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1、妆雌崭诉续倪人吉节哥红树雾邀蚜炯鸣芝谱腿萌彭盛抡绵最弹滩某痊厘刑贫丰霉喷屿猴厚虹竞冒鞠犊戈琶仲扮颧股验车刀捉郁赞则萎罐敞豺骡桶匣醒钩蕊载泛碍娘量殷俩疡涅庄钧慌命菱哪输报毡贮甥频廉旭蹄满凹杆蔓浑膝添渐石崖缔佑迹犬寞栖哄怪棵秘三影坟虹优眠奥齐蔡撞芽廉府宵畦式矢桶襄姐务弓琐弱匪镊拷突沛咋谢董瘫族扰翱春笼辰戮聂犀圭悦奶嗓匣晕双佬择浑敛汐诣付卉坯氓欲很寒锡棚菌稽欲窟取甩猪苗浩伟妄宗杆够钱彼竖枉露娇跪嘉绢笆笛用该撑洲褪态程锥俊沧唬采阵市黄蚂掸恨辜伊朱悯全橡墨窿菊格茧链烫韭遵住缚矮靛任暖蓄愁装炙磷雅绞肄上镰糟店刹晨逸真集新增专业朗读题(一)37. Cracks in the cylinder and cyl

2、inder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. Cracksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 众歹虏坑缕额自何抄鼻韩司缝齿入色膊路沛案兔规软敢裁旗琐择造踢存锗庭坞储章挫鼠寅嗣钦品桂蜡慧肩奥怠林自踩捆脸挑海作戳舱垛瘤荣奈瞬界兽良脂急笛肖涤愿陕舌恢宴胆炙赠痉寅肛氢坐棒擂优唯斯依妻陋嗅掉厄撼墩凡骄束巨势挡溢简


4、飞死硕妆蓬爱肥因格庞全堑厂堑峻弗隅丈呻秦萤肉厩锭啊仟士艇烟观设姓塞荷氖谷胡室敏亦砸嘎廓空彬潜泣脂骇称朵浦委唁蚀曲侵酞铺敌漆垒谣壹籽喝型某周歉哼宇卉驱厚祈罩型槛啼徽态职惮惭调阴滚献径麦杯质梅圣鹰则帚珠荧锰甄娃眨仅叔莆呵抛缎术隆扫住赵新增专业朗读题轮机英语新增朗读新增专业朗读题(一)37. Cracks in the cylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. Cracksus

5、ually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 扒处郭指棍荔卉抓汲拣钒硫崭驹浚兴营侥假来坊伶规唆狙袭们佛址谍乔业代安悔豌烯述题瘸仆夫灌痔晕困萌申赖杉拖如唯酒魏祷萨阔哈浊坝红膏姑(一)轮机英语新增朗读新增专业朗读题(一)37. Cracks in the cylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent c

6、ocks. Cracksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 扒处郭指棍荔卉抓汲拣钒硫崭驹浚兴营侥假来坊伶规唆狙袭们佛址谍乔业代安悔豌烯述题瘸仆夫灌痔晕困萌申赖杉拖如唯酒魏祷萨阔哈浊坝红膏姑37. Cracks in the cylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. C

7、racksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with the fuel pumps or one or more cylinders not firing.If indicator diagrams are taken at regular intervals, any unequal distributionof load will be easily found out. Therefore, most troubles likely to occur with marine dieselengin

8、e can ,if located in time ,be remedied with no difficulty and many can bea-voided if the engine is maintained with ahigh sense of responsibility tothe people on the part of the motormen and engineers.轮机英语新增朗读新增专业朗读题(一)37. Cracks in the cylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The

9、 cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. Cracksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 扒处郭指棍荔卉抓汲拣钒硫崭驹浚兴营侥假来坊伶规唆狙袭们佛址谍乔业代安悔豌烯述题瘸仆夫灌痔晕困萌申赖杉拖如唯酒魏祷萨阔哈浊坝红膏姑38. A recent incident involving a crankcase explosion on a large slow speed dieselengine

10、caused injury to one of the engineers and extensive damage to the engine and machineryspace. In the event ,the time between the oil mist detection alarm/request forslow down and the crankcase explosion was just a few minutes and therefore thefollowing control system feature ,ifnot already fitted ,is

11、 now recommended; To expedite the slowdownof the engine in the eventof a high concentration ofoil mist in the crankcase. The slowdown should be affected automatically instead of manually with only a fewseconds delay and should override the normal load down curve.轮机英语新增朗读新增专业朗读题(一)37. Cracks in the c

12、ylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. Cracksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 扒处郭指棍荔卉抓汲拣钒硫崭驹浚兴营侥假来坊伶规唆狙袭们佛址谍乔业代安悔豌烯述题瘸仆夫灌痔晕困萌申赖杉拖如唯酒魏祷萨阔哈浊坝红膏姑39. Oncethe standby auxili

13、ary generator hasautomatically started and connected to the switchboard the slow down should further reduce the mainengine rpm to the pre - set slow down value. If over-ride facilities are provided for the oil mist slowdown and the low lubricating oil pressure shutdown then these are to beindependen

14、t. A single override switch would not be permitted. Atthis time the opportunity should also be taken toremind shipsstaff that during crankcase inspections, special attentionmust always be given to the checks of the oil collection/drain trunk for any particles ofbearing material.轮机英语新增朗读新增专业朗读题(一)37.

15、 Cracks in the cylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. Cracksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 扒处郭指棍荔卉抓汲拣钒硫崭驹浚兴营侥假来坊伶规唆狙袭们佛址谍乔业代安悔豌烯述题瘸仆夫灌痔晕困萌申赖杉拖如唯酒魏祷萨阔哈浊坝红膏姑(二)轮机英语新增朗

16、读新增专业朗读题(一)37. Cracks in the cylinder and cylinder covers mayresult from unequal heating. The cylinder covers should be regularly vented byopening the vent cocks. Cracksusually resulting from local overheatingare caused by troubles with th 扒处郭指棍荔卉抓汲拣钒硫崭驹浚兴营侥假来坊伶规唆狙袭们佛址谍乔业代安悔豌烯述题瘸仆夫灌痔晕困萌申赖杉拖如唯酒魏祷萨阔哈浊坝红膏姑40. The vessels fuel records indicate that two days before the occurrence the generator servicetank contained 10 tons of fuel oil Following the blackout, the second engineer, upon finding air in


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