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1、*错误与警告信息汇总*简称错误汇总 % 布局 check status file between steps for warnings on any jumps prescribed across the steps in displacement values of translational dof. For rotational dof make sure that there areno such jumps.All jumps in displacements across steps are ignored.你采用了位移边界条件,但在平动自由度上,可能在不同的分析步骤里面有突变 (

2、你可以从 sta 文件里面查看) ,并且应保证转动自由度无突变。 通知性质的 warning,一般是因为你采用位移加 载方式,都出这个。6 The strain increment has exceeded fifty times the strain to cause first yield at 377 points检查下约束够不够,约束够了就不用管了,这只是通知你,你的模型塑性应变很 大,一般没多大问题。7 123 nodes are used more than once as a slave node in *TIE keyword.One of the *TIE constrain

3、ts at each of these nodes have been identified in node set WarNodeOverconTieSlave 定义接触的时候,公共节点重复定义了好几次,这样可能会出现过约束问题(只 是可能影响).8 There are 2 unconnected regions in the model.可能是接触面由空隙,最好在接触属性中定义一个容差范围。一般各个 parts 之间定义接触,aba 都会这样通知用户的,只要接触设置对了, 一般没事。9 Boundary conditions are specified on inactive dof of

4、 124 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeBCIactiveDof边界条件定义的有问题:在 124 个节点的非自由度上有边界加载10 The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converg一般是塑性应变太大,单元扭曲导致的。可以先改为弹性模型看看是否收敛; 学习下 aba_aba 大侠的指导吧http:/ The ratio of the maximum incremental adjustment to the average cha

5、racteristic length is 1.82846e-02 at node 10868 instance jiti1 on the surface pair (assembly_jq22,assembly_q22).可以通过调大预设值消除该提示 and 检查网格质量。12 ELEMENT 42 INSTANCE SOIL3-1 IS DISTORTING SO MUCH THAT IT TURNS 应改进单元质量13 650 nodes are either missing intersection with their respective master surface or out

6、side the adjust zone.改改 tie 里的 tolarance 试试14 Dependent part instances cannot be edited or assigned mesh attributes模型树assembly打击 part 右键make independent。也可以到模型树 part 步展开点 mesh。15 The aspet ratio for nnn elements exceeds 100 to 1.单元划分网格长宽比不合适。如果这些单元在不重要的区域(对结果肯定有些影响,影响大小取决于这三个单元的位置,在模型中的作用等) ,而且能计算,那

7、就没问 题了16 123 elements are distorted 存在单元扭曲,如果这些单元在不重要的区域(对结果肯定有些影响,影响大小取决于这三个单元的位置,在模型中的作用等) ,而且能计算,那就没问 题了(同 15)17 *WARNING: DEGREE OF FREEDOM 1 IS NOT ACTIVE ON NODE 6 - THIS BOUNDARY CONDITION IS IGNORED约束了单元没有得自由度对求解没有影响,可以查看下18 热分析时出现了这样的警告“THERE IS ZERO HEAT FLUX EVERYWHEREThere is zero HEAT F

8、LUX everywhere in the model based on the default criterion. please check the value of the average HEAT FLUX during the current iteration to verify that the HEAT FLUX is small enough to be treated as zero. if not, please use the solution controls to reset the criterion for zero HEAT FLUX.试试:(1)是不是热源定

9、义的问题,错误信息是说热源量几乎为零。(2)定义热源的子程序调用命令流应该为*HEAT GENERATION,在材料模块中 定义,子程序为 HETVAL。19 The elements in the element set WarnElemSurfaceIntersect-Step1 are involved surface intersections. Refer to the status and message file for further details检查一下你单元集合的定义以及面的定义,看是否出现了相交或重复定义的情况 20 Boundary conditions are sp

10、ecified on inactive dof of 36 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeBCInactiveDof.http:/ ter%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D6821 Integration and section point output variables will not be output for deformable elements that are declared as rigid using the *rigid body option 这个仅是通知性质的(在

11、interaction 步设置为 rigid body,不输出应力应变) ,你 在 interaction 步定义了刚体约束的话,都会出这个警告。 22 For a self contact surface, the facets of the elements in element set WarnElemFacetThickPt63d-Step1 are thicker than 0.6 times an edge or diagonal lengthof the facets. Use the MAXRATIO parameter on *SURFACE DEFINITION to al

12、low automatic rescaling of the contact thicknesses where necessary for this surface. Refer to the status file for further details.http:/ NO VALID RADIATION OUTPUT REQUESTS HAVE BEEN GENERATED. THIS MAY BE DUE TO EARLIER INPUT ERRORS OR SPECIFICATION OFA NONEXISTANT CAVITY OR SURFACE NAME检查一下你的 outpu

13、t 設定裡是不是有些 set 或 surface 沒有設定到24 123 nodes may have incorrect normal definitions. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeIncorrectNormal。先用 1 楼末尾的方法看看 WarnNodeIncorrectNormal 在哪儿。这个不一定是致命 的警告,有时候可以忽略。如果模型不收敛,可以检查下是否有过约束,在接触上存在边界条件 or 加载。25 This option is not supported for element loop pa

14、rallelization. If you have specified element loop parallelization, it will be turned off for this analysishttp:/ r%3Dtype%26amp%3Btypeid%3D6827 msg 出現 COMPATIBILITY ERRORShttp:/ 123 个节点,200 个单元等等)都 是概数。D 系列系列见 3 楼,是 cdstudio 版主发布关于 fortran 二次开发的错误表: CompaqCompaq VisualVisual FortranFortran -Complier-Complier ErrorsErrors Manual.pdfManual.pdf (71 KB) E 系列系列1 上文已经说过,类似于-ERROR:Too many attamps have bee



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