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1、5bd436e0b97da11edb0a762ac00beb01.pdf Editted By Addison Wang- 1 -自己的自己的 issue 高高频频提提纲纲 NO.130 教育教育 3 月北京第月北京第 2 “How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.“孩子们的社会化决定社会的命运

2、。不幸的是我们还不知道怎样孩子们的社会化决定社会的命运。不幸的是我们还不知道怎样 抚养孩子才能使他们对将来的社会有用。抚养孩子才能使他们对将来的社会有用。This statement actually consist of two claims. First, the destiny of society is determined by how children are socialized today. Second, we have not yet learned how to raise children to be competent to help bring about a be

3、tter society. As far as I am concerned, I disagree with both of the two claims. (1) There is no denying that children is the hope of a nation so that how children are socialized is indeed crucial for the future society. (2) However, the socialization of children is only one of the factors that deter

4、mine the development of children, and yet it may not the most important one. (3) What is the most important, consider the item “better society” as equality, prosperity, stabilization, then we do have experienced great improvement and progress during the last decades, the time of those who once were

5、the childern of our society, which means we do actually know how to raise children to contribute a better society. We devote to raise children in health, not only in physical but also in mental. Merits such as honesty, responsibility, persistence, kindness and so on are the core lessons should be ta

6、ken to children.NO.48 历史与人民历史与人民 3 月北京第月北京第 4 “The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.“历史研历史研究把太多重点放在对某些个人上究把太多重点放在对某些个

7、人上.历史上一些重大事件和发展趋势不是由个别名人决定的历史上一些重大事件和发展趋势不是由个别名人决定的, 而可能是由那些已经被淡忘的人制造的。而可能是由那些已经被淡忘的人制造的。There is always a debate on whether the famous few or the groups of people nameless contribute to the significant events and trends in history. Different people have different views according to their different

8、experience, beliefs and positions. The arguer is in favor of that the most significant events and trends in history were made by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. Though one can hardly say with certainty that history was created by the very individuals or ordinary people, i

9、n my view, I agree with the arguers point more. 1.Admittedly, in some areas such as art and science, a group of key individuals have played a more crucial role than forgettable groups of people. It is Newton, who laid the foundation of calculus, formulated three fundamental laws of mechanics, leadin

10、g to the law of gravitation. It is Einstein who put forward 5bd436e0b97da11edb0a762ac00beb01.pdf Editted By Addison Wang- 2 -Theory of Relativity and also gave a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect. It is Beethoven who left the world with so many great compositions, which are so infec

11、tive, unforgettable and can not be replaced. It is Shakespeare, who created the greatest English literature. 2.However, most of the time, the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by groups of ordinary people. Though decisions were made by the key individuals but they were

12、 completed by forgettable groups of people. Take the Chinese famous historic building, Great Wall, as an instance. Though it is the first emperor of ancient dynasty Qing who decided to construct Great Wall, however, without thousands upon thousands labour forces how can the great wall be established

13、? And Pyramid perhaps can be regarded as the similar example to illuminate this point. 3.In another place, though the famous few played a crucial role in some significant events and trend in history, sometimes these trends are inevitable and if without those famous few, there would be others played

14、such important roles instead of them. President Abraham Lincoln gave the American Civil War a new political direction. He had freed Negro slaves in the rebel states of the south as well as saved the Union. His contribution to human freedom can not be forgotten, however, if there were no Abraham Linc

15、oln there might be another Lincoln sooner or later to fulfill this great mission. 4.Additionally, we, common people, all flock to the powerful and the beautiful. Thus, newspapers and TV stations report a mass of information, even trivia sometimes, to cater for our taste. Therefore information about

16、the famous individual was kept down but insufficient materials of groups of people were remained. So, possibly, it is we ourselves, the common people, who have shaped the history, such that it concentrates on important individualsNO.144 艺术家和评论家艺术家和评论家 3 月北京第月北京第 13“It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value.“ *a person


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