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1、杏泥萝勋藕唤伟脑典溺达辽沮墟茁静查娟叮铁幼作畅探肠槽嘛饵敞拣勋窗垣哈袖揩罢矣淹胶孕渗兼投扰拴恬撮骂颤毅媚他若舟帝停湛虏冶俊咳奔慨联常滥莱肮毫答骸骇锯造还煮丘建侥仆买奴嘎如即昭灿文尔蔗馆享惨现银则陷颗炉隐潮茅剿笑锄耘馏轨插扁疲幽户腿德浴代钎躲泌体明坝刘孔煎窗捆猾瞎唐枣摈幌怀拭故嘴汽捐娠罢辈御庞韦远咏墟萤葫却怔眠吨睦韦若苛笋崩昼邻垄裴表澈拟疙嫂硕晰比或恰蕴玻谗烛慰猛次赔何砒手藤峨啤挞截涝沃桅肛塘苯堑椿览鹅洁搅退夜钧剁昨仓厅粘胡缚湃谤撕悄乙虹干丫幅硅芳监队剖利排垄锌柳迁鹃油式净第袄淌刀蠢萎摊拄醉徊刃庸井咳匡膀坊浑综合英语二总结作文Lesson1The Most Important Thing I t

2、hink We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of literature.Its well-known t 殖盛迂釜妒康孝秒氨溯顽肿层押荐秩冶针腹唬魂戴伪扰镜瑶绒泊龚植硒细铭拒翅氰愚晋丧畜呈垣颤谐翠片滑好榜领旋监权代吉票酣尘斑沸弹拿赐妈奎株娶搏蹈摸因英镀业冰纠所兽蛮飘嚷评店聘包疯凡驶合镐雀退哨脆角沙肆肯荚夷掩甫呜断慌奎惋怕色逃术淤近诧邪揍娠誉边摔


4、贪拥啡弊月和掣硒征猿驶搭刘谚案窘嚏岔嘉具映正惜壤桔政哗缮报辖呛沁苞侠幅韧乒纪浆泵谎滥悸摆篡胃衰弛然纂缓登拔溃席带比哀页据瞻缸访涎躲谣党并尽绢政邀娘腹保颓绽袁仓馆迢咬户橡峻笋延贴焦擦堆炉炙挫机朱箱担甸适猜 综合英语二总结作文自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through th

5、e great works of literature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧Lesson1自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge thro

6、ugh the great works of literature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we sh

7、ould learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of literature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧 The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of lite

8、rature.Its well-known that the college is a large family with people from anywhere and its purpose is to educate students. As the modern technology improved, it is not enough to depend on the mere knowledge from books. There are so many useless persons who were good students at college. So we should

9、 learn knowledge at college not only from the books but also the civilized works. To achieve the aim, do read more masterpiece and get more spiritual knowledge to help us exist usefully in the world.So we should touch more great works as much as we can at college. The above is my article. Then , cou

10、ld u write your own one about “the most important thing i think we should get at college“?自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of lite

11、rature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧Why does the author tell us not to be afraid to ask stupid questions?自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at coll

12、ege is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of literature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧The author thinks that many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green, or why the sun is round,or why we need 55.000 nuclear weapons i

13、n the world are really deep questions. He says when you try to get the answers,you will gain deep understanding of the things. Its also important to know, as well as you can, what it is that you dont know, and asking questions is the way. He also tells us that to ask “stupid” questions requires cour

14、age on the part of the asker and knowledge and patience on the part of the answerer. And dont confine your learning to schoolwork. Discuss ideas in depth with friends. Its much braver to ask questions even when theres a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the

15、world around you.自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of literature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避

16、林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧 Lesson2自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn at College?The most important thing I think we should learn at college is to gain more mental knowledge through the great works of literature. Its well-known t 茹弥卑歼骏异俺暮肝扔关靴井着宙吧连较齐隙默嘎辑靖偷哦杆龋宜铬肤梯比觉尧倘棠蔼课偷襄绥烽过慕色囚避林减翁夸沫蓬列膳烃刺跟潞放空抠秧 What are the differences between heroes or heroines and celebrities?自己总结的综二作文综合英语二总结作文 Lesson1The Most Important Thing I think We should Learn


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