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1、新标准新标准 Module6时 教 学设 计 首 页授时间:年月日题A pstard fr Ne r型presentatin第几 时1时教学目标(三维)知识与技能:学生能够听说读写单词 seda,hpstis,sn。学生能够准确理解并且运用 Have/hasgt 句型及其一般疑问句形式。过程与方法:通过不同国家的人们使用的物品进行化对比,复习“Have/has gt”的用法。情感态度价值观:通过小组之间的合作,培养学生分工协作的能力。教学重点与难点正确运用 Have/has gt 句型及其一般疑问句形式。教学方法与手段使用教材的构想通过用 Havegt 句型与学生交流,使学生们了解这一句型的用

2、法并渗透进行hasgt 句型的学习,通过读写明信片进行巩固练习,综合运用语言。时 教 学 流 程教师行为学生行为堂变化及处理主要环节的效果Step1 ar-upGreetingRevieStep2 PresentatinA and Sa have gt a pstard fr Ne r Butits nt fr Daing an u guess his it fr?Let read the pstard tgether1Listen and anser the questin s hat has Daing gt ?2Listen ,pint ,and find “have gt ”3Read

3、 it in grupsStep3 Pratie1(L at the pitures ) Tal abut hineseandfriegenthings lie this :2ae sentenes fr the bxes ,using “and ” r“but ”Step 4HerFill in the blansLaure et Daing in _She anted t be Daings _She anted t_ t A and Sa Daing asedtheir_adressGuessIt is fr Laura Listen arefull Underline “have gt

4、 ”A: hat has ie gt ?B :He has gt a hinese nt A :Has he gt a Aerian t ar ?B :es ,he has D the exerise n Page 23板书设计dule 6Unit 1Ive gt se hpstis, but the are diffiultDaing has gt a hinese ite and e fl it in the parHave u gt a b abut Aeria ?作业设计If u are A/Sa , rite a letter t Laure教学后记时 教 学设 计 首 页授时间:年

5、月日题Ive gt se staps fr hina型presentatin第几 时2时教学目标(三维)知识与技能:学生能听说读写单词 nife ,fr。能够比较熟悉的运用 have gt/hasgt 句型进行日常的会话交流过程与方法:分组练习情感态度价值观:培养学生的语感和语言表达能力。教学重点与难点能够比较熟悉的运用 have gt/has gt 句型进行日常的会话交流教学方法与手段。分组交流,在游戏中巩固知识。使用教材的构想本的内容不多,学生们对最后的游戏兴趣比较大,游戏的展开不仅调动了他们的学习兴趣,同时也可以练习句型。整节可以在游戏中度过。时 教 学 流 程教师行为学生行为堂变化及处

6、理主要环节的效果Step 1 arerTae five bets that belng t u and put then the tableExaple: (pis up a b) I have gt a bIve gt a bT: Has gt a b ?Step 2 Pratie1listen ,pint and find have gtDaing hasgtLaura has gtExplain t the students that the are ging t heara rerding f a letter fr LauraAs the students t lse their s

7、tudentsBsThen pla the rerding and as the students tlisten and he if their guesses are rret2、listen and saAfter pratiing the phrases, enurage thestudents t as eah ther questinD an exaple b asing a studentExaples: T: have u gt a ite?T: have u gt a pair f hpstis?3Listen and sa ,then hant 4Gae (n Page 2

8、)The students ust see learl that the are urthingsN pi up ne f the things and intrdue itusing have gtes ,he has /N he hasnt He has gt a S1: N, I haventS2: have u gt a pair f hpstis?S2: es, I have板书设计dule 6Unit 2I haventgt a ftball but Ive gt a basetballHave u gt a nife and fr rhpstis?作业设计1litenthe tape2ritethe ne rds 3aesentenes ,using “have gt /has gt ”教学后记


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