高中英语必修2unit2 知识点导学案

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1、Unit 2 English around the world (Reading)【学习目标学习目标】1. To encourage students to think and talk about the difference between British and American English by using some phrases and structures.2. To develop the students reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentence

2、s, skimming and so on.【学习重点难点学习重点难点】The understanding and comprehension of the passage. And improve the students reading ability. 【学法指导学法指导】Read, copy and recite. 【学习内容学习内容】: 【自主学习自主学习】 一、单词速记一、单词速记 1 adj.官方的、正式的;公务的官方的、正式的;公务的 n办公室办公室 2 n航行;航航行;航 海海 3 adj.本国的;本地的本国的;本地的 n本地人;本国人本地人;本国人 4 adv.实际上;事实

3、上实际上;事实上 adj. 5 vt. 以以为根据为根据 n基部;基地;基础基部;基地;基础 6 adj.逐渐的;逐步的逐渐的;逐步的 adv.逐渐地;逐步地逐渐地;逐步地 7 n词汇;词汇量;词表词汇;词汇量;词表 8 adj.较后的;后半的;较后的;后半的; 9. n本身;本体;身份本身;本体;身份 10 adj.流利的;流畅的流利的;流畅的_adv.流利地;流畅地流利地;流畅地 11 adj.频繁的;常见的频繁的;常见的 adv.常常;频繁地常常;频繁地 12 n使用;用法;词语惯用法使用;用法;词语惯用法 vt. 二、短语翻译二、短语翻译 1 因为;由于因为;由于 2 走近;上来;提出

4、走近;上来;提出 3 现在;目前现在;目前 4 利用;使用利用;使用 5 例如例如;像这种的;像这种的 6 即使即使 7 以以为基础为基础 8 与与不同不同 【合作探究合作探究】 一、重点词汇一、重点词汇: : 1. native adj. 本地的,出生地的;天赋的 n. 本地人;出生于某国的人 be native to. be a native of 即学即练 1)China is our _, and Chinese is our _. 中国是我们的祖国,汉语是我们的母语。 2)The panda is _ China. (熊猫产于中国。) 3)He is _ Beijing. (他是北京

5、人。) 2.actually adv. 实际上;事实上 相近词汇:in factas a matter of fact, I dont know the truth. (说实在的, 我真不知道事实真相) 3. communicate v. 短语:communicate with 练习 翻译: 警察通过电话(互相)联络. The police each other by . 4. base v.“ ” n. “ “ base on 意思是“ ” be based on 意意思是“ ” 典例 . Actually, a countrys development is based on its ec

6、onomy.(事实上,一个国家的发展以 它的经济为基础。) 练习:我们的理论应该总是以实践为基础。(翻译句子) (1)We should always _ our theories practice. (2)Our theories should_ practice. 5. present n. adj. 、 vt. 典例 1). The bike is a birthday present from my parents.这自行车是父母给我的生日礼物。 2). I am afraid I cant help you at present. 恐怕现在我没法帮助你。 重点用法 at presen

7、t = 意思是“ ” be present at (反义: be absent from ) present sb.with sth = present sth. to sb.把某物送给某人 注意:1)They are making a study of the present world(他们正在研究当前的世界.) 2)Everyone present at the meeting was against the decision(参加会议的每个人都反对这决定.) 要点归纳:present 当“ ”时,作 定语;当“ ”讲时,作 定 语。 练习 汉译英: 孩子们老师献花。 1).The ch

8、ildren presented with . = The children presented . 2). All the people (出席会议的)were her supporters. 6. identify v. identification n. identity n. ID: Identity card 意思是 7. latter adj较后的,后面的; (两者中) 后者的 典例 Did he walk or swim across the river? The latter seems unlikely 他是趟过河还是游过河?后者似乎不可能。 latter 常用的含义“ ”,

9、常与 连用,固定搭配“the former,the latter”如:练习1).Did he go there by bike or on foot? The _ seems unlikely.A .latter B.late C.later D.lately 2).这是汤姆和戴维;后者是我的兄弟。Here are Tom and David; is my brother. 二、重点短语二、重点短语 : 1.because of 因为;由于 典例 他没去那是因为下雨。 1). He didnt go there because it rainded. 2). He didnt go there

10、 because of the rain. 短语归纳 because of 是复合介词, 后接 、 、 或 what 引导的宾语从句。 because 是从属连词,后接 ,引导 状语从句,。 练习 He came late to school again he got up too late. The girl cried _ what the teacher said. we have to put off our trip _ the bad weather. 翻译:因为生病他没去上学。He didnt go to school was ill.He didnt go to school

11、his illness. 拓展:还知道 because of 的同义短语吗? because of,owing to,due to,thanks to 四个短语都有“由于,因为”的意思,都是 短语,因此后面不可接从句。 2. would like +名词名词 “ ” would like +to do sth “ ” 翻译:1)你想要跟我们一起去吗? ?2)你想来杯澄汁吗? ? 3. be different from 意思是“ ” 翻译:我的电话和你的不同。My phone is . e up 走近;上来;发芽;发生;被提出; 典例 试着翻译 come up 在句中的含义: 1). The

12、boy came up to the stranger and told him how to get to the police station.( ) 2). The question will come up at the meeting.( ) 3). I am afraid something has come up.( ) 短语归纳 come up with: come about: come across: come back: come out: come to: 练习 用 come 构成的词组填空。 1). The magazine _ once a month. 2). The engineers has _ new ways of saving energy. 3). They _ an old school friend in the street this morning.5. make use of “ ” ( = take advantage of ) 典例 :You ought to make good use of any opportunity to practise English. 短语归纳 ma



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