高三英语一轮复习课时作业 (22)

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1、1课时作业(二十二) 必修 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom.单项填空1(2011山东实验中学一模)It often rains in that area.Please take an umbrella with you._.AWell,it just depends BAll right,go aheadCYes,take one with me DOK,just in case2You should_the facts related to this problem,which can make others know you are innocent.Aclarif

2、y BjudgeCexplain Dexpress3Instead of buying only fresh foods,many people in modern society prefer to buy more_foods to make and eat more quickly.Aconvenience BjunkChealthy Dfatty4The police_the reporters to go to the spot where the accident happened and interview the old man who witnessed it.Aaccoun

3、ted for Barranged forCstood for Dcared for5The chairman is ill in hospital now,so we have no idea who will_in the coming conference.Atake his place Btake placeCtake place of him Dtake the place of6(2011新课标全国卷)They_have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.Awill BcanCmust Dshould7There a

4、re plenty of jobs_in the western part of the country.Apresent BavailableCprecious Dconvenient8My parents check our package carefully to make sure we dont_anything we will need on the trip.Aleave off Bleave outCleave about Dleave for9To my_,my pet dog,which was lost three days ago,came back safe and

5、sound.2Aattraction BerrorCcredit Ddelight10If what you say is not_with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children.Acontroversial BconsistentCconfident Dconsiderate11Do you know when_accident happened?I was not there,so I dont know the exact date.But it must be_Sunday because I was off du

6、ty only on Sundays.Athe;a Ba;aCa;/ Dthe;/12I wonder if it is_for you to pick me up on your way home this afternoon.Acomfortable BconvenientCenjoyable Dlegal13Nowadays,I find myself planning more and more but_less and less.Aclarifying BarrangingCrecognizing Daccomplishing14Compared with that of last

7、year,the price of housing in my county has increased by_10% so far.Asecretly BroughlyCoriginally Ddeeply15How was your journey to the countryside?It was great.The scenery was beautiful beyond_.Ainstitution BadministrationCcollection Ddescription.完形填空建议用时 15(2012江西抚州适应性测试)Recently,we went on a vacati

8、on for a week that involved visiting four different ports in the sunny and warm climate of the Caribbean.There were_1_of laughter,fun,and great food.Its a_2_thing when you go away that each day of the vacation also_3_to the end and a return to work.It was twelve years since we went on a vacation,so

9、this vacation was viewed with expectation of a great break away from my daily routine.And,we werent_4_.But there was something very different about this vacation compared to those when we worked in a cooperative_5_.The main_6_was that when we returned,when the vacation was rapidly drawing to a close

10、,we didnt have the same feelings of_7_stress and dread (恐惧)3In this most recent vacation,it wasnt that we_8_enjoy the various fun and new activities,the break away from routine,the pleasure of touring different countries and cultures,the_9_to do what we wanted when we wanted,or the leisurely_10_of e

11、ach day that was significant.What was significant was that we didnt _11_dread the last day of vacation.You see,we knew that we were_12_what we love to do not what we had to do.The feelings experienced in the last couple of days of vacation were viewed with the same joy as the very first days.In prev

12、ious times,the last days of vacation were dreaded.We experienced a mounting (日益严重的)_13_of stress_14_we knew that a return to our field of employment was “work” and not_15_that we loved and thoroughly enjoyed.The_16_is this:If you do what you love,it doesnt matter_17_that a vacation has to end.If you

13、 love what you do you will not _18_yourself wishing for even a few more days of vacation,or wishing that you could_19_enjoying this vacation for much,much longer.A love of what you do_20_you back like a magnet.,1.A.moments BpossibilitiesCsituations Dways2A.typical BbitterCwonderful Dfunny3A.comes up

14、 Bcounts downCgives out Ddies away4A.satisfied BtiredCdisappointed Doptimistic5A.situation BconditionCstate Denvironment6A.advantage BproblemCdifference Ddrawback7A.approaching BrelievingCbearing Dovercoming8A.necessarily BthoroughlyCabundantly Dsmoothly9A.opportunity BdesireCpossibility Dright10A.pattern Bpace Clifestyle Datmosphere11A.yet BstillCalso Deven412A.returning to Bsubmitting toCturning to Dheading for13A.number BknowledgeCsense Dawareness14A.although Band Cbecause Dif15A.anything BeverythingCnothing Dsomething16A.


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