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1、双语国旗下讲话稿:又见九月,从新开始双语国旗下讲话稿:又见九月,从新开始双语国旗下讲话稿:又见九月,从新开始尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:Dear teahers and fell students:大家上午好!今天我演讲的题目是又见九月,从新开始Gd rning! Tda tpi is Start again in Septeber当夕阳的余晖可以把我的身影拉得又斜又长的时候,我渐渐意识到了九月的临。云淡天高、凉风有情,丹桂飘香、虾蟹正肥。这是最美好的时节,属于播种希望、播撒习惯的季节。I graduall realize that the Septeber is ing hen figure

2、an be utstrethed b the radiane f the sunset, this is the best seasn ith light luds and a l breeze fr dreaing and ultivating gd habits 九月开学季,我们应该形成最良好的习惯,打下最牢固的根基,这样才能在学期末收获成功。在此,我建议每位同学都应该在学期初始养成以下五大习惯。In Septeber, e shuld ultivate gd habits and tae the firest fundatin s that e an sueed finall Here

3、I hpe everne an eep these fll five habits at the beginning f the seester一、读书习惯。古今中外在学术上有所建树的人,无一不具有良好的读书习惯。我国伟大的思想家孔子就有读书的好习惯。直到晚年,他还反复认真地读易经 ,因为长期的翻阅,串连竹简的牛皮带子都被磨断过多次。本学期,我校购进一批新书好书,为每个年级设立书吧,开展读书报告会和阅读座谈等活动,鼓励大家阅读,建设书香校园,我们也建议每位同学制定读书计划,互相监督、分享心得。First, reading habitThe peple h ade a great suess a

4、adeiall f all tie all have gd habits ust lie nfuiusHe still read B f hanges repeatedl and arefull in his later ears in lifeThe leather belt hih nneted the bab slips as frazzled fr an ties due t reading hrniall T enurage all f u t read and build a literar apus, e have bught an ne as ell as gd bs t se

5、t up b bars and start all inds f reading ativitiesAls, e prpse u t ae reading plans as ell as supervise and help eah ther二、学习习惯。在我们身边,有很多具有良好学习习惯的同学,我们要善于发现并向他们学习。早晨,有的同学早早到教室开始早读,绝不会浪费一分一秒。堂上坐姿端正,听讲认真,有问题先举手,决不随便打扰老师和其他同学;他们手里永远握着一支笔,及时做笔记,划重点,而不是东张西望,大喊大叫。晚自习也会及时、安静地复习日间所学,有问题便问老师,从不把问题留到第二天,拥有这样习

6、惯的同学成绩会差吗?Send, stud habit There are an lassates ith gd stud habits arund us, and e shuld find and learn sething fr the In the rning, se students e t the lassr and start t read ver earl In the lass, the sit prperl, listen t teahers arefull, never as questins ithut perissin and never disturb the teah

7、ers and ther students The ften tae ntes earnestl instead f gazing arund and elling The als revie hat the have learned in the da and as teahers fr help if the gt questins bviusl, the an d a gd b in studing ith gd habits三、卫生习惯。明天就是国际爱牙日,我们每个人都应该注重个人卫生,早晚刷牙,关爱牙齿。另外,我们还应该讲究环境卫生,本月 14 日是世界清洁地球日,27 日是世界旅游

8、日,我们应该借此契机养成保护环境的习惯,既要保持校园环境卫生,在外出游玩时也要注意自己的明形象,不大喊大叫,不拥挤插队,不乱丢垃圾。Third, hgieni habit Trr uld be Internatinal Teeth-are Da Everne shuld pa attentin t persnal hgiene and tae gd are f ur teeth b brushing teeth ever rning and night hats re, e als need t eep ur earth lean Septeber 14th uld be lean up th

9、e rld eeend, and 27th uld be rld Turis Da e ught t tae these hanes t ultivate the habit f prteting the envirnent nt nl n ur apus but als in utside Pa attentin t ur rds and deeds and n shuting, n uping the queue and n littering四、礼仪习惯。习近平主席在杭州 G20 峰会上说到“以心相交,方能久远”,提倡每个人以善为念、学会感恩;与高者为伍,与德者同行。九月是明礼貌月,在教

10、师节、中秋节等节日期间,大家更应该学礼、知礼、守礼。尊重老师,尊敬长辈,孝敬亲人、感恩他人。见到老师和家长要主动打招呼,任何场合不说脏话、不爆粗口,不欺负弱小,离开教室,能随时把桌椅摆好,把窗帘挽好,电器关闭,吃饭不浪费,不发出声响具备这些行为习惯的同学,他们都注定有不平凡的品质,是大家都愿意接近的人。Furth, etiquette In G20 Suit President Xi said Sinerit aes lifetie friends, hih advates the indness and gratefulness as ell as apaning ith the peple

11、 h are virtuus e shuld learn abut the etiquette, understand the etiquette and sti fr the etiquette during the hle Septeber sine the Teahers Da and iddle-autun Festival are ing Respet ur teahers and the elder, be filial and grateful Greet teahers and parents ativel and never sa bad rds N bulling, n l

12、eaving the lassr ithut leaning r utting ff the per, n asting, n taling ludl These students ith gd etiquette are ded t have gd qualities, and everne ants t ae friends ith the五、锻炼习惯。开学初,我们双语学校三年级以上进行了艰苦的全员军训,给我们很多温室里的花朵上了残酷但生动的一。没有好的身体,就没有一切,经过军训,同学们变黑了,但身体素质明显提升;很多同学哭了,但最后没有一个掉队,我们经受了从身体到意志品质到纪律素养的多重

13、磨练。但不能否认,还有些同学怕吃苦,还没有养成锻炼身体的好习惯,因此动辄生病、弱不禁风。所以本学期,每位同学都要在上午大间和下午活动时间坚持跑步,增强体魄。Lastl, exerise habit At the ver beginning f this ter, fr Grade 3 t Grade 10, the all had ilitar training, hih gave the students a ver ruel but livel lessn u nt ahieve anthing ithut gd health Althugh the students gt tanned,

14、 the prted a lt phsiall an f the ried, but the never gave up The experiened a lt nt nl in phsial and ental but as ell as in disipline It is undeniable that se students ften get si beause f fearing hardship and seld exerising S all f u shuld grasp ever hane t exerise t be strnger“九月筑场圃,十月纳禾稼”,你养成什么样的

15、习惯,以后就收获什么样的果实。可以说直接决定你的成功与否。你习惯爆粗口,终有一天因为这种习惯而受到教训;你习惯对人微笑,与人为善,而某个时候可能因此得福。命运的安排奇妙而有规律,它并不在天,而在于你自己。T reap as ne has sn Gd habits pla an iprtant rle in ur suess u ill learn ur lessn beause f bad habits Instead, u ill be lu beause f ur gd habits Everthing depends n urself当然,要养成好习惯,你得有坚韧的毅力。贵在坚持,难在坚持,成在坚持,好习惯在坚持中养成。好习惯造就好人生。同学们,让我们善始善终,养成好习惯吧!Perseverane is the st iprtant thing but als the st diffiult thing in ultivating gd habits N, ust persevere ur gd habits我的讲话完毕,谢谢大家!Thats all, than u!


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