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1、分子生物学文献分子生物学文献 Literatures in Molecular Biology 课程安排与考核课程安排与考核介绍文献研究的作用与内容查找文献的基本方法引用文献的规范SCI简介网络资源的利用实践(考核) 课程目的与要求课程目的与要求“四会四会”会查:查找文献会看:阅读、理解文献会用:利用文献、引用文献会写:写论文 一、文献研究的作用一、文献研究的作用Art is eternal, science is directional. 一、文献研究的作用一、文献研究的作用回顾过去,立足现在,展望将来 一、文献研究的作用一、文献研究的作用文献研究是做科学研究的必由之路任何现代的科学研究都离

2、不开文献研究计划(申请经费)研究报告研究论文文献研究搞好了,就是科研好的开始 二、文献研究的内容二、文献研究的内容某一研究领域的发展史(产生与发展过程)借鉴、启发、澄清某一研究领域的现状及发展趋势帮助确定研究方向(科研的选题),在已有基础上进行研究以文献为研究素材(文献提供的数据、发现),进行理论研究, 做出更深层次的发现 三、查找文献的基本方法三、查找文献的基本方法新文献的引用文献或参考文献近期高水平的论文,特别是综述论文文摘及索引BA (Biological Abstract), CA (Chemical Abstract), Current Contents国际联机检索利用互联网查找文献

3、向作者索要文献 三、查找文献的基本方法三、查找文献的基本方法部分国内外重要的学术杂志中国科学科学通报自然科学进展生物化学与生物物理学报生物化学与生物物理进展植物学报 三、查找文献的基本方法三、查找文献的基本方法部分国内外重要的学术杂志Nature and its related journals(Nature family of journals )ScienceCellPNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)EMBO JournalThe Plant Cell

4、三、查找文献的基本方法三、查找文献的基本方法部分国内外重要的学术杂志Nucleic Acids ResearchJournal of Molecular BiologyGeneTrends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS) Trends in GeneticsAnnual Review of Biochemistry Annual Review of Plant Physiology & Plant Molecular Biology 三、查找文献的基本方法三、查找文献的基本方法部分国内外重要的学术杂志New ScientistScientific American

5、Eletronic journalsInternet resources 四、引用文献的规范四、引用文献的规范文中对以往文献的标注直接标注:在文中标明作者及发表年份(括号内)间接标注:按引用的先后用序号表示(上标,一般在方括号内)参考文献的格式论文的引用书籍的引用网络资源的引用 四、引用文献的规范四、引用文献的规范论文论文作者姓名. 年份. 题目. 期刊名称(斜体,缩写)卷(期): 起止页码.Venter, J.C., H.O. Smith, and L. Hood. 1996. A new strategy for genome sequencing. Nature 381:364-366.

6、Fedorov A, Merican AF, Gilbert W. Large-scale comparison of intron positions among animal, plant, and fungal genes. Proc. Natl. Sci. USA 2002, 99(25), 16128-16133Hudson, T.J., et al. 1995. An STS-based map of the human genome. Science 270:1945-54. 四、引用文献的规范四、引用文献的规范书籍书籍编著者. 年份. 书名(斜体,从第二版开始要注明版本). 出

7、版地: 出版社.Sambrook, J., et al. 2001. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd ed. Plainview, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.Corwin, H.O., and J.B. Jenkins, eds. 1976. Conceptual Foundations of Genetics: Selected Readings. Boston: Hounghton Mifflin.Gill P, Evett I. Population genetics of sh

8、ort tandem repeat (STR) loci. In: Weir B ed. Human Identification: The Use of DNA Markers. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995, 69- 87 四、引用文献的规范四、引用文献的规范网络资源网络资源网址,访问时间(access time) 五、五、SCI简介简介SCI: Science Citation IndexISI (Institute for Scientific Information)的产品1958 Eugene Garfield starts ISI by borrowing $5

9、00 from Household Finance. Current Contents (CC) of Chemical, Pharmaco-Medical & Life Sciences is the sole product. It covers 200 journals in about 32 pages per issue. 1961 ISI receives a grant from the National Institutes of Health to produce the experimental Genetics Citation Index using citation

10、indexing. First, a comprehensive interdisciplinary index was produced. From this database, citations relating to genetics were extracted. Published in 1963, the comprehensive database eventually becomes the 1961 Science Citation Index (SCI) which included 562 journals and 2 million citations. The 19

11、64 SCI comprises five volumes. 五、五、SCI简介简介SCI: Science Citation IndexISI (Institute for Scientific Information)的产品1988 ISI provides Current Contents on Diskette.1989 Science Citation Index Compact Disk Edition wins Product of the Year from Online Inc.1997 ISI launches ISI Web of Science.2001 ISI dev

12、elops ISI Web of KnowledgeSM - the single, sophisticated platform that unites journal literature, patents, chemical compounds, and genetic sequencing, and integrates proceedings and additional print and electronic sources. 五、五、SCI简介简介SCI: Science Citation IndexSource Index (Source Publication)Citation IndexPermuterm Subject Index 五、五、SCI简介简介SCI: Science Citation IndexImpact Factor (IF,影响因子)国内刊物入选SCI的情况



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