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1、 GMAT 非官方指南非官方指南 阅读阅读部分部分 指导教师: 英吉指导教师: 英吉400400- -638638- -5 5988988 http:/http:/ 1 GMAT 阅读阅读每日一题详解(每日一题详解(GMAT 非官方指南)非官方指南) 指导教师:博智英吉老师指导教师:博智英吉老师 说明说明: 1、此文档一共此文档一共 28 篇篇阅读阅读,把所有题目跟着做下来,您的把所有题目跟着做下来,您的逻辑逻辑正确率应该在正确率应该在 70%以上以上 了,加油哦!了,加油哦! 2、这个系列还有语法、这个系列还有语法、逻辑逻辑,OG13 更多请关注人人网更多请关注人人网“英吉英吉”老师公共主页

2、!老师公共主页! 3、如果你看解析之前先把题目做做会更好的!如果你看解析之前先把题目做做会更好的! 英吉人人网:英吉人人网:http:/ GMAT 非官方指南非官方指南 阅读阅读部分部分 指导教师: 英吉指导教师: 英吉400400- -638638- -5 5988988 http:/http:/ 2 第一篇第一篇 In the 1980s, astronomer Bohdan Paczynski proposed a way of determining whether the enormous dark halo constituting the outermost part of th

3、e Milky Way galaxy is composed of MACHOs (massive compact halo objects), which are astronomical objects too dim to be visible. Paczynski reasoned that if MACHOs make up this halo, a MACHO would occasionally drift in front of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a bright galaxy near the Milky Way. T

4、he gravity of a MACHO that had so drifted, astronomers agree, would cause the stars light rays, which would otherwise diverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the star would temporarily appear to brighten, a process known as microlensing. Because many individual stars are of intrin

5、sically variable brightness, some astronomers have contended that the brightening of intrinsically variable stars can be mistaken for microlensing. However, whereas the different colors of light emitted by an intrinsically variable star are affected differently when the star brightens, all of a star

6、s colors are equally affected by microlensing. Thus, if a MACHO magnifies a stars red light tenfold, it will do the same to the stars blue light and yellow light. Moreover, it is highly unlikely that a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud will undergo microlensing more than once, because the chance th

7、at a second MACHO would pass in front of exactly the same star is minuscule. 文章概况: 开头说有一些宇航员提出了一种方法, 并用这种方法测试 hale 中是否包含 macho, 这种 macho 肉眼是看不到的。后面就开始不停的论述这个观点,中间的推导过程实在读不 懂,反正和 light ray 和颜色有点关系,这个推导过程一直持续到文章结尾。 Question# 1. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would cons

8、titute the strongest evidence of the microlensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud? (A) The brightness of such a star is observed to vary at irregular intervals. (B) The brightening of such a star is observed to be of shorter duration than the brightening of neighboring stars. (C) The red lig

9、ht of such a star is observed to be brighter than its yellow light and its blue light (D) The red light, yellow light, and blue light of such a star are observed to be magnified temporarily by the same factor. (E) The red light of such a star is observed to have increased tenfold. 问的是细节,我们根据 microle

10、nsing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud?来定位,但是这 个破词全篇都是,问题起不到作用了,怎么办?我们来看看选项!这些选项好像都和星星的 亮度和光被观测到有关系, 如果选项存在一个共同点, 那就证明你要读到的原文应该包含这 些共同点,我们来看看原文哪句话说得是这些亮度和光被观察,应该是 microlensing 这个词 出现的第一句:the gravity of a MACHO that had so drifted, astronomers agree, would cause the GMAT 非官方指南非官方指南 阅读阅读部分部分 指导

11、教师: 英吉指导教师: 英吉400400- -638638- -5 5988988 http:/http:/ 3 stars light rays, which would otherwise diverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the star would temporarily appear to brighten, a process known as microlensing. 这句话的大致 意思是 MACHO 重力飘移将会导致曾经分散的光聚集到一起,这样从地球上看起来,这些 星就会看起来更亮一些!我们来

12、看看选项 A 说观测是有不规则的间断,没提,杀 B 说亮度持续时间比旁边的星短,说持续时间问题,没提,杀 C 说红光比黄光和蓝光看起来亮,反正说更亮的问题,有点关系,留着 D 说这些光被放大了,也有关系,留着 E 说星的红光增加了 tenfold,没提,杀 C 和 D 最大的差距在于 C 强调的是这些光自己哪个比哪个亮而 D 强调的是这些光集体被弄 亮了,原文说的是这些光一起被聚集到一起了,D 更好! Question# 2. According to the passage, Paczynskis theory presumes that if MACHOs constituted the

13、Milky Ways dark halo, occasionally a MACHO would (A) drift so as to lie in a direct line between two stars in the outer Milky Way (B) affect the light rays of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud with the result that the star would seem for a time to brighten (C) become obscured as a result of the m

14、icrolensing of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud (D) temporarily increase the apparent brightness of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud by increasing the gravity of the star (E) magnify each color in the spectrum of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud by a different amount 问如果 MACHO 包括了 milky

15、Way dark halo,MACHO 将会怎么样?既然问的是 MACHO 会怎样, 首先想根据 MACHO 来定位, 但是这个词文章太多了, 没用, 只能根据 Milky Ways dark halo 来定位,我们可以找到文章第一句话,但是这句话我们刚才已经读过了,说得只是 一个现象,没有说如果某个条件存在之后 MACHO 会产生什么结果?我们继续往后读,后 面大概强调的是重力导致光聚集, 从地球上观测这些光会更亮一些。 我们根据这个内容来看 选项。 A 说 MACHO 会在什么一个位置上,没提,杀 B 说影响光线导致星看起来会更亮一些,沾边,留着 C 变得模糊了,方向反了,杀 D 通过重力增加使得亮度增加,沾边,也留着 E 不同程度地放大了颜色,没提,杀 B 和 D 进行比较,B 说 MACHO 会影响到光从而使得星看起来亮一些,而 D 强调 MACHO 通过增加星的重力来增加亮度,文章说得是 MACHO 重力会影响光聚集,不是 MACHO 增 加了星的重力,与文章所说信息不符合, GMAT 非官方指南非官方指南 阅读阅读部分部分 指导教师: 英吉指导教师: 英吉400400- -638638-



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