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1、Before signing this Contract, Borrower should read the Contract carefully,especially the sections marked with *, and should confirm that Borrower has nodisagreement with the Contract.BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS LOAN CONTRACT(For Medium or Short Term Working Capital Loan)Loan No.: Wei Jiao Yin 2001 Loan 6

2、-031Borrower: Weifang Fuhua Amusement Park Co., Ltd.Address: East End of Dong Feng East Street, Weifang CityLegal representative: Jie YangLender: Weifang Branch of the Bank of CommunicationsAddress: 358 Dong Feng East StreetAccording to applicable laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of Chin

3、a(the “PRC“), the Borrower and Lender, after reaching an agreement throughnegotiations, hereby enter into this contract pursuant to Borrowers applicationto Lender for a working capital loan (the “Loan“)Article 1. The Loan1.1. Type of currency: RMB1.2. Loan amount (full-form characters): Four hundred

4、 and fifty thousand yuanexactly. The actual principal borrowed by Borrower shall be the numberwritten on the financial voucher issued by Lender.1.3. Loan term: July 24, 2001 to June 20, 20021.4. The Loan under this Loan Contract shall be solely for industrial/businessuse. Borrower shall not divert t

5、he funds under this Loan Contract to anyother purpose.Article 2. Interest Rate and Interest Calculation2.1. Interest rate: 5.3625%, based on 30 days in a month and 360 days in ayear.2.2. During the term of this Loan Contract, interest may be changed asprescribed by the Peoples Bank of China when sai

6、d Bank adjusts itsinterest rate or rate calculation method, in which case Borrowersapproval is not necessary.22.3. The formula for calculating the interest is as follows: Interest on theloan = (the prescribed interest rate under this Loan Contract) x (Loanamount) x (actual days of use), where actual

7、 days of use is calculatedfrom the day the Loan is issued.2.4. Settlement of interest under this Loan Contract is to be calculated permonth. The settlement date is the 20th day of each month. All principaland interest shall be paid in full on the day the term of the Loanexpires.Article 3. Release of

8、 funds under the Loan3.1. Borrower may apply for release of funds under the Loan Contract, at onetime or at different times, within the fixed period, under Article 1.3hereof. However, each time Borrower must make the application to Lender atleast 3 banking days in advance.3.2. Lender shall have the

9、right to examine the following issues beforereleasing funds under the Loan and shall decide whether to release fundsbased on results of the examination:(1) whether Borrower has performed all legally-required proceduressuch as obtaining government licenses, approvals and registrationand other procedu

10、res Lender may require of Borrower;(2) Whether a related guaranty contract is currently in effect.3.3. Lender shall release funds at one time or at different times to Borroweraccording to the Loan Voucher; and3.4. The funds release date and amount shall be as recorded in the LoanVoucher.Article 4. R

11、epayment of the Loan:4.1. The date of repayment of principal under this Loan Contract shall be asrecorded in the Loan Voucher;4.2. Borrower shall repay the principal and interest under this Loan Contractin full on the due date.4.3. *Borrower hereby irrevocably authorizes Lender, on the Lenders ownin

12、itiative, to withdraw funds from Borrowers deposit account with theBank of Communications.4.4. Borrower shall repay principal and interest in the currency provided inArticle 1.1 above.4.5. *Borrower may repay the Loan in advance upon approval from Lender.3Lender has the right to collect the interest

13、 for the period between thedate of the prepayment and the date of repayment recorded in the Loan Voucher atthe rate specified in this Loan Contract.Article 5. *Borrowers Declaration and Warranties5.1. Borrower accepts and shall abide by Lenders business system, operationalpractices, and the procedur

14、es under this Loan Contract.5.2. Borrower warrants that it will cooperate with Lender on the supervisionand inspection of the use of the funds borrowed under this Loan Contractand of the business condition of Borrower and that it will promptlyprovide all financial statements and related materials ne

15、eded by Lender,which Borrower warrants to be true, complete and accurate.5.3. Borrower warrants that it will issue written notices to Lender uponoccurrence or possible occurrence of the following events within sevendays thereof:(1) Borrowers operational system or organizational form of propertyowner

16、ship is changed materially, including, but not limited to,introducing the practice of contracting, conducting leasing operations,entering into joint operations, restructuring equity, merging with(acquiring) other entities, entering into a joint venture (cooperativearrangement), splitting into separate entities, setting up a subsidiary,transferring title to property, reducing capital, termi



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