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1、浙江万里学院 本科毕业设计本科毕业设计( (论文论文) )(2014 届)论文题目 逆变直流焊机的原理与设计 (英文) theory and densign 所在学院 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化 091 学生姓名 张宏 学号 2009017008 指导教师 钱裕禄 职称 讲师 完成日期 2013 年 4 月 28 日基于基于 PLCPLC 的物料自动分拣控制系统设计的物料自动分拣控制系统设计张宏(浙江万里学院电信学院电气 091 班)2013 年 4 月摘摘 要要 自动控制技术的研究有利于将人类从复杂、危险、繁琐的劳动环境中解放出来并大大提高工作效率。本系统以 PLC 为控制核心,用电容传感


3、关键词:PLC;物料自动分拣;控制系统;电机;气阀气缸AbstractResearch on automatic control technology will help human from complex, dangerous, tedious labor environment for free and greatly improve work efficiency. This system uses PLC as the control core. Implementation of resolution of the material as well as for automatic

4、 classification of capacitance sensor, the inductive sensor, color code sensor, photoelectric sensor, step motor, three-phase motor, mechanical hand, the valve and the corresponding control circuit. The photoelectric sensor to detect whether there are material. If something exists, feeding cylinder

5、will take the object out of. At the same time, three-phase motor rotation .This object will go through the following sensor: The color sensor to detect the color of objects, The capacitance transducer and inductance sensor detection of the object material. Sensors on the material after resolution. A

6、t the position of the mechanical hand. Manipulator after resolution material automatically to the stepper motor drive the carStepper motor command output pulse. The car was sent to the location specified. Material sorting cylinder push repository. On the basis of said control program. When I select

7、sensor, So I need a color sensors. I need to distinguish the material color. So I chose inductive sensor and capacitive sensor.Key words: PLC; Automatic sorting of the material; Control system; Motor; Cylinder and valve目目 录录1 绪论.12 控制系统分析.22.1 信号检测实现考虑 .2 2.2 物料分拣系统实现方案.3 2.3 PLC 的 I/O 口分配.4 2.4 控制系

8、统 I/O 连接图.53 系统硬件设计.63.1 传感器的选取.6 3.1.1 光电传感器.6 3.1.2 色标传感器.7 3.1.3 电感传感器.7 3.1.4 电容传感器.8 3.2 CPU226CN DC/DC/DC 型 PLC.8 3.3 电磁阀与气缸.9 3.3.1 电磁阀.9 3.3.2 气缸.10 3.4 控制系统各机构及模块介绍.11 3.4.1 上料机构.11 3.4.2 皮带输送机构.12 3.4.3 机械手搬运机构.13 3.4.4 分类仓储机构.144 系统程序设计.174.1 编程软件介绍.17 4.2 各机构程序设计.17 4.2.1 机械手机构.17 4.2.2 皮带输送机构程序设计.20 4.2.3 分类仓储机构程序设计.



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