人教新目标七下教案unit 11 单元总结

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1、人教新目标七下教案人教新目标七下教案 Unit 11 单元总结单元总结第四节 学案 单元基本知识 语言结构 Wh-引导的特殊疑问句 惯用语 what do you think of? I do, too/ I dont, either. 重点词汇Talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show, love, dont mind, cant stand, (dont) like, wallet, hair clip, belt, scarf, key ring, sunglasses, ring, watch. 重点句型 What do

2、you think of soap operas? I cant stand them. I dont either. I love “Tell it like it is!” I do, too. How about you? Welcome to 9 oclock weekend chat. Do you like to watch TV? Thanks for joining us. 知识点拨 What do you think of game shows? What do you think of? 是询问别人对某人或某物的看法的常用句型.of 的后面既可接人也可接物.意为:你认为(觉

3、得)怎么样?回答时应讲出自己的意见,看法等.例如: What do you think of Alice? 你觉得爱丽丝怎么样? Shes active. 她很活跃. 2. I wear colorful clothes because I want t be young and beautiful. colorful 是 color 加后缀-ful 构成的形容词,意为:颜色鲜艳的;多姿多彩的.例如: beautybeautiful care-careful hope-hopeful 相关资料 Soap opera 肥皂剧的由来 有些人以为 Soap opera 这个名字是因为这类连续剧休闲而

4、且冗长,为了节省时间,人们可以边洗泡沫裕边看连续剧而来的.但事实上,最早的肥皂剧指上世纪 30 年代美国无线电广播中的一种长篇广播连续剧,由于当时的赞助商主要是清洁剂厂商,期间插播的广告主要是肥皂广告,”肥皂剧”之名便由此而生. 第十一单元测试题(100 分) 一、词汇 根据词义及受字母填词。 (10 分) 1. He is _ (wear) a pair of sunglasses today. 2. He _ (not mind) the watch, but he likes wallet. 3. Thank you for _ (join) our country group! 4.

5、_ (not talk) to others when you are having classes. 5. I enjoyed_ (read) your article in the school magazine. 二、单项选择(20 分) ( ) 1. Can you please _ me another book? Certainly. Here you are. A. show B. to show C. shows D. showing ( ) 2. What he did made me _ unhappy. Oh, really? What did he do? A. fee

6、l B. feels C. to feel D. feeling ( ) 3. What does she think of the key ring? She _ it, but _ no money to buy it. A. like.have B. likes.has C. mind.has D. has.hasnt ( ) 4. What do you like doing? I enjoy _ at home and _ TV . A. stay.watch B. staying.watching C. to stay.to watch D. staying.to watch (

7、) 5. Do you have _ money on you? Let me see. Here _ a little money in the wallet. A. any.has B. some.is C. much.are D. many.have ( ) 6. What do you think of _ he did? I think he has no right _ it like that. A. what.to do B. where.to do C. how.doing D. when.doing ( ) 7. _ she have breakfast this morn

8、ing? No. She left home _ breakfast. A. Do.with B. Does.for C. Does.without D. Did.without ( ) 8. What _ you do list night? Some of us _ to the party. A. do.go B. did.went C. can.goes D. are.go ( ) 9. _ do you wear colorful clothes? _ I want to be young and beautiful. A. When.Because B. Why.Because C

9、. Where.When D. How.So ( ) 10. Did you mind my _ the door? No, I dont. You can do it as you like. A. close B. to close C. closing D. closeing 三、完成对话(20 分) A. What shows do you like? B. I think they are boring. C. What do you think of soap operas? D. My parents cant stand it. E. They are really inter

10、esting? A: Do you watch TV? B: Yes, I love it. _ (1) _ But my brother, sister and I love it. A: _ (2) _ B: Well, I like sports shows and I like sitcoms. My favorite is “The Smart Family”. I dont like talk shows. _ (3) _ Do you like them? A: I dont mind them, but I really like game shows. Do you watc

11、h “Million Dollar Baby”? B: Yes, but my favorite game show is “One, Two, Three”. A: Yes, its good. _ (4) _ B: Soap operas? Theyre awful! I cant stand them! Why? Do you watch them? A: Yes, I love them. _ (5) _ My favorite soap opera is “Houston Street”. B: Oh, yeah. My sister loves “Houston Street”.

12、She watches it, but I dont. I go to my room and close the door. 四、完型填空(20 分) The Pope (教皇) arrived at Heathrow airport (飞机场)and got straight into a car. “Im, rather _1_ for a very important meeting, my good man,” he told the driver. “Please go as fast as possible.” The driver agreed, _2_ he couldnt

13、do more than 100 kilometers an hour on that road. The Pope kept asking the driver to go faster, but he failed. It made him _3_. Then the Pope said, “look. I really _4_ get to this meeting. Its very important. You sit _5_ and Ill drive.” Being a good Catholic lad (天主教皇),the driver felt he should do _

14、6_ he told him. So they changedtheir _7_ and went on. The Pope really put his _8_ down and they were doing well over 160 kilometers an hour. But a few kilometers down the road they got pulled over by the police. A policeman came over to the car. Looked in and then walked away to call his chief (长官)。

15、 “Chief, Chief,”he said into his radio, “I might have just stopped_9_ really, really important.” “ Is it the prime minister (首相)?” asked the chief. “No,” said the policeman, “More important than him.” “Well, is it the Queen (女王)?” asked the chief. “No, sir,” answered the policeman, “More important than her.” “Well, who is it then?” asked the chief. “I dont know, sir,” said the policeman, “But he has got the Pope _10_ him around.” ( ) 1. A. waiting B. busy C. tired D. late ( )



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