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1、公共英语公共英语 3 3 级精讲班第级精讲班第 1717 讲讲义讲讲义DialogueDialogue 1:Two young people, an American and a Japanese, are chatting as they want to board their flight.1. I see by your boarding card that were on the same flight.从你的登机牌上我知道我们乘同一架班机。boarding card 登机牌2. Ill be studying tourism management for two years at a

2、 private institute for foreigners.我将在给外国人开办的私人学院里学习两年的旅游管理。3. Speaking of friends, I think Id better find the tax-free shop before we board the plane.谈到朋友,我想我在登机前最好找家免税品商店。tax-free/ duty-free 免税品商店Dialogue 2:Edmund, a tourist, is taking a trip in North America. He wants to know more bout culture and

3、 life there. Now he is talking with Deborah, a tourist guide, about restaurants in the U.S.1. Restaurant can be classified into two types fast food and full service.饭店可以分为两种 快餐店与全套服务的饭店。2. If you want to eat in the restaurant, you then seat yourself.如果你想在饭店吃饭,你自己坐在饭店里。seat oneself, dress oneselfseat

4、, dress, vt.sit in the seat, put on the clothes,3. You are also expected to clean off your table when you are done with the meal.你吃完饭要自己清理餐桌。clean off 清理be done with the meal 吃完饭4. Some restaurant will automatically add this 15%, call a “gratuity charge”, to your bill if you have a certain number of

5、 people in your party.如果你的聚会有很多人,一些饭店会自动增加 15%的小费。Monologue 1:Employees in ABO, an international automobile company, are required to travel a lot around the world. Stephen, an experienced senior manager of the firm, is now delivering a lecture to new recruits about travel affairs.1. As a matter of f

6、act, airports have fine international cuisine from fresh seafood in New York to Brazilian barbecue in Hong Kong.事实上,机场有很多风味的饭菜 从纽约新鲜的海鲜到香港的巴西烤肉。2. And you can stock up on something to have for later for example, cheese and caviar in Mexico City.你可以买很多以备以后使用,比如奶酪和墨西哥城的鱼子酱。stock up on 一次买上很多以备后用As soo

7、n as they heard about possible food shortages, they began to stock up.stock up on fuel for the winterstock up with food for Christmas3. If you are stuck in airport, you could have some fun.如果你在机场上不了飞机,你可以有很多乐趣。stick in 卡在某处不能移动The key stuck in the lock.The bus stuck in the mud.4. When you walk in, r

8、elaxing music comes and pictures of clouds are projected on the wall.当你走进去,会听到轻松的音乐看到投影在墙上的朵朵白云。be projected on 光线、影子、影像被投在-上5. And shopping in airports is great if you would like t buy something fancy and rare.如果你想买些不同寻常的稀有的东西,在机场购物会是个好的选择。fancy 不同寻常的,昂贵的Monologue 2:A travel consultant is introduci

9、ng Christian Cruises to travelers.1. There has been a large increase in Christian theme cruises over the last few years, in large part due to their incredible popularity of cruising in general.在过去几年中,以基督教为主题的巡游有大量的增加,部分原因是巡游变的越来越流行。In large part due to 主要因为2. Having reserved the entire ship, they sh

10、ut down the slot machine, ban smoking throughout the ship, and replace the showgirl with Christian entertainers.预定了整条船之后,他们封上了赌博机,全船禁止吸烟,用宗教演艺人员代替了歌舞女郎。1)reserve the ship 预定2) shut sown 关闭3) replace sth with sth 用-代替-3. Due to the popularity of Christian cruising you may find that she has a long lis

11、t of options.由于宗教巡游的流行,你会发现她有很多的选择。PassagePassage:1. However, today we are coming to realize that tourism is a mixed blessing,然而,今天我们越来越意识到旅游业是利弊各半的行业。a mixed blessing blessing 令人高兴的事物What a blessing that you werent hurt in the accident.2. Around the world, areas are endangered by the large numbers

12、of tourists who visit them.There are, then, serious dangers that come with the promise of tourism.世界各地都因为旅行者过多而受到威胁。在旅游业发展的同时也伴随着严重的危险。3. These are not authentic cultural sites but copies of something that may or may not have ever really existed.他们并不是真正的文化景点,而是或许根本就不存在的东西的复制品。4. Whats the value of t

13、radition if its kept alive for profit, and bears little relation to real life?如果它的存在只是为了获取利润,并且与现实社会没有关系,传统还有什么意义?5. Taken together, the negative effects of tourism grow larger over time.总起来说,旅游业的负面影响随着时间的在不断的增加。6. The cumulative effects of tourism are great because every time we use cars of planes

14、to travel we contribute to one of the greatest disruptions in the history of the planet.旅游积累的影响是巨大的,因为每次我们使用飞机或汽车去旅游,我们就对破坏我们这个星球做出了贡献。ExercisesExercises:Use of English:3. recovering, 恢复的 leading, 主要的 promising, 有希望的 encouraging,鼓舞人心的4. for example, 比如 in addition, 另外 by far, 远远地 in case 在-情况下6. Tou

15、rism, 旅游 Service, 服务 Growth, 增长 Recovery 恢复10. dealers,商人 spenders, 花钱的人 regulators 调节器12. landscape,风景,景色 direction 方向, circle,圆圈 destination 目标15. justified,有正当理由的 qualified,有资格的 forecast, 预测 cast 投,射17. target,目标 source,来源 reserve, 预定 force 强迫20. establish,建立 schedule,计划 accommodate 给某人提供房间。动词动词动

16、词1) 表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。2) 根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如:We are having a meeting. 我们正在开会。 (having 是实义动词。)He has gone to New York. 他已去纽约。(has 是助动词。)3) 动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为 vt. 和 vi.。说明:同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如:She can dance and sing. 她能唱歌



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