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1、学习写作需要了解的相关知识学习写作需要了解的相关知识英语课程标准对写作的要求英语课程标准对写作的要求级别级别适应适应 年级年级要求要求三级三级初一初一1能正确使用常用的标点符号;2能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息3能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候卡和邀请卡;4能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。四级四级初二初二1能正确使用标点符号;2能用词组或简单句为自己创作的图片写出说明;3能写出简短的文段,如简单的指令、规则;4能在教师的帮助下或以小组讨论的方式起草和修改作文。五级五级初三初三1能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;2能独立起草短文、短信等。并在教师的指导下进行修改;3能使用常见的连接

2、词表示顺序和逻辑关系;4能简单描述人物或事件;5能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。英语课程标准话题项目英语课程标准话题项目1. 个人情况个人情况 Personal information a. Individual data (name, age, date of birth, place of birth, telephone number, address)b. Family data (name, age, relationship, etc.)c. School data (school, grade, class, teacher, etc.)d. Data uses (

3、filling out forms and applications, etc.)e. Jobs and career (office worker, worker, teacher, doctor, farmer, driver, official, etc.)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人家庭、朋友与周围的人 Family, friends and people around a. family and relatives b. Friends c. Other people 3. 周围的环境周围的环境 Personal environmentsa. Kinds of homes (apart

4、ment, house, dormitory) b. Rooms in homesc. Furniture and home items d. Schools e. Outside (grocery store, book shop, clothing store, market, bank, library, museum, cinema, theater, park, road, etc.)4. 日常活动日常活动 Daily routines a. Getting ready (time for school, playing, bed)b. Dressing, brushing teet

5、h, washing hands and face, taking a showerc. Eating d. Homework e. Family time5. 学校生活学校生活 School lifea. School building / organization b. People c. Subjectsd. Activities e. Instructions f. Educational methods6. 兴趣与爱好兴趣与爱好 Interest and hobbies a. Lessons (music, dance, acting, sport, etc.)b. Games (p

6、hysical games, computer games, sports, etc.)c. Hobbies (collecting stamps, coins, dolls, etc.) d. Readinge. Cultural events (film, theater, concert, opera, etc.) f. Entertainment娱乐娱乐 g. Socializing(having parties, issuing invitations发布邀请发布邀请, going for picnics / sightseeing, entertaining guests招待的客人

7、招待的客人) h. Expressing your reactions to these activities.7. 个人情感个人情感 Emotions a. Describing feelings (happy, sad, angry, upset, pleased, proud, lonely, worried, nervous, afraid) b. Expressing emotions (smiling, laughing, crying, shouting, etc.) c. Describing facial expressions and gestures面部表情和姿态面部表情

8、和姿态8. 人际关系人际关系 Interpersonal relationships a. People (parent, brother, friend, neighbor, teacher)b. Social behaviors (greeting问候问候, introducing, giving thanks, asking for permission允许允许 / help, solving problems, dealing with conflicts冲突冲突, etc.)c. Getting together ( making plans / arrangements安排安排,

9、time, date, place, event. etc.)9. 计划与愿望计划与愿望 Plans and intentions a. Planning ( holidays, social events, travel, further education, jobs, etc.)b. Organizing(asking for advice / help / permission, exploring possibilities探索的可能性探索的可能性, expressing needs and wants, etc.)10. 节假日活动节假日活动 Festivals, holidays

10、 and celebrations. a. Cultural festivals b. Religious holidays宗教假日c. Personal celebrations ( birthday, anniversary周年纪念, graduation毕业, etc.)d. Describing your own experiences of these activities and stating your own preferences, etc.11. 购物购物 Shopping a. Planning (shopping list, needs, wants, etc.) b.

11、 Paying (price, quantity, etc.)c.Products ( clothes, groceries, personal items, electronics, etc.)d. Selecting ( quality, weights, measures, size, color, style, etc.)12. 饮食饮食 Food and drink a. Meats b. Soups c. Vegetables d. Staple food (rice, bread, noodles, cake) e. Drinks f. Fast foodsg. Snacks (

12、ice cream, chips, etc.)h. Eating customs (ways of eating, kinds of food, times to eat, table manners, chopsticks, knife, fork) i. Ordering and offering different foods and drinksj. Likes and dislikes (favorite food, favorite drinks, etc.)13. 健康健康 Health a. Eating habits b. Physical fitness体育健身 and e

13、xercises c. Personal hygiene个人卫生 d. Illnesses e. Medications疗程 f. Accidents g. Doctors, nurses Sincerely/ Truly yours.写给年长者、老师或上级用写给年长者、老师或上级用:Yours respectfully, Very respectfully yours.写给朋友或认识的人用写给朋友或认识的人用:Yours sincerely, Very sincerely yours.6)签名:签名:在结束语下面签上写信人的姓名。注:注:私人信件主要是亲属、友人之间的通讯,因此不像正式信件那

14、样规范,书信套用得比较少。收信人地址这一部分一般不用:信首部分,写信人的地址也可以省略,只留下日期。C 日记日记1)日记的格式日记的格式为:左上角顶格写星期、日期(或日期、星期) ,右上角写天气情况;第二行写日记的小标题,也可不写2)日记的时态日记的时态特点:通常使用过去时,记叙所发生的情况。若为议论某事、抒情或描景写人时,为了生动,也可用一般现在时。3)有关天气的写法天气的写法:Fine(晴)Rainy(雨)Cloudy(阴)Snowy(雪)Windy(风)Hot(热)Warm(暖和)Shower(阵雨)Thundering(雷雨)Foggy(雾)等。在具体解题时,我们先要认真审题,明确要求

15、,列出要点,然后选用合适的句型,添加一些必要的细节,并用连词将各要点串起来,使之组成一篇意思连贯的短文。如何写好英语作文如何写好英语作文1先练好简单句先练好简单句。文章是由句子组成的。句子有两大类:简单句和复合句。复合句是由两个或两个以上的简单句用从属连词连接而成的,因此练好简单句便成了基础的基础。2注意英语表达习惯。注意英语表达习惯。英汉两种语言有各自不同的表达方式和习惯,由于受到母语的影响,学生经常把汉语的思维方法套到英语上面,如写出这样的错句错句:She very like English. My body is so strong that I seldom fall ill. I have joined the football team for two years. Make our cities greener is very important. One of the advantage is bicycles is cheaper than car. 要避免这类错误,应该注意模仿课文或所读文章中的词汇和句法手段,留心观察其表达法,增强结构意识,提高英语语感,尽量用英语思维来写英语。3多做写作训练,在



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