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1、产品合格证产品合格证CERTIFICATE产品名称产品名称 Product name型号规格型号规格 Model 出厂编号出厂编号 Serial no.出厂日期出厂日期 leave factory date中中 华华 人人 民民 共共 和和 国国苏州迪生电器有限公司苏州迪生电器有限公司Suzhou Disheng Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. 结结 论论 Conclusion产品经检验,符合产品标准和技术 条件规定的要求。The product is in line with the product standards and specified technic

2、al requirements.检验员 checker苏州迪生电苏州迪生电 器有限公司器有限公司 合格专用章合格专用章附注:附注:Remark苏州迪生电器有限公司Suzhou Disheng Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. DGCK,GGD2,GXL 例行(出厂)检验报告DGCK, GGD2, GXL routine (factory) inspection reports项目名称Project Name 编号 NO. RD-8.3-03-01产品名称Product Name: 型号规格Model: 出厂编号serial number:序 号 No.试验项目 te

3、sting items标准要求 standards测试设备 testing device测试结 果 Testing results 备注 remark1、电器元件应经过检验合格,有合格证明书。 electrical components should be subject to inspection, with a certificate of compliance目测 visual2、安装的电器元件与设备表相符合。the installation of electrical components and devices table match目测 visual3、壳体及门的几何尺寸、焊接表面

4、涂覆,电镀层 符合规定要求。Dimension of shell and door welding surface coating, electroplating layer meet requirements.目测 visual 3m 钢卷尺 3m steel tape4、接地、相序色标、联结、名牌数据正确无误。 ground, phase sequence color, link, brand-name data is correct.目测 visual1一般检查 General examination5、接地符号应明显,检查接地电路的联接性。 grounding symbols shou

5、ld be clear, check the connection of the ground circuit目测 visual1、主电路各带电部位与接地金属构件之间的电气 间隙及爬电距离应不小于 20mm。electrical distance and creepage distance between the parts the main circuit and metal components ground should be not less than 20mm. 2、电气间隙 electrical distance10mm2电气间隙爬电距 离3、爬电间隙 creepage dista

6、nce12.5mm0-150mm 钢 直尺 straight steel ruler1、任一可移开部件在同一规格的两个隔离室中各 抽插 5 次,检查互换情况,抽插应灵活。any parts can be removed in the same specification of the two isolation rooms inserted and taken out five times, check the exchange situation, inserted and taken out should be flexible.3手动操作试验互 换性试验 interchangeable

7、test a manual test 2、手动操作部件操作 5 次,操作灵活无卡手动操作 manual test滞现象。机械电气连锁有效。parts be manually operated five times, operation flexible, no clamping stagnation . Mechanical electrical chain effective.4通电操作 power operation通电操作 5 次,电器元件动作正常、仪表指示准确, 符合装置的电气设计要求。 Power operation five times, electrical components

8、 work well, instrument instruction accurate, meet the electrical design requirements. 通电操作台 Power console1、主电路与地之间 the main circuit and ground:2500V/1s2、主电路与各相之间 the main circuit and the phase:2500V/1s3、主电路与辅助电器之间 the main circuit and auxiliary appliance:2500V/1s4、辅助电路与地之间 the auxiliary circuit to g

9、round:2500V/1s5工频耐压试验 frequency voltage withstand test施加交流正弦 50Hz 电压 2500V,施压 时间 1s 施压 部位如下: voltage applied AC sinusoidal 50Hz 2500V, time 1s, position as follows:5、绝缘材料制造的外壳和手柄与 带电部件及裸导电部件施加 1.5 倍 电压。the insulating material of the shell and handle with live parts and bare conductive parts 1.5 time

10、s the voltage applied工频耐压试验 台 frequency voltage withstand test6保护电路连续性 试验 protection circuit continuity test金属安装结构与框架之间的紧固点应穿透不导电绝 缘层,接地电阻应100m,测量点不少于 5 处。 测试电流 10A。the fastening points between metal mounting structure and frame should penetrate non-conductive insulation, grounding resistance should

11、 be 100m, measuring not less than five points. Test current 10A.测试仪 tester1、主开关电器在断开位置时两个 断口之间 when the main electrical switch is off, between the two fracture2、主开关电器在闭合位置时的不 同极的带电部位之间。When the main electrical switch is on, between the live parts of different pole.3、主电路与控制电路之间。 between the main circ

12、uit and control circuit.绝缘电阻仪 Insulation resistance meter7绝缘电阻测量 Insulation resistance measurement绝缘电阻应1k/V 测 量部位如下 insulation resistance 1k / V measurement position as follows::4、各带电部件与金属框架之间。the live parts and metal frameworks.8外壳防护等级 shell protection gradeIP30:用2.5mm 铜棒,施加 10N 外力,不能进 入。IP30: with

13、 2.5mm copper, applied 10N force, can not enter.试棒 Test bars判定结论 conclusion日期 date测试人 tester 日期 date苏州迪生电器有限公司Suzhou Disheng Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. PZ30 例 行(出厂)检 验 报 告PZ30 routine (factory) inspection reports项目名称 Project name 编号 serial no. RD-8.3-03-02产品名称 product name:终端箱 terminal box 型号规格

14、model:PZ30- 出厂编号serial number:序 号 No.试验项目 testing items标准要求 standards测试设备 testing device测试结 果 Testing results 备注 remark1、电器元件应经过检验合格,有合格证明书。 electrical components should be subject to inspection, with a certificate of compliance目测 visual2、安装的电器元件与设备表相符合。the installation of electrical components and

15、devices table match目测 visual3、壳体及门的几何尺寸、焊接表面涂覆,电镀层 符合规定要求。Dimension of shell and door welding surface coating, electroplating layer meet requirements.目测 visual 3m 钢卷尺 3m steel tape4、接地、相序色标、联结、名牌数据正确无误。 ground, phase sequence color, link, brand-name data is correct.目测 visual1一般检查 General examination5、接地符号应明显,检查接地电路的联接性。 grounding symbols should be clear, check the connection of the ground circuit目测 visual1、主电路各带电部位与接地金属构件之间的电气 间隙及爬电距离应不小于 20mm。electrical distance and creepage distance between the pa



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