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1、海洋科学导论名词解释 Lithosphere岩石圈:软流圈以上的刚性固体物质层,包括地壳和上地幔顶部的刚性岩层,地壳与地幔 的 M 面夹在岩石圈内部。 2Mid-ocean ridge and rise systems 洋中脊及隆起系统:贯穿洋盆的一系列海底山脉,延伸可达 65000km,比临近的隆起高 2- 3km,一般宽 1000-3000km。若这些山脉陡峭狭窄则称为洋中脊,若平缓且宽则为隆起。 洋中脊有中央裂,而隆起则没有中央裂谷而是延中央抬升。延洋中脊及隆起轴向有宽约 2km 的狭窄火山带。洋中脊是离散型板块边界,板块相互远离形成新的地壳。 3Ocean trenches 海沟:海底

2、狭窄陡峭的深沟。深 6000-11000km,主要分布在太平洋,一些海沟在火山岛链 附近,一些则分布在中美及南美边缘。海沟是汇聚型板块边界,相向运动形成消减带消灭 旧地壳。 4Transform fault(转换断层) Fault with horizontal displacement connecting the ends of an offset in a mid-ocean ridge. Some plates slide past each other along a transform fault. The opposite sides of a transform fault a

3、re two different plates that are moving in opposite directions.5.Divergent plate boundaries(离散板块边界): plate boundaries diverge or move apart at the mid-ocean ridge where new lithosphere is formed.Convergent plate boundaries(汇聚板块边界): At the trenches, plate converge, or move toward each other, destroyi

4、ng old lithosphere at subduction zones.6. Hot Spots(热点) Scattered around the Earth are approximately forty fixed areas of isolated volcanic activity. Hot Spots periodically channel hot material to the surface from deep within the mantle, and may form a volcanic peak, or seamount, directly above, or

5、may produce a broad swelling of the ocean floor or the continent. Hot spots may also resupply the asthenosphere, which is constantly cooling and becoming attached to the base of the lithosphere, thickening the plates. 7.Rift valley Trough formed by faulting along a zone in which plates move apart an

6、d new crust is created, such as along the crest of a ridge system. 8.Rift zone A region where the lithosphere splits and separates allowing new crustal material to intrude into the crack or rift. 9. polar wandering curve A plot of the apparent location of the Earths north magnetic pole as a function

7、 of geologic time. 10.Turbidity current Moving flows of sediment and water. Travel at speeds up to 90km per hour and carry in suspension up to 300kg of sediment per cubic meter Fast-moving avalanches of mud, sand, and water that flow down the slop, eroding and picking up sediment as they gain speed.

8、 11.TurbiditeSediment deposited by a turbidity current, showing a pattern of coarse particles at the bottom, grading gradually upward to fine silt. 12. Guyots Submerged, flat-toped seamounts. Seamounts, Steep-sided volcanoes rising abruptly and sometimes piercing the surface to become islands13. Ato

9、ll(环礁) When a seamount pierces the sea surface to form an island, it provides a base on which the coral can grow.If the seamount sinks of subsides slowly enough, the coral continues to grow upward at a rate that is not exceeded by the rising water. If the process continues, eventually the seamount d

10、isappears below the surface and the coral reef is left as a ring, or atoll.14.CCD ( carbonate compensate depth 碳酸盐补偿深度 ) 深海底分布着大面积的碳酸盐沉积,但碳酸盐随着水深溶解度加大,在一定的深度上,从 上覆水层沉降而供应的碳酸盐和溶解而失去的碳酸盐数量相等,这个深度就称为碳酸盐补 偿界面 。 15. Monsoon(季风) monsoon name for seasonal winds; first applied to the winds over the Arabian

11、Sea, which blow for six months from the northeast and for six months from the southwest; now extended to similar winds in other parts of the world; in India, the term is popularly applied to the southwest monsoon and also to the rains that it brings.16.El Nio(厄尔尼诺) El Nio wind-driven reversal of the

12、 Pacific equatorial currents resulting in the movement of warm water toward the coasts of the Americas, so called because it generally develops just after Christmas.17.thermocline(温跃层) Below the 100 m surface layer the temperature decreases rapidly with depth to the 1000 m level. A zone with a rapid

13、 change in temperature with depth is called a thermocline.18.upwelling and downwelling(上升流和下降流)Upwelling and downwelling refer to vertical motion of water upward or downward. They are present in thermohaline circulation but can also be caused by wind-driven surface currents. When the surface waters

14、are driven together by the wind or against a coast, a surface convergence is formed. Water at a surface convergence sinks, or downwells. When the wind blows surface waters away from each other or away from a coast, a surface divergence occurs and water from below is upwelled. Areas of thermohaline c

15、irculation where water sinks are called downwelling zones; areas of rising waters are upwelling zones. 19.Geostrophic flow Horizontal flow of water occurring when there is a balance between gravitational forces and the Coriolis effect. The currents flow smoothly around the gyre parallel to its eleva

16、tion contours.20.The Kuroshio Current(黑潮)Moving from south to north along the east coast of Japan. The trade winds move the water away from Central and South America and pile it up against Asia, while the westerlies move the water away from Asia and push it against the west coast of North America. The water that accumulates in one area must flow toward areas from which the water has been removed. 21.seismic sea waves or tsunamis Sudden movements of the Ear


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