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1、欧洲文化入门提纲整理一、一、Paraphrase (2*2=4 4*5=20%)1. These they endowed with such reckless generosity that all their favours were soon dispensed and none remained for the endowment of man. (are borned with impetuous)2. Although they had not the remotest idea how to overcome this difficulty,they proceeded to f

2、ashion man from clay. ( consided deeply ,continued to form man with clay.)3. They first moulded an image similar in form to the gods.( resemble to)4. Long he pondered the matter,and finally determined to obtain fire,or die in the attempt.( thought over, in the risk of )5. His step was slow and weary

3、,his garments dusty and travel-stained,and he seemed almost to stagger beneath the weight of a huge box which rested upon his shoulers.(got dirty through the journey)6. For the first time,also,Pandora refused to comply with his request.(observe,say yes to)7. She was juust on the point of giving up i

4、n despair when suddenly the refractory knot yielded to her fumbling fingers,and the cord,unrolling,dropped on the floor.(made up her mind to quit disappointedly,give in to her clumsy fingers)8. The earth was saturated with blood,the rights of hospitality were openly violated,and murder,rape,and thef

5、t were committed on all sides.( was full of /soaked, everywhere/in every direction)9. After much delay and discussion,the immortals agreed to wash mankind off the face of the earth by a mighty deluge.(drive mankind away)10.let the earth produce grass,and herbs,and fruit trees,all yielding after thei

6、r own kind,and it happened.(grow)11.Then God said.let the waters abound with living creatures,and let birds fly above the earth.(be full of )12.And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground.(made man with the dust)13.And God said:A man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to h

7、is wife,and they shall be one flesh (stick to /surround)14.God showed his love for Adam and Eve,by giving them all they needed and more to enjoy life to its fullest.(in the best or most complete way)15.So God pronounced doom to Lucifer ,saying,You will be brought down to hell,to the sides of the pit

8、s.(declared the fatal sentence/death to)16.This decision was a direct refusal to obey Gods command to go out and fill the earth.(obvious and exact disobey)17.The people are organizing as one group and since they all speak the same language,nothing they imagine to do will be held back from them.(stop

9、 moving forward)18.The Lord multiplied language on the earth,causing people to scatter abroad.(add/make the number bigger,spread over/scatter all over the world)二、二、Definition (5*6=30%)1、Prometheus Prometheus is the son of Iapetus, brother of Epimetheus. After time of the creation, he and his brothe

10、r were ordered to create man to rule over the plants and all kinds of living creatures on the earth. Prometheus with his brother fashioned man from clay. Prometheus loved man so much that he risked his own life to steal fire from Olympus but was discovered by Zeus. To give him punishment, Zeus sent

11、him to the Caucasian Mountain, chaining him to a rock, having an eagle to bite his liver which grew back daily. Suffering for centuries, Prometheus was saved by Heracles, who killed the eagle and broke the chains.2、Pandoras Box In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on the earth. She was ma

12、de to punish mankind for acceptance of the heavenly fire. She was the wife of Epimetheus. At the beginning the couple lived a happy life. However, out of curiosity, Pandora opened the box which was brought in by Hermes. The box contained all evils of mankind. The world was then soon full of unhappin

13、ess and evils. She later opened the box at the second time and the hope flew out and seized the evils. The world was healed again.3、Apollo Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. In Greek mythology, Apollo was in many respects the role model of a Greek god. He represents order, harmony and civilization

14、in a way that most other Olympian deities cannot equal. He was described as bright and rational and often associated with the cultivated arts of music and medicine. He was admired by many goddesses, but he retired form them. He was a fighter, for he killed Python; he was a lover as well, for he fell

15、 in love with many deities and people.4、Trojan War After Paris stole Helen, wife of Menelaus from Sparta, the Greek launched a war against Troy. But it was difficult to find Troy. At the end, the Greeks failed to take back Helen. The war happened when Telephus had gone to Greece in the hope of havin

16、g wound cured. The first nine years of the war consisted of both war in Troy and war against the neighboring regions. It came to no result. Then clever Odysseus ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its insides were to be hollow. Once, a number of the Greek warriors climbed inside. The rest of the Creek fleet sailed away. The wooden horse was taken into Troy. That night, the Greek warriors came out from the horse, and they slaughtered the Trojans. Fi


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