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《全民健身现状分析 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《全民健身现状分析 (17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、0摘摘 要要改革开放以来,我国人民已实现温饱,正走向小康。社会安定,经济发展,人民生活水平有了很大的提高。闲暇的时间增多,金钱的富裕,使人们开始有了各种各样的需求,其中最重要的一项就是对健康的需求。随着我国公费医疗制度的改革,人们更加认识到增强体质和增进健康的重要。创造一种良好的社会环境,形成一种崇尚健身、参与健身的社会风气,建立科学、文明、健康的生活方式,加强国民体质建设,是提高综合国力,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明的建设需要。全民健身计划是我国的一项跨世纪的、客观发展体育的计划,也是在广泛开展群众性体育基础上构建起来的系统工程,其根本目的在于大面积提高中华民族的身体素质和健康水平。因此本

2、文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析等方法,在查阅了前人大量相关资料的基础上,对我国当前城市社区实施全民健身计划的现状进行了调查以及综合分析,据此对存在的问题提出了发展体育俱乐部、乡镇文体站、家庭体育以及社区体育的对策与措施。关键词:健身;健康;健身计划关键词:健身;健康;健身计划1ABSTRACTSince the reform and open policy, our country people have realized the warm and sufficient condition, the trend is well-off. The social stability, the econ

3、omic development, the living standards had the very big enhancement. The leisure time increases, the money wealth, made the people to start to have various demands, most important one item was to the health demand. Along with our country socialized medicines reform, the people even more realized tha

4、t and improves ones health important to the enhancement physique. Creates one kind of good social environment, forms one kind of advocation fitness, the participation fitness social convention, establishes the science, the civilized, the health life style, strengthens the national system constructio

5、n, is enhances the comprehensive national strength, the promotion socialism material civilization and the spiritual civilization construction need. All-people body-building plan is our countrys one item cross-century, develops the sports plan objectively, is also widely is developing the systems eng

6、ineering which in the mass sports foundation constructs, its primary purpose lies in the big area to enhance the Chinese nation the physical quality and the health standard. Since the reform and open policy, our country people have realized the warm and sufficient condition, the trend is well-off. T

7、he social stability, the economic development, the living standards had the very big enhancement. The leisure time increases, the money wealth, made the people to start to have various demands, most important one item was to the health demand. Along with our country socialized medicines reform, the

8、people even more realized that and improves ones health important to the enhancement physique. Creates one kind of good social environment, forms one kind of advocation fitness, the participation fitness social convention, establishes the science, the civilized, the health life style, strengthens th

9、e national system construction, is enhances the comprehensive national strength, the promotion socialism material civilization and the spiritual civilization construction need. All-people 2body-building plan is our countrys one item cross-century, develops the sports plan objectively, is also widely

10、 is developing the systems engineering which in the mass sports foundation constructs, its primary purpose lies in the big area to enhance the Chinese nation the physical quality and the health standard. This article uses the literature material law, methods and so on logic analysis, in has consulte

11、d in the predecessor massive correlation data foundation, implemented all-people body-building plan to our country current city community the present situation to carry on the investigation as well as the generalized analysis. According to the above proposed the development sports club, the villages

12、 and towns literary style station, the family sports as well as the community sports countermeasure and the measure to the existence question. KeyKey words:words: Fitness;Fitness; Health;Health; TheThe FitnessFitness PlansPlans 3前前 言言现代社会经济发展的一个重要特征是越来越多的体力劳动被现代化机械设备所代替,科学技术与知识经济的迅速发展使社会进步加快。但在人类文明进


14、人口(一)体育人口体育人口是指长期和经常参加体育健康锻炼者在一个国家中所占整个人口的比例,它是体育活动普及程度的一个重要标志。2009 年 8 月 7 日,国家体育总局群体司公布了我国体育人口为 35.6%。据资料数据统计,北京 2001 年 4 月对体育人口的调查结果为41.5%。天津就活动点参与主体的职业情况来看,离退休人员居多,在调查的 612 名对象中有 508 人(占总数的 83%)是离退休人员,在职的仅有 44 人占 7%,此外还有 60 人(占总数的 10%)属于无职业、下岗人员或是外来人员等。辽宁体育人口为 44.55%。山东东部城市体育人口占调查数的 46.7%,西部城市为

15、21.2%。浙江省农村全民健身活动已达到一个新的水平,每周至少参加一次体育锻炼的占 96.37%,每周参加三次以上锻炼的达36.55%,其中每周参加五次以上锻炼的达 10.35%。江苏每周参加一次锻炼的占 35.6%,不锻炼的占 64.4%,其中 45.5%的男性和 37.2%的女性,42.5%的城市居民和 23.0%的农民。河南 16 岁以上人口中体育活动参加者占总人口的 29.51%,不参加体育活动者占总人口的70.49%,体育人口为 992 万,占总人口的 10.73%。宁、苏、锡、常四城市体育人口为34.76%。西安参加体育锻炼之年龄特征为:1822 岁参加体育锻炼的人数最多,为78.

16、2%;5566 岁次之,为 56%;2550 岁最少,为 32.1%。澳门目前体育人口为 38.4%。台湾体育人口 2010 年约 1200 万人。另外,将中国与国外部分发达国家(如:美国、英国、加拿大)体育人口状况进行比较,中国体育人口明显低于这些国家。据有关资料显示 2010年美国体育人口为 45%,2010 年英国体育人口 45%,2010 年加拿大体育人口是 48%。为了应对现代文明对人类健康带来的新问题,一个全球性的健康促进战略正在形成,随着社会的进步与发展,以及人民生活水平的提高与生活质量的改变,参加体育锻炼的人数将大幅度上涨,这是我国总的发展趋势1。(二)体育消费(二)体育消费在个人年体育消费方面,传统类、韵律类和竞技类群体主要在 200 元以下水平,占有较大比例。辽宁 2010 年的体育消费中,年消费 150 元以下的占 1/2,消费 150250 元的接近 1/3,消费 250 元以上的为 19%。山5东东部城市全民健身人均消费量在 101200 元和 201300 元的人数占 60%左右,西部城市全民健身人均消费量在 100



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