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1、l: 2008- 07- 29:=S/vn=(00810116)1Cr18Ni9Ti1Cr13oknull null null null null null null 赵勇桃1, null 董俊慧2, null 赵莉萍1, null 麻永林1, null 裴晓兵1null null null null null null null (1.=S/v8,=hnull 014010;null null null null null null null null 2.= 5|3| 4| 1|.0KGQ2|,5|,3|,4|,1|,f80KK,f80KK,EFsTM.3 null 结null null

2、论(1) 2mm1Cr18Ni9Tif81Cr13f8oTIGo(),第12期 赵勇桃,等:1Cr18Ni9Ti与1Cr13不锈钢的焊接试验 87nullo80A,o110mmnullmin,?4zaF(oh.(2) 1Cr18Ni9Tif81Cr13f8oFF.(3) 1Cr18Ni9Tif81Cr13f8ohAoTM,f8YurKv;o(;ohFf8M,?3f8Yu.(4)YVs1Cr18Ni9Ti1Cr13ohuEFwLou0KW.ID:1 null ChihChun, Hsieh, Dong Yih, et al. Precipitationandstrengthening-behav

3、iorofmassivenull-ferrite indissimilarstainless steelsduringmassivephase transformationJ. Materials Science and Engineering, 2008,477(1- 2):328- 333.2 null Ramazan Kacar, Orhan Baylan. An investigation of microstructurenullproperty relationships indissimilarweldsbetweenmartensitic andaus-tenitic stai

4、nlesssteelsJ. Materials& Design, 2004, 25(4): 317-329.3 null.MMm(=)M.:SS/, 2005.4 null.,-null+,yS,.BM8Cr30Mo2ohF?J.o, 2000, 21(1): 94- 96.Dong Junhui, Yao Jun, LiJianguo, et al. The welding jointsmicro-structure andmechanicalproperties of pure ferrite Cr30Mo2steelJ.Transactionsof theChinaWelding Ins

5、titution, 2000, 21(1): 94- 96.5 null6y,C,. 0Cr18Ni10TiohAJ., 2008, 44(5): 636- 640.XuZejian,LiYulong,LiPengzhou. The micro-hardnessstudy onweld-ing jointsof0Cr18Ni10Ti stainlesssteelJ. ActaMetallurgicaSinica,2008, 44(5): 636- 640.6 nullf,Rt.0K?J.Ke, 2007, 21(4): 12- 14.ZhangLihua, JinYunxue, Guo Yuh

6、ang. The study on corrosion resis-tant ofTi compoundmaterialsJ. Complete Corrosion Control, 2007,21(4): 12- 14.Te:u%,o,1974M3,V,=.1VYFM#FZST.?V10.Email: zyt2304391tom.ccm88null 焊null 接null 学null 报 第30卷by using blowhole resistance asfunctionand computersoftware, andthenthetrend diagramsof effects of

7、every ingredient andthe math-ematicalmodel between blowhole resistance of stainless steel elec-trode and11coating components were given. The effect of feldsparandmuscovite onthemarkofblowholeresistanceispositivebytrenddiagrams. There are interactions between most coating componentsandblowhole resist

8、ance by mathematical model. The searching andforecasting can be done by using mathematicalmodel andcomputerprogram.Key words: null stainless steel electrode; new slag system;blowhole; uniformdesignNumericalsimulationonthermal fatigue behaviorof CuCGAsolderedjointsnull null XIAO Zhengxiang1, XUE Song

9、bai1, JIN Chu-nyu2, ZHANGLiang1, GAO Lili1(1. College of Materials ScienceandTechnology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronau-tics, Nanjing210016, China; 2. CollegeofMathematicalSciences,Heilongjiang University, Haerbin150080, China). p77- 81Abstract: null The constitutive equation of Sn3.

10、9Ag0.6Cu and63Sn37Pbwereestablishedbasedon creeplaw, andthestress-straindistribution of solderedjointsin copper columngrid array (CuCGA)deviceswas analyzedunder the loadingsof different temperature cy-cles. Results indicatethat no matter how the change oftemperaturecycle range, the maximum creep str

11、ain is located in the solderedjoint wherethe locationfromthe device center isforemost, inwhichthestress concentration is found and cracks appear, therefore, thecorner soldered joint is the most fragile area in the whole device.CreepstrainofSn3.9Ag0.6Cusoldered jointsissmaller thanthatof63Sn37Pbsolde

12、redjoints. Lower stressandcreepstrainare exhibit-edfor bothSn3.9Ag0.6Cuand63Sn37Pbwhenthetemperature cy-clesrange isshortened. Sn3.9Ag0.6Cu solderedjointsshow higherthermalfatigue life than 63Sn37Pb soldered joints under the sametemperature cycle.Keywords: null copper column grid array; reliability;

13、 creeplaw; fatigue lifeFormability and microstructure characteristics of galvanizedplatebyTIGweldingnull null PENG Bendong1, ZHANG Jian1, LIYuntao1, YANGLijun2, LIU Guangda1(1. School ofMaterialsSc-ience and Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin300191, China; 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering,TianjinUniversity, Tianjin300191, China). p82- 84Abstract: null The microstructure andmicro-hardness of weldedjoint ofSGCCby tungsten iner-tgas(TIG) welding arestudied, andthe cupping testofTailor-welded blankandbase metal are studied.The



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