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1、 2011-2012 学年(上)厦门市九年级质量检测学年(上)厦门市九年级质量检测英英 语语(二二)基础知识与运用基础知识与运用(每小题 1 分,共 25 分).选择填空:从选择填空:从 A、B、C 中,选择一个最佳答案完成句子。中,选择一个最佳答案完成句子。17. -Can you go to the movies with me this afternoon? - Sorry. Ive an _ with my dentist. Im going to see him. A. entertainment B. agreement C. appointment 18. -Is that re

2、d car Miss. Browns husbands?-Yes, it belongs to_. Beautiful , isnt it? A. him B. his C. her 19. -I can not understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears _of them.- He has a great watch collection. A. any B. both C. none 20. -Jenny, will you still be here this afternoon?-Yeah, I think

3、Ill stay _ five. Then Ill leave for dinner. A. by B. untilC. since 21.The temperature in Singapore is almost the same all year around. So you can choose to go there _ you like.A. whenever B. whatever C. however 22. -I find it quite hard to understand the passage.-Yes, _ there are few new words in it

4、. A. because B. so C. although 23.-How was the exhibition at the Lido Gallery?-It was _. I learned a lot. A. personal B. final C. educational 24.-I dont feel very well with my stomach.-I think you eat something bad.A. must B. should C. cant 25.-There is a lot of fat in hamburgers. They are not good

5、for you.- .But hamburgers are my favorite and they are delicious.A. I dislike B. I agree C. I disagree 26.-Oh,no! The door and the window !- Who could have done this ?Go in quickly and see if weve lost anything.A. are broken B. have brokenC. will break 27.-Peter has changed a lot. He now gets up ear

6、ly to do exercise.-Yes, he wake up late and be late for school every day.A. used to B. was afraid toC. hated to 28.-I have my paper. Would you please lend me some?-No problem.A. given up B. used upC. made up 29.-Linda seems interested in your travel in London. -Yeah, she asked me during my stay ther

7、e.A. where had I been B. where I had been C. where I had gone30.-Dad, Im hungry. Do we have anything to eat?-You can have some bread from the supermarket. Its on the table.A. which I am buying B. that I will buyC. that I bought 31.-I m really nervous before the exam.- ! You are the best.A. Take it e

8、asy B. Best wishesC. Well doneVI. 完形填空:从完形填空:从 A、B、C 中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。 If a man has a good appetite (食欲), it is thought that he is in good health. When we hear a sick man say, “Im as 32 as a bear,” We are quite sure that he gets better now. It is a good thing to feel hungry. In

9、fact , that is the way in which the 33 rings the bell to tell us that it needs refueling(补充能量).If a sick man does not eat, he will grow thinner and 34 gradually until he is even unable to 35 and at last he will die. That is what happens when people starve (饿) to 36 . You should know the following th

10、ings about 37 healthily. One of them is that you should eat enough vegetables and some fruits and drink four glasses of 38 between meals during the day. Next, eat 39 times a day at regular time if you are well. Eat 40 and chew the food until it is soft. If you want to be healthy, chew slowly and car

11、efully and 41 eating when youre not feeling hungry. And do not eat too much. 32. A.angry B.hungryC.busy 33. A.ear B.hand C.body 34. A.weaker B.shorterC.lazier 35. A.walk B.jump C.run 36. A.birth B.deathC.health 37. A.drinking B.eating C.sunlight 38. A.wine B.coffee C.water 39. A.one B.three C.five 4

12、0. A.slowly B.politely C.quietly 41. A.enjoy B.keep C.stop(三三)阅读理解(每小题阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共分,共 50 分)分) VII. 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答 42-66 小题。小题。 AA businessman walked into a bank in San Francisco and asked for the loan(贷款)officer. He said he would fly to Europe on business for two

13、weeks and needed to borrow7000. The bank officer said the bank would need some kind of collateral( 抵押品) for such a loan. So the businessman handed over the key to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checked out, and the bank agreed to accept the car as collateral for

14、the loan. An employee drove the Rolls into the banks underground garage and parked it there. Two weeks later, the businessman returned, repaid the7000 and the interest, which came to 29.67 dollars. The loan officer said,“ We are very happy to have had your business, and this business has worked out very nicely, but we are confused. While you were away, we checked you out and found you are a millionaire. What confuses us is why you would bother to borrow 7000.“ The businessman replied,“ Wher



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