许多人那样做了胆囊摘除手术。 现在,许多食物都会使他产生消化问题,

15、即使是像莴苣这样以前对他毫无影响的食物。 Another woman was told that she would be able to eat what she liked after the operation. I dont know if they lied to her or were just ignorant, but after the operation she found the digestion of many foods “unbearably painful“, including meat, cream sauces, gravies, hot breads,

16、pasta, green salad and sweets! Her digestive difficulties stayed with her for at least 15 years after her operation. 还有一位妇女,医生告诉她术后想吃什么就吃什么。我不知道医生在撒谎还是医生无知, 术后她发现消化许多食物是及其痛苦的,这戏食物包括肉、奶油沙司、肉汁、热面包、意 大利面食、绿色拉和糖果。术后,消化困难问题伴随着她十五年。 The authors told some friends how they removed their gall stones without surgery, simply and harmlessly, with no time lost from job or family, no pain, no expense. Their friends tried


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