月考试卷1-5 (100)

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《月考试卷1-5 (100)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《月考试卷1-5 (100)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1-5 单元测试单元测试一 根据音标拼写单词(10)1 The sweater feels very _ / /.2 Are you afraid of the dark? -Yes! Im _ / / of the dark!3 What bout her _ / / life?4 Old women like _ / / with orhers.5 She is _ / / enough to be a good teacher.6 Cancer is the leading cause of his _ / /.7 We want some _ / / to help look afte

2、r those old people.8 If I were you, I would _ / / his invitation to his birthday party.9 There are many books on the _/ / in the school library.10 He _/ / me a glass of hot water.二 单项选择(29)1 All of us were _ in the _ news.A interested, interesting B interested, interested C interesting. interested D

3、 interesting , interesting2 She seldom speaks English after class, for she was afraid _ mistakes _ grammar.A to make, of B making, of C to make in D of making, on3 Youd better _ her number in the phone book.A look into B look for C look up D look at4 Ba Jin, one of the greatest writers in China, _ a

4、s “Peoples Writer”.A is regarded B has regarded C is regarding D regards5 The girl is lying on the grass, with her eyes _.A opening B opened C to be opening D open6 Im afraid of _ in the exam.A fail B failing C to fail D failed7 My brother spends too much time _ computer games.A to play B play C pla

5、ys D playing8 Our life _ a lot in the last ten years.A have changed B has changed C changing D changed9 The boss made his workers _ from moring till night.A to work B work C working D worked10 He can hardly sing or dance, _ he?A did B doesnt C cant D can11 All of our Chinese take _ Liu Xiang.A proud

6、 in B pride in C proud of D pride of12 Maths and Physics are difficult for him. So he wants to _.A give up them B give back C go on D give them up13 Mr Smith wants to have his bike _.A repairs B repairing C to repair D repaired14 Its not a good habit to _ late because the next day youll feel tired.A

7、 get up B clean up C stay up D make up15 This dictionary mustnt _ from the library.A take away B taken away C be taken away D are taken away16 Teenagers _ allowed to drive in the street.A not should be B should not C should not be D should be not 17 Must I finish the work today, Mom? No, you _. You

8、can finish it tomorrow.A mustnt B cant C shouldnt D neednt18 Meimei read books when she was only three years old. - _.A So could Joe B So Joe did C So did Joe D So joe could19 _ people play the basketball for fun and exercise, but few people know how the sport started.A Million of B Millions of C Tw

9、o millins D Two millions of20 Youd better read todays newspaper because there is _ in it.A nothing new B anything interesting C something intereting D miportant thing21 Harry Potter was very popular as soon as it _.A came out B came in C came up with D came across22 What about playing football this

10、afternoon, Sam?-I would rather _ at home than _ football. Its too hot outside.A Stay, play B stay, playing C to stay, playing D to stay, to play23 Jim is very friendly to others. Its easy to _ him.A get ready B get together C get on well with D get alone well with24 Here is a becautiful dress. The o

11、wner _ be a boy.A cant B might C must D could25 Look at that tennis racket. _ it _ you?A Does, belong to B Is, belong to C Does, belong D Is, /26 He _ his wallet on the ground.A fell B forget C dropped D felt27 Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are _.A his and hers B him and hers C him

12、 and her D his and her28 What will happen _ people if they dont protect the environmentA on B for C to D at29 There must be something in the bag, _?A neednt there B isnt there C mustnt there D is there三 动词适当形式填空(28)1 He has some trouble _ (work) out the math problem.2 _ (give) it up would be like sa

13、ying goodbye to an old friend.3 I heard him _ (sing) when I passed his room.4 It is very _ (help) to have conversations with foreigners.5 After hearing her words, my mother was very _ (impression).6 The old should _ (speak) to politely.7 Look at the sign! Its not _ (allow) to smoke here.8 The mistak

14、es must _ (correct) on time.9 I dont know what _ (bring) to the party.10 What would you do if you _ (win) a million dollars?11 Dont be _ (worry) when you are in trouble.12 You shouldnt wear my shirt without my _ (permit).13 Now advertisements can _ (see) newspapers, on TV and in the streets.first of all, decide to, improve, pronounce, bore1 Watching movies is a good way _ your English.2 Some students think studyin



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