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1、期中测试一、英汉互译。(30)收集_ 最喜欢的节目_ 爱好_ 你的地址_骑自行车_ 特殊的_ 四千公里_ 一幅美国地图_Chinatown_ stamp_square_ man(复数)_ woman(复数)_ another_restaurant_ 二、读一读,连一连。(24)family 北方 长城 lanterntomorrow 美国 看一看 Flag Daynorth 思念 明信片 mealAmerica 收集 国庆日 the Great Wallmiss 家庭 灯笼 look atcollect 明天 一餐,一顿饭 postcard三、选择题。(10)( )1. We watch TV

2、 Thanksgiving Day.Ato B.on C.in D. with( ) 2. A: Its a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, _ is yellow. A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me( )3. Now you can have _ Chinese stamp. A. another B. other C. the other D. the other of( )4. My parents(父母) often tell me _ your family . A. about B. from C. for D. by( )5.

3、Beijing_ fourteen million people.A. has got B.has get C.have got D.have get( )6.How long is the Great Wall?Its _six thousand seven hundred kilometers.A. got B. about C.of D.have( )7.There _two apples in the basket.A. is B. are C. has D.have( )8.There _ a pen and two books on desk.A. is B. are C. has

4、 D. have( )9.New York is _of America.A. in the east of B. on the east of C.at the east of D. from the east of ( )10. Is it a picture _ your school ? A. of B. to C. and D. with四、连词成句(14)1. these, great, are, postcards_ 2.be, Chinese, can, friend, pen, you, my,_ 3. Day, what, do, Thanksgiving, on, you

5、, do_ 4. festival, your, whats, favourite _ 5. you, American, have, got, stamps, any_ 6.there, lots of, are, shops, there, restaurants, and_ 7.in, American, New, York, the, is, of, east_五、 把节日与其相关的活动对应连线。 (12)1. Thanksgiving Day A. We have a big Christmas tree. And we sing Christmas songs.2. Spring

6、Festival B.We all to to see the Dragon Boat race.3. Dragon Boat Festival C. We always have a special meal. Its a big family dinner.4.Christmas Day D. We can eat dumplings. 六、快速阅读,选择正确的答案。(10)Mary is seven. She can go to school. It is the first day at school. Her teachers are very good. The other (其他

7、的) children are very friendly (友好的). She likes the school very much. After school, she goes home with the other children.The next day, she doesnt go home with the other children. She asks a question to the teacher, Miss Brown. “What did I do at school today?” “Why (为什么) do you ask me the question?”

8、Miss Brown asks her. “Because my mother will ask me the question at home.”( ) 1. Mary _ the first day at school.A. doesnt like B. likes ( ) 2. The other boys and girls in her school are very .A. lovely B. good C. friendly( ) 3. Marys teacher is .A. Mrs. Brown B. Miss Green C. Miss Brown( ) 4. On , she goes home with the other children.A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day( ) 5. At home, Marys mother will ask her .A. what she did at school B. where she was C. who is her teacher


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