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1、编编 号号江南大学本本科科生生毕毕业业设设计计( 论论文文 )题目:题目:The Application of Interactive Approach in Senior High School Oral English Teaching 太湖 学院 英语 专业学 号 0831332 学生姓名 胡星晔 指导教师 王筱娟 (讲师) II二一二年六月摘要I摘摘 要要互动式教学意指在一定的教学情境中,教学参与者以主体的身份遵循一定的规则、规范这些规则、规范是参与者双方共同接受、共同认可而达成的同意、一致和普遍性,进行的教学领域中的物质的、精神的交换和传导的活动。互动式教学法强调以“学生为中心” ,

2、师生互动能为学生创造一个轻松活跃的学习氛围。互动式教学是教学工作艺术性的一种体现,自 20 世纪 50 年代,许多心理学派从不同角度对自主学习作过一些理论探讨。90 年代以来,国外许多学者对自主学习作了更为广泛和深入的研究,尤其在自主学习的实质,机制,自主学习能力等基本问题上都取得了不少进展。常见的互动教学方法有讲课法,案例法,讨论法,角色扮演法和练习法等。如今如何在教学实践中提高学生自主学习的能力,促进课堂教学质量的提高已成为许多师生共同关心的问题。这篇论文旨在从英语课堂学科角度围绕互动式教学法的理论与口语教学特点来探索如何通过师生互动的方法使学生喜爱英语,最终达到能够自主学习英语,成为具有

3、终身语言学习能力的人。关键词:关键词:互动式教学;口语教学;自主学习 AbstractIIAbstractInteractive Teaching means teaching in a certain context, the identity of the main teaching participants to follow certain rules, It means the participants(teachers and students)follow certain rules and norms under certain teaching situation to ac

4、hieve the material and spiritual that they both accept, acknowlege and agree on communication in the teaching field. Interactive teaching methods emphasize “student-centered”, teacher-student interaction helps to create a dynamic learning atmosphere. The Interactive Teaching approach is an artistic

5、performance in teaching activities. Since 1950s, many psychologists have done several theoretical researches for active learning from different perspectives. Since 1980s, some researchers make a lot of achievements in the essence of active learning capabilities. The main methods of interactive teach

6、ing approach are as follows: teaching method,sampling,discussion,role-play and practice. How to improve the students active learning abilities in teaching activities and promote the teaching efficiency has become the main issue which is considered by many teachers and students nowadays. This essay a

7、ims to study the theory of interactive teaching approach and the features of oral English teaching from the subjective teaching perspectives to stimulate the students to love English by interactive activities between teachers and the students. Therefore, the students can learn English actively and b

8、ecome the persons who have the linguistic capability for the whole life.Keywords: Interactive Teaching Approach; Oral English Teaching; active learning; interactive activities between teachers and studentsContentsIIIContentsChapter 1 Introduction .1Chapter 2 Interactive Teaching Approach.22.1 Defini

9、ton and Elements.2 2.2 The Differences between Interactive and Duck-Stuffing teaching .3 Chapter 3 Oral English Teaching .43.1 Features of oral English Teaching.4 3.2 Factors for oral English teaching 4 3.3 Strategies for oral English teaching.5 Chapter 4 Modes of Interactive English Teaching Approa

10、ch.64.1 Principles of Interactive English Teaching Approach.6 4.2 Modes of Interactive English Teaching Approach.9 4.3Possible practice of Interactive English Teaching Approach.11 Chapter 5 Conclusion.12References.14Acknowledgements.15The Application of Interactive Teaching Approach in Senior High S

11、chool Oral English Teaching1Chapter1 IntroductionThe education task features powerful scientific and artistic characteristics. Teaching should be scientific because in its process many educational and psychological theories are employed. Therefore, many practical experiences can be concluded and dev

12、eloped into systematic theories. The artistic features lie in the fact that education task is the task that serves students, who are the main objects. Teachers should not only pass on knowledge, but also put emphasis on the students absorption of knowledge. However, in different educational circumst

13、ances, teachers may be confronted with students with different characteristics. Meanwhile, there are obvious differences in the contents of the course. Therefore, there doesnt exist standard teaching models and methods, which calls for creative and flexible teaching methods. Since 1950s, many psycho

14、logists have done theoretical researches on active learning from different perspectives, especially in some issues like the essence of active learning abilities, many achievements have been made. Our nation starts later in the research on the active learning .However, with the implement of the policy of



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