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1、英语听力考试第英语听力考试第 30 到到 50 听写的听力文本听写的听力文本30,Americans Leisure Activities 美国人的休闲活动 Leisure activities include things like watching television, seeing friends or exercising. 休闲活动包括看电视,H 拜访朋友或运动这类的事。 Both men and women reported that they spent about half their leisure time watching television. 据报告,男性和女性会花

2、大约一半的休闲时间在电视上。Visiting friends and attending social events was the next most common leisure activity for both sexes. 拜访朋友和参加社会活动则摆在第二位。 The average adult spends almost two hours a day on household activities like cooking, cleaning and paying bills. 一般人会花将近两小时在煮饭,清洁,付 账单等家事上。 Women spend more time on

3、 child care and housework than men do even when the women are employed. 比起男性来说,女性花更多的时间在照顾孩 子和做家务,即使她们也在工作。 Men, however, spend more time at work. 男性的大部分时间则在工作。 Men also spend more time on leisure activities and sports. 当然,他们也花 时间在休闲活动和运动上, They average five hours twenty minutes a day, half an hour

4、more than women. 一天一般 5 小时 20 分钟,比女性多了半小时。 Older Americans spent more of their leisure time watching TV and reading than younger people. 美国老年人花在看电视和阅读上的休闲时间比年轻人多。Younger people reported spending more time with friends, using the computer and playing sports. 根据报告来看,年轻人更多的时间是和朋友一起,玩电脑 或运动。 In all, nin

5、eteen percent of men and sixteen percent of women played sports on any given day. 而且据统计,无论在哪一天,都会有大约 19%的男性和 16%的 女性在做运动。 31,Educational Technology 教育技术 How do American schools use educational technology? 美国学校是如果使用 教育技术的呢? There is not a simple answer. 没有一个简单的答案。 It depends on the subject and level

6、of students, of course. 这当然取决于科目 和学生水平的不同, But it also depends on the interest and training of the teachers, and the goals and budgets of the schools. 但也与老师的兴趣,所接受的培训以及学校的教 学目标和财务预算有关。 Schools are almost all connected to the Internet. 几乎所有学校都有互联网, But some have more technology, and use it more than

7、others. 但相比其他学 校,一些学校使用更多的技术或使用互联网更为频繁。 For example, some schools use computers for activities like video conferencing, to bring the world into the classroom. 例如,有些学习型会用电脑组织一些诸如视频会议之类的活动,把世界带到课堂上。 And some classrooms are equipped with things like an interactive whiteboard. 有些教室配有大显示屏的交互式白板。 Interact

8、ive whiteboards are large displays for presentations. 交互式白板是用 于展示的大显示屏, They connect to a computer and can operate by touch. 它们与电脑连接后可 以通过触摸进行操作, They can be used for documents or writing or to project video. 用于文档,书 写或放映视频。 Some teachers are trying creative new ways to teach with devices like mobile

9、 phones. 一些老师正尝试使用移动电话之类的设备进行创新教学。 But educators say the most important thing is the content. 但教育者说最重要 的仍然是内容。 32,TOEIC, which stands for the Test of English for International Communication, TOEIC 是 Test of English for International Communication 的缩写, measures the ability of people to communicate in

10、 the workplace using everyday English. 考查人们在工作场合使用日常英语的能力。 More than 9,000 organizations use the test in more than 90 countries. 90 多 个国家的 9000 多个组织使用这项考试。 Non-native English speakers take the test to demonstrate their English skills when seeking a new job or a promotion. 母语非英语者参加这项考试,以在 求职或晋升时证明自己的

11、英语能力。 Some organizations use the TOEIC to measure progress in English training programs and as a placement test. 有些组织使用托业来评估英语培训课程的 进步或者把它当作分级考试。 The cost of the test is set locally in each country. 考试费用每个国家不一样。 The TOEIC is really two tests. 托业考试实际上是两门考试, People can take one or both of them. 人们可以选择

12、一种或两种参加。 One is a paper-and-pencil test, which measures listening and reading skills. 一种是纸质考试,测试听力和阅读技能; The other test given on a computer measures speaking and writing skills. 另 一种是计算机考试,测试说话和写作技能。 Eleven questions on the computer test require speaking. 计算机考试有 11 道 题要求说英语。 For example, the test ta

13、ker is asked to read out loud or describe a picture. 例如,参考者会被要求大声朗读或者描述一幅图片。 Eight other questions require written answers, including an opinion essay. 另 外有 8 道题要求写出答案,包括一篇意见表述类文章。 33, Dictionary 词典 A dictionary is a reference book that focuses on defining words and phrases, including multiple meani

14、ngs. 词典是一种参考书,主要给词和词组下定义,并 包括多种含义。 The most frequently used dictionary is a language dictionary that includes the majority of frequently used words in a language. 最常见的词典是包含一门语 言中大部分常用词的语言类词典, Language dictionaries are made for different types of users: 这类字典针对不 同的读者而编写: scholars, office workers, scho

15、ols, and second language learners. 学者,办 公室人员,学校,二语学习者。 There are many competing dictionaries put out by different companies. 很多 由不同公司出版的词典很具有竞争力, Not only do they have different forms-paperback, hardback, and online editions-but they differ in other ways. 它们不仅装订形式不一,有平装本,精 装本以及在线版本,在很多方面也有不同。 Each c

16、ompany, for example, uses its own version of phonetic respelling based on the research done by its experts. 例如,每家公司都使用由自己的 专家研发的语音重拼法。 Other differences between dictionaries show up in other features. 词典的不 同还体现在其他特色上。 Many dictionaries include their experts guidance on grammar, usage, and the history of the language. 很多词典含有其专家对语法,用法,语言史的指导意 见。 Definitions differ slightly, and sample sentences may be the work of the editorial sta



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